Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Belfast
No. | Item |
Summons Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted the summons convening the meeting. |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were reported on behalf of Alderman McCoubrey and Councillors Cobain, Hanvey and Heading.
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Beattie, Lyons and O’Hara declared an interest in relation to the minute of the meeting of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee, under the heading “DfI Blue Green Infrastructure Fund – Active Travel Projects”, on the basis that they were on the Board of the Belfast Harbour Commissioners. However, as that minute did not become the subject of discussion, they were not required to leave the meeting.
Councillors Beattie, Black and McCabe declared an interest in relation to the minute of the meeting of the People and Communities Committee, under the heading “Community Provision Multi-Annual Funding 2023/2026”, in that they either worked for or were associated with an organisation in receipt of funding. As that minute did not become the subject of discussion, they were not, however, required to leave the meeting.
Minutes of the Council Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by the Deputy Lord Mayor, Seconded by Councillor Pankhurst and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the monthly meeting of the Council of 4th April be taken as read and signed as correct.
Official Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: The Deputy Lord Mayor, referred to the recent death of the father of Councillor Long and of the mother of Ms. N. Largey, Divisional Solicitor, and, together with a number of Members, extended his deepest condolences.
The Deputy Lord Mayor, together with a number of Members, congratulated former Alderman Kingston and former Councillors Baker, Brooks, McAllister, McReynolds and Nicholl on their election to the Northern Ireland Assembly and paid tribute to those Members who had been unsuccessful.
Councillor McKeown congratulated Rosario Football Club’s senior team on winning promotion to the Premier Division of the Northern Amateur Football League.
At the request of Councillor McCullough, the Council agreed that the Lord Mayor forward a letter to Linfield Football Club and to Crusaders Football Club congratulating them on winning the Irish League and Irish Cup, respectively.
At the request of Councillor Whyte, the Council agreed that the Lord Mayor forward a letter to Dr. Caoimhe Rooney, a Belfast born mathematician currently employed by NASA, congratulating her on being included in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list for Science and Healthcare.
Councillor De Faoite referred to the fact that the Council meeting was taking place on Europe Day and highlighted the need to continue to strengthen relationships with the European Union.
Alderman Sandford congratulated Councillor Verner on becoming a grandmother.
Request to Film Proceedings Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive informed the Council that a request had been received from BBC NI to film the installation of former Councillor Nicholl’s replacement as Lord Mayor.
The Council approved the request.
Nomination and Installation of Lord Mayor Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive informed the Council that, following the election of former Councillor Kate Nicholl to the Northern Ireland Assembly, the position of Lord Mayor had become vacant.
He explained that, in accordance with Schedule 1 paragraph 4(1) of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014, where a position of responsibility had become vacant before the end of the term for which it was held, the nominating officer of the Party, on whose behalf the previous incumbent had been nominated, may nominate, to hold the position of responsibility for the remainder of the term, a member of the Council who had stood in the name of that Party, when elected.
Accordingly, he called upon Councillor Long, as the nominating officer of the Alliance Party, to nominate a Member to serve as Lord Mayor for the period to end on the date of the annual meeting of the Council on 1st June.
Councillor Long confirmed that he had been nominated by his Party to serve as Lord Mayor and, accordingly, he was installed in Office and subscribed to the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
(The Lord Mayor, Councillor Long, in the Chair.)
Councillor Long thanked his Party for nominating him to serve as Lord Mayor and his family for their continued support. He highlighted the success of former Lord Mayor Kate Nicholl’s term in office and confirmed that he would, over the next few weeks, amongst other things, be visiting those groups who were working tirelessly to ensure that refugees from Afghanistan, Ukraine and other countries were welcomed to the City and fully supported.
With the permission of the Council, former Lord Mayor Kate Nicholl reviewed her term in office, thanked all those across the Council who had supported her and wished the incoming Lord Mayor every success.
Change of Membership on Committees/Position of Responsibility Additional documents: Minutes: The Council noted the following changes to Committee membership and a position of responsibility:
· Councillor Spratt to replace former Alderman Kingston on the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee;
· Councillor Verner to replace former Alderman Kingston on the Standards and Business Committee;
· Councillor Bunting to replace former Alderman Kingston on the City Growth and Regeneration Committee;
· Councillor Newton to replace former Councillor Brooks on the Climate and City Resilience Committee;
· Councillor Tracy Kelly to replace former Councillor Brooks on the Planning Committee; and
· Councillor Pankhurst to replace Alderman Dorrian on the Climate and City Resilience Committee.
Sinn Féin
· Councillor Gormley to replace former Councillor Baker as the Chairperson of the Climate and City Resilience Committee.
Minutes of Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Groogan, Seconded by Councillor Walsh,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 15th April, 2022, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Official Visit of US Secretary of Labor
Councillor Howard called upon the Council to reconsider the decision taken by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee not to attend the “US International Homecoming” lunch event being held on the afternoon of Thursday, 26th May to mark the official visit of the US Secretary of Labor, Martin J. Walsh, to Belfast.
In response, the Chief Executive pointed out that the visit had been postponed until September at the earliest and that a further report would be presented to the Committee for consideration, once a date had been confirmed.
Update on Physical Programme
Requests for the Use of Council Parks
Arising from discussion on the above-mentioned minute, it was
Moved by Councillor McMullan, Seconded by Councillor Lyons and
Resolved – That the Council agrees:
i. to expedite the delivery of a Council events policy, to be put in place by Quarter 1 of 2023/24;
ii. on granting multiple year approval for Belsonic, to ensure that any events policy or other future policy adopted by the Council which would affect this or any other future events, be made a condition of approval and that any subsequent changes which do occur be communicated to the promoter; and
iii. that the terms and conditions contained within the legal agreements to be prepared by the Council’s Legal Services Section for the events set out within the minute and for all future events contain social clauses in recognition of the potential impact on local communities.
The Chief Executive undertook to bring back a report to the appropriate Committee in relation to the aforementioned issues.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing additions, the minutes of the meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 15th April were thereupon approved and adopted.
Minutes of People and Communities Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Smyth, Seconded by Councillor Mulholland and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the People and Communities Committee of 5th April, be approved and adopted.
Minutes of City Growth and Regeneration Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Murphy, Seconded by Councillor McLaughlin and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the City Growth and Regeneration Committee of 6th April be approved and adopted.
Minutes of Licensing Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Donnelly, Seconded by Alderman Rodgers and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 13th April, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Minutes of Planning Committee Additional documents:
Minutes: Moved by Councillor Carson, Seconded by Councillor Murphy and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Planning Committee of 12th and 14th April, omitting matters in respect of which the Council has delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Minutes of Climate and City Resilience Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Moved by Councillor Gormley, Seconded by Councillor McLaughlin and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Climate and City Resilience Committee of 7th April be approved and adopted.