Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Belfast
No. | Item | ||||||||
Summons Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted the summons convening the meeting. |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: An apology was reported on behalf of Councillor Douglas.
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Gormley, Groogan, Hutchinson and Thompson declared an interest in relation to the minute of the meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 18th November, under the heading “Fuel Poverty Hardship Fund”, in that they worked for or were associated with organisations referred to within the report. The Members left the meeting when the item was being discussed.
Councillors Hutchinson, McCullough and Newton declared an interest in relation to the minute of the meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 18th November, under the heading “Update on Special Meetings of the Area Working Group – Neighbourhood Regeneration Fund Stage 1 Applications”, in that they worked for or were associated with organisations that had applied for funding. They left the room whilst the item was being considered.
Councillor Newton declared an interest in the Motion - Translink - Night-time Provision of Services, as the Company for which he was employed worked with Translink. He left the room whist the item was being considered.
Minutes of the Council PDF 252 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by the Lord Mayor (Councillor Black), Seconded by Councillor Beattie and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the monthly meeting of the Council of 1st November, be taken as read and signed as correct.
Official Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: Resignations
The Lord Mayor advised that Councillor Corr had resigned from the Council and she, along with several other Members from across the Chamber, paid tribute to the excellent work that he had undertaken during his time as a Councillor.
The Lord Mayor also advised that Councillor Pankhurst would be stepping down as a Councillor during December, therefore this would be his last meeting. Several Members from across the Chamber thanked Councillor Pankhurst for his contribution and dedication and wished him well for the future.
The Lord Mayor welcomed Councillor Róis-Máire Donnelly to her first meeting of Council and wished her well in her new position as Councillor.
The Lord Mayor, on behalf of the Council, offered condolences to the family of Ronan Kelly, Continuous Improvement Manager, particularly to his partner Paula Carville, on his recent passing.
The Lord Mayor also paid tribute to Paul Surgenor, HMO Technical Officer, who had recently passed away, and extended condolences to his family.
Councillor McCabe offered condolences to the family of Vicky Phelan, who had recently passed away following a long battle with Cervical Cancer, after receiving a misdiagnosis in 2001. She commended the work that Vicky had undertaken since her diagnosis, having tirelessly campaigned to raise awareness of cervical cancer and for better healthcare. She advised that she had written to the Lord Mayor’s office seeking the Council to host an event on 23rd January to mark Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, 23rd January – 29th January 2023.
Several Members referred with sadness to the recent passing of Dr Eamon Phoenix and paid tribute to his excellent work as a historian and broadcaster, noting his contribution to the Council during its Decade of Centenaries Programme.
Councillor de Faoite extended condolences to the family of Robert Morrow, Director of International Leadership Centre at Boston College, he advised that he had been a great friend of Belfast and had been deeply interested in the future success of the city and asked that the Lord Mayor, on behalf of the Council, write to extend condolences to his wife and family.
Councillor McCabe, as Chair of the Women’s Steering Group, commended the work of the Council and its staff regarding a number of recent Council initiatives and awards that had been achieved which recognised the Council’s commitment around the issue of violence against woman.
Councillor O’Hara highlighted that today was World Aids Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about HIV and how it was spread and to commemorate those who had died. He thanked the Lord Mayor and the Members for wearing a red ribbon which he had circulated earlier to help raise awareness. Councillors Murray and Long commended the work of Positive Life and the Rainbow project in supporting people with HIV.
Councillors Smyth and de Faoite congratulated East Belfast GAA in its recent victory achieving Co. Down Junior Camogie Champions.
Councillor McKeown congratulated St Brigid’s on winning the County Antrim u20 men’s football championship.
Councillor de Faoite commended the Council on ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Change of Membership on Committees/Outside Bodies Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive reported that notification had been received from both the Alliance and Sinn Fein Parties, of the following changes in membership:
Alliance Party
Sinn Fein
The Council noted the changes.
Request to Address the Council Additional documents: Minutes: The Council noted that this request had been withdrawn from the agenda.
Minutes of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor McDonough-Brown, Seconded by Councillor Murphy,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 18th November, 2022, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Revenue Estimates and District Rate 2023-24
At the request of Councillor McLaughlin, the Council agreed that a report would be submitted to a future meeting which would consider the structure of the Corporate Management Team.
Fuel Poverty Hardship Fund
Moved by Councillor Flynn, Seconded by Councillor Smyth,
That the Council agrees that the threshold for household income to apply for the fuel poverty fund be reduced to £43,400, as per the Joseph Rowntree guidance as the minimum household income to achieve a decent standard of living and that Option 4 be applied as the Hybrid Working Model, that is, referral through Strategic Partners and verification through a Citywide Partner.
On a recorded vote, twenty-four Members voted for the amendment and thirty against and it was declared lost.
Amendment 2
Moved by Councillor Murphy Seconded by Councillor McLaughlin,
That the Council agrees, in terms of the delivery model, to adopt Option 2 within the report, to use the Local Strategic Partners, and agrees also that the Ashton Centre replace Intercomm as a Strategic Partner in North Belfast. That it agrees that it would be paid before Christmas, if the groups had the capacity to do so, and that the threshold for household income to apply for the fuel poverty fund be set at 60K. It also agrees that there should be sufficient flexibility in the scheme to include those using direct debits as a payment method.
For clarity, the Council agreed to call a recess to enable officers to circulate the amendment to all Members.
Upon the resumption of the meeting, the Council voted on the amendment.
On a recorded vote, thirty Members voted for the amendment and twenty-four against and it was declared carried.
Minutes of People and Communities Committee PDF 777 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Murray, Seconded by Councillor McLaughlin,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 8th and 22nd November be approved and adopted.
Tree Strategy
At the request of Councillor de Faoite, the Council agreed to engage with DFI seeking it to include the installation of tree pits as road chicanes in residential areas to increase overall tree coverage, slow the speed of traffic, promote road safety, and support the development of active travel.
Enforcement Action within Smoke Control Areas
At the request of Councillor Garrett, the Council agreed that the minute be amended to reflect that it had been agreed that a report would be submitted to a future meeting which would contain detail regarding the data within smokeless zones and include enforcement action detail that had been taken around bonfires, including information regarding the regulation and management of bonfires.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing amendments and additions, the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 8th and 22nd November, were approved and adopted.
Minutes of City Growth and Regeneration Committee PDF 242 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Murphy, Seconded by Councillor McLaughlin,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 26th October and 9th November be approved and adopted.
Cultural Mapping for Culture, Arts and Heritage
At the request of Alderman Dorrian, it was agreed that the minute be referred back to Committee for further consideration as he had been liaising with the Director of Economic Development regarding the listing of an additional ten venues which he wished to ensure had been included prior to the minute being ratified.
Christmas Update
The Council agreed that a report would be submitted to a future meeting which would detail the health and safety advice that had been given and also give consideration to the running of a Tree Lighting event in future years.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing amendments and additions, the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 26th October and 9th November, were approved and adopted.
Minutes of Licensing Committee PDF 436 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Matt Collins, Seconded by Councillor Beattie,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 16th November, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Review of Pavement Café Licence
At the request of Councillor Nelson, in the advance of any decision having been made in respect of the pavement café licences, the Council agreed to write to the Department for Infrastructure asking it to consider a partial road closure for Fountain Street.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing addition, the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 16th November, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, were approved and adopted.
Minutes of Planning Committee PDF 471 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Whyte, Seconded by Councillor Groogan,
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Planning Committee of 15th and 17th November, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Minutes of Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall Ltd Shareholders' Committee PDF 521 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Maghie, Seconded by Councillor Smyth,
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall Shareholders’ Committee of 14th November, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Minutes of the Climate and City Resilience Committee PDF 364 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Walsh, Seconded by Councillor McCabe,
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Climate and City Resilience Committee of 10th November, 2022 be approved and adopted.
Committee Schedule 2023
Moved by Councillor Thompson, Seconded by Councillor Spratt,
That the Climate and Resilience Committee meet bi-monthly and that the Committee Members avail of the Climate Literacy Training when it becomes available.
On a recorded vote, eighteen Members voted for the amendment, thirty-nine against and with one no vote it was declared lost.
Resolved - That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Climate and City Resilience Committee of 10th November, 2022 be approved and adopted.
Minutes of Standards and Business Committee PDF 212 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Hanvey Seconded by Councillor Duffy,
Resolved - That the Minutes of the proceedings of the Standards and Business Committee of 24th November, 2022, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Motions Additional documents: |
Translink - Night-time Provision of Services PDF 339 KB Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with notice on the agenda, Councillor Lyons proposed:
“This Council calls on Translink to extend the night-time provision of its Metro and Glider bus services.”
The motion was seconded by Councillor de Faoite.
Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor de Faoite,
That the motion standing in the name of Councillor Lyons and seconded by Councillor de Faoite be amended to also include:
“This Council will further engage with Translink about setting up a free public transport initiative on certain days and evenings in the run up to Christmas 2023.”
The proposer agreed to accept the amendment.
The motion was put to the meeting and passed.
Parental Alienation PDF 263 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Council noted that the Motion had been withdrawn from the agenda.