Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall
Contact: Mrs Sara Steele, Democratic Services Officer 90320202 x6301
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies Minutes: No apologies were reported.
Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 4th April, 2023 were taken as read and signed as correct.
It was reported that the minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 2nd May.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillors Black, Canavan, M. Donnelly, R-M Donnelly, Ó Néill and Verner declared an interest in item 2b – Community Support Programme in that they were associated with or worked for an organisation which was in receipt of funding and left the meeting whilst the item was under consideration.
Restricted Minutes: The information contained in the reports associated with the following 2 items is restricted in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
Resolved – That the Committee agrees to exclude the Members of the Press and public from the Committee meeting during discussion on the following 2 items as, due to their nature, there would be a disclosure of exempt information as described in Section 42(4) and Section 6 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.
GLL Leisure Management Contract - Six monthly update on contract compliance and performance Minutes: The Council’s contract with Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) commenced on 1st January 2015. Since the dissolution of Active Belfast Limited in June 2022, the Council had assumed direct responsibility for contract management. At its meeting on 18th November the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee agreed that future reports would be presented through the People and Communities Committee.
It was further agreed that contract compliance and performance reports would be presented, at a strategic level, to Committee on a six-monthly basis in November and May. That would allow for sufficient time to collate and verify management information data related to the preceding six-month periods of April to September and October to March.
The six-monthly reports, as submitted, includes detailed quarterly information on the two relevant quarters within each six-month period.
The Committee noted the: · information provided in paragraph 3.3 of the report in relation to contract compliance; · information provided at paragraph 3.4 in relation to key performance indicators; · supporting; narrative presented at paragraph 3; · facility asset management monitoring information set out at paragraph 3.6; and · Health and Safety compliance assurances presented at paragraph 3.7.
Community Support Programme Funding Update Minutes: The Committee was reminded that the Department for Communities (DfC) provided an annual grant to the Council to help deliver the Council’s Community Support Programme (CSP).
At its meeting in April, the Committee was advised that on 27 March 2023 the Chief Executive had received correspondence from the Permanent Secretary, DfC, relating to the CSP which stated that the Department could only provide support to cover the three-month period up to 30th June 2023 with the allocations based on the 2022/23 budget settlement. The correspondence added; “I hope you will understand why this allocation cannot be interpreted as an assurance as to the level of funding available for the remainder of 2023/24, given the absence of clarity on the overall budget settlement for the Department.”
The Director of Neighbourhood Services reported that on 7th June 2023 the Council received further correspondence advising that the department had decided to extend the interim funding arrangements, based on the 2022/23 opening budget allocations, and that these will run from 1st July to 30th September 2023.
The letter also noted that the department is currently consulting on the Department for Communities Proposed Budget 2023-24 and has produced an EQIA which it was seeking feedback on.
The report also outlined the impact on funding awards and provided an update on the Social Supermarket Fund.
The Committee:
· Noted the further communication from Department for Communities (DfC) which stated that they would issue funding for the Community Support Programme until 30 September 2023;
· Granted approval to offer additional three-month contracts and payments to organisations funded via the Revenue for Community Buildings Grant and Capacity Building Grant; two months extension for Advice Grant; and noted that the payment would be a further 25% of the allocation agreed by the Committee in February for Revenue and Capacity grants and 25% of the area consortia allocation used in 2022/23;
· Granted approval to issue Letters of Offer/Funding Agreements for the first six months of the year (up until 30 September 2023) for activity that was 100% DfC/CSP funded but that Belfast City Council administers on their behalf. This would enable payments for Welfare Reform Tribunal Representation to the Belfast Citywide Tribunal Service and for Welfare Reform Mitigations Face to Face to Generalist Advice Organisations;
· Granted approval to authorize that the Director of Neighbourhood Services could issue further payments to those organisations who are funded through Welfare Reform mitigations (Tribunal and Face to face) through delegated authority if further notification of additional funding was received from DfC; and
· Noted an update on Social Supermarket Funding
Matters referred back from the Council/Motions |
Notices of Motion Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 To provide an update to People and Communities Committee on Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance by Members.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 It is recommended that People and Communities Committee:
· Notes the updates to all Notices of Motion / Issues Raised in Advance that the Committee is responsible for as referenced in Appendix 1; and · Agree to the closure of Issues Raised in Advance and Notices of Motion as referenced in Appendix 1 and noted below.
3.0 Main report
3.1 Members will recall that the previous Notices of Motion update was presented to People and Communities Committee in June 2022.
3.2 This report provides an overview of the progress on those Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance which remained open following the June 22 update.
Notice of Motion Updates
3.3 There are currently 36 active Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance which the People and Communities Committee is responsible for. An update on those Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance which remain active on the live database is attached at Appendix 1.
Closure of Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance
3.4 At SP&R Committee on 20th November 2020, it was agreed that Notices of Motion could be closed for one of two reasons:
· Category 1 - Notices of Motion which contained an action that has been completed. All Notices of Motion within this category contained a specific task that has since been complete. It is worth noting that, when Committee agree to action a Notice of Motion, there are sometimes additional actions agreed alongside the Notice of Motion. As these are not technically part of the Notice of Motion, they are taken forward through normal committee decision making processes. The Notice of Motion can therefore be closed, but additional actions related to it will continue to be progressed and reported to the committee. These additional actions are not contained in this report, but will be noted in the live database moving forward.
· Category 2 - Notices of Motion have become Council policy or absorbed in to a strategic programme of work. These Notices of Motion did not contain a specific task that could be complete. Instead, they were more strategic in nature and required changes in Council policy and/ or strategy for long term outcomes. Those listed within this category have all been agreed by Committee and are now either Council policy or are currently being implemented through a Council strategy that is managed by a Standing Committee through the corporate planning process.
3.5 Following an update of those Notices of Motion and Issues Raised in Advance on the live database, it is recommended that Members approve the following Motions/Issues for closure.
Category 1 Recommended Closures:
3.6 Proposal for pedestrian crossing at new BCC playpark on Upper Dunmurry Lane (Ref 38)
Following discussion on this Issue Raised in Advance ..’the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Update on Motion Vaping Minutes: The Director of City Services submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 To brief the Committee on the motion passed at Council in relating to vaping, which was proposed by Councillor John Kyle and seconded by Councillor Donal Lyons, and to update Members on relevant partner activity underway in this area, along with next steps for consideration and implementation of the motion.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to note the updates on current policy context and existing strategic level engagements in relation to tobacco control and vaping issues, and to agree:
i. to receive a further report on proposals for Elected Member engagement with partners and stakeholders on a range of issues surrounding use of vapes ii. to receive a further report on the use of vapes in Council premises
3.0 Main report
3.1 The Standards and Business Committee at its meeting on 28th March 2023 agreed a proposal for the following motion to be referred to Council for debate:
‘Belfast faces a growing problem of vaping by children and young adults. These products are addictive, damaging to health and often contain illegal substances.
The legislation covering their sale is inadequate. While it is illegal to sell them to under 18s there is no registration of retailers, no restriction on the display of the products and no resources to identify illegal and harmful additives.
Some disposable vapes are designed to be attractive to children and many are discarded in the street posing an environmental and health risk.
In the face of a developing public health crisis this Council will convene a working group with other stakeholders, including the Department of Health, the Public Health Agency and the PSNI to consider measures to strengthen current legislation and enforcement, including the consideration of a ban on the sale of disposable vapes.
Furthermore, the Council will ban the use of vapes by under 18s in all its sites and premises.’
The proposer of the motion addressed the Council and provided an overview of the motion. The motion was seconded by Councillor Lyons and Council agreed that the motion be passed.
Regional policy context and existing partnerships
3.3 Issues surrounding the sale and use of nicotine inhaling product (NIPs), including disposable vapes are currently being considered by a range of agencies, partners and working groups. Design proposals for a Council working group will need to consider the current policy and partnership landscape in this area, to ensure that Belfast City Council’s voice is effective in influencing policy and legislative developments, while also ensuring that all impacts of vaping on the city (such as health and environment) are explored.
3.4 NIPs are an emergent area of focus as more research on the impacts of these products becomes available. Policy and legislative matters in this area are mostly devolved matters for the NI Assembly and the other regional legislatures in GB. In Scotland retailers who wish to sell NIPs must be registered to ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Motion: Graffiti - Development of Memorandums of Understanding Minutes: The Committee was advised that at the meeting of the Standards and Business Committee held on 28th March, the following motion, which was proposed by Councillor McKeown and seconded by Councillor Whyte, was referred to the Committee for consideration:
“This Council recognises the impact graffiti has on communities in terms of the environment and appearance of an area, but also on the wellbeing of residents.
While the Council has a limited programme of graffiti removal and the role of this is under regular review, it is recognised that this alone cannot meet the widespread need to tackle this issue, nor should it fall solely to the ratepayer to fund this work.
The Council will therefore commence work on developing Memorandums of Understanding with utility companies, telecoms companies, government departments and other public bodies to seek agreement that they will remove graffiti on utility boxes and other property within their ownership within a defined, short period of time. Further, the Council will look at whether any additional bye-laws are required to support this work.
To enable the simple and quick reporting and redirection of graffiti notifications to responsible bodies under this model, the Council will work with these groups to map and catalogue public infrastructure and its respective ownership, and provide a single point of contact within the Customer Hub for members of the public and council staff to report incidents, which will then be redirected to the responsible body for action under the Memorandums of Understanding.”
The Committee adopted the motion and agreed that a report on how this would be facilitated, resourced and managed be brought back.
Committee/Strategic Issues |
Affordable Warmth Scheme update and Service Level agreement Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee agreed to defer, until a special meeting on 26th June, the request from the Department of Communities (DfC) to sign the interim service level agreement provided for the period 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2024, acknowledging that the DfC had put the Council on notice to terminate the arrangement on 31st August 2023 and that representatives of DfC and the NIHE be invited to attend the meeting.
Air Quality Detailed Assessment Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 At the People and Communities Committee meeting of 8th October 2019, and upon consideration of agenda item 3b, ‘Local Air Quality Management Update for Belfast’, the Committee agreed a proposal that the council would agree to look at undertaking a detailed air quality assessment for the city and to measure particulate matter (PM2.5). The Committee additionally agreed to bring back a further report on how the Council might undertake such a detailed assessment, to include the measurement of PM2.5.
1.2 A number of subsequent reports were provided to the People and Communities Committee as to how a detailed review and assessment for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) might be delivered for the city and on the basis of these reports, a competitive European Tender exercise was undertaken by the council in September 2020 in order to appoint an appropriately experienced environmental consultancy to deliver the detailed assessment project.
1.3 Aecom consultants were appointed by the council in early 2021 to deliver the detailed assessment project over an approximate 2-year period, with a final project report scheduled to be presented to the People and Communities Committee by the end of March 2023. The Committee will be aware that Aecom consultants attended a special meeting of the People and Communities Committee on 13th February 2023 in order to provide an overview of the key findings of the Detailed Assessment and to receive comments from the Committee.
1.4 The Aecom detailed assessment has therefore considered nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) for the city and it has been undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Part III of the Environment (Northern Ireland) Order 2002 and of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Local Air Quality Management Technical Guidance (LAQM.TG22).
1.5 The detailed assessment has considered nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations in terms of national and European air quality standards and objectives and having regard to the September 2021 World Health Organisation (WHO) Air Quality Guideline values. WHO has advised that the Air Quality Guidelines provide evidence-informed, non-binding recommendations for protecting public health from the adverse effects of air pollutants by eliminating or reducing exposure to hazardous air pollutants and by guiding national and local authorities in their risk management decisions.
1.6 The Committee is advised that fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is not in regulation for the purposes of district council local air quality management statutory functions but it has nevertheless been proactively considered for the Belfast City Council area via this detailed assessment. By way of comparator, The Environmental Targets (Fine Particulate Matter) (England) Regulations 2023 have established an annual mean concentration target value for PM2.5 of 10 mg/m3 to be achieved by ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Food Service Delivery Plan 2023/24 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee approved the draft Belfast City Council Food Service Delivery Plan 2023-2024.
Belfast City Youth Council update Minutes: The Committee:
· noted the content of the report relating to the Youth Council;
· agree that be next two scheduled meetings of the Youth Council and People and Communities Committee be cancelled but that the special meeting on 26th June be retained to consider 2 deferred items;
· agreed that youth champions from each party would meet with the existing cohort of the BCYC over the summer months;
· agreed that officers progress the recruitment and selection of the 2023/25 Youth Council by October 2023 using the process outlined in the report; and
· that the Young People’s Co-ordinator be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee to provide an update on the Youth Council.
Minutes of Older People's Reference Group meeting Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee:
· noted approved an adopted the minutes from the Reference Group on Older People meeting held on 21st March 2023; and
· agreed that the Greater Belfast Seniors Forum be invited to the next meeting of the Older People’s Reference Group on 19th September in the Conor Room, City Hall.
Collaborative Shared Space Programme - Girdwood Community Hub Minutes: The Director of City and Neighbourhood Services submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update Members on the Girdwood Shared Space and Youth Management proposal and provision of programming with the Hub.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
i. Note that a proprietary funding agreement regarding the Collaborative Shared Space Programme will be agreed via delegated authority for a period of up to 2 years until 31 March 25 and ii. endorse the emerging business case to support the proprietary use of local community organisations to deliver a robust youth engagement and activity programme.
3.0 Main report
3.1 In relation to the Girdwood site, Members will be aware that Council manages the delivery of the Hub , and the Department for Communities (DfC) are currently leading on the wider development of the Girdwood Park site.
3.2 Girdwood Community Hub has the principles of shared space built into its core and, to enable the facility to benefit inter and intra community relations, the Council set up a dedicated Community Hub Forum whose role is to promote and help advise on enhancing the hub as a welcoming, open, shared, and safe space. The Girdwood Community Hub Forum is chaired by the Council with representation from local community and voluntary representatives, stakeholders, and statutory agencies alongside two Elected Members.
3.3 A working group which reports to the Forum has been set up to cover the programming of the youth space within the Hub and delivery of shared space programmes. This was set up to ensure that work was focussed and coordinated prior to any proposals being brought forward to manage the youth space from the Girdwood Community Trust. As part of this process in the interim, the youth organisations on the working group have been drawing up proposals to deliver shared space programmes to animate the space on the Girdwood site.
3.4 Given the importance of subsidiarity in the delivery of youth services at Girdwood and as an interim measure to ensure that the space is animated appropriately, Council has previously supported a collaborative activity programme which is designed and delivered in partnership with local youth providers, namely those from six-neighbouring community/youth organisations - Lower Shankill, Lower Oldpark, Cliftonville Community Regeneration Forum and New Lodge Arts, TAMHI and Our Club Our Community
3.5 Since the opening of the centre, the Girdwood Hub Forum have supported these neighbouring organisations as they are best placed to deliver youth-based engagement and activity programmes being delivered and have positively impacted on the current aims and objectives around good relations, shared space, and interventions. Critically, these locally based youth organisations have the capacity and grassroots relationships to expedite a rapid response to address issues which arise as well as ASB in parallel to the delivery of an activity-based programme that seeks to change the attitudes of the young people using the Hub. The period would be for ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Annual GLL policies and operational procedures alignment statement Minutes: The Committee noted a report which provided details on annual assurances on GLL policy and procedure alignments as set out in the leisure management contract.
Six monthly Healthwise and Physical Activity Referral Programmes update Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided a six-monthly update on the exercise and health referral programmes managed by GLL.
Attendance at MJ Awards Minutes: The Committee:
· agreed to the council’s attendance at the MJ Awards ceremony on 23rd June 2023 and noted that the event will take place before this recommendation will be ratified at the 3rd July Council meeting; and
· approved the attendance of the Chairperson of the People and Communities Committee, or his nominee, and one council officer.
Physical Programme and Asset Management |
Playground Improvement Programme Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 The purpose of this report is to update Members on the successful 2022-2023 Playground Improvement Programme (PIP) and outline plans for new playground refurbishments under the 2023-2024 programme.
Members are asked to note that refurbishments are to be funded under the Capital Programme and that an allocation of £580,000 has been agreed for this work in this financial year.
Members should also note that under last year’s PIP (2022-23);
· Refurbishment of Westlands playground (Waterworks Park) was completed · Refurbishment of Sally Gardens playground was completed · Refurbishment works at Areema playground are nearing completion
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to:
· Agree refurbishment works at the sites below as part of the Playground Improvement Programme (PIP) 2023-2024. This year’s programme has been allocated a budget of £580,000 under the Capital Programme for financial year 2023-2024.
· Loughside Park playground · New Lodge playground · North Link Playground
3.0 Main report
Playground Improvement Programme
3.1 Since its inception in 2012, the Playground Refurbishment Programme continues to make a positive impact to the overall quality and play value of the city’s playgrounds, improving accessibility, providing more inclusive equipment, new safety surfacing, boundary fencing, site furniture and landscaping works. Physical improvements have made the facilities more inviting, inclusive, and fun places for children and parents to visit.
3.2 With continued investment over the last eleven years, Council is achieving the desired improvements at playgrounds selected under the programme. On independent re-inspection, quality scores for the newly refurbished sites below have moved to the higher standard of good – excellent (see Appendix 1 – Refurbished playground images).
· Westlands playground · Sally Gardens playground
3.3 Members should note that Play Services Ireland (PSI) Ltd undertook annual inspections at all 105 council-maintained playgrounds earlier this year (see Appendix 2 – Typical inspection report 2023: Loughside playground). The ‘mean quality score’ they allocated for each site relates to the condition of existing play equipment and compliance with European safety standards BS EN 1176 & 1177: 2020. All playgrounds were then ranked in order of their mean quality score, helping to identify facilities in most need of improvement this year (see Appendix 3 – Mean Quality Scores Report).
3.4 In reference to the Mean Quality Scores Report, Members should note that the lowest scoring playground (Sally Gardens: ranked 105th) was inspected by PSI Ltd. before the facility was refurbished in April 2023 under PIP 2023-23.
3.5 As a result of refurbishment works, selected playgrounds listed under Item 2.1 are expected to move from the quality classification of ‘fair - fairly good’ to ‘excellent’ when re-inspected.
Financial and Resource Implications
3.6 All proposed playground refurbishment works will be funded through the Capital Programme within an allocated budget of £580,000. CNS Landscape Planning & Development Officers will continue to re-design play facilities and project manage all works associated with the delivery of PIP 2023-24.
3.7 As with previous years, C&NS OSS Managers will continue to assist with the distribution of ... view the full minutes text for item 20a |
Short term future of Loughside Recreation Centre Minutes: The Committee was reminded that Loughside Recreation Centre was closed, along with all Belfast City Council leisure centres, in March 2020 in compliance with Covid-19 legislation. While other centres re-opened on a phased basis, as the pandemic restrictions were eased, it was agreed that Loughside would remain closed. Initially this was due to difficulties in complying with social distancing guidelines and related operating restrictions.
As restrictions were further eased and other leisure centres returned to pre-Covid operating models, it was agreed that Loughside should remain substantially closed but that provision be made for access to changing and toilet facilities to cater for users of the outdoor grass pitches. Subsequently one wing (approximately ¼ of the building) was adapted to allow restricted access, via dedicated external doors, to a suite of changing rooms and toilets. There is no access from the newly created ‘changing pavilion’ area to the rest of the building. A Partner Agreement was signed with Loughside FC under which the club opens/closes and is responsible for cleaning the ringfenced changing pavilion section of the building. GLL remain responsible for all statutory functions (health and safety, fire alarm checks, legionella flushing, daily inspections, etc.). This operating model has been in place since the end of 2021.
The Director of Neighbourhood Services advised the Committee that re-opening Loughside would require substantial investment, including major roof repairs, a new passenger lift, mechanical and electrical upgrades and various repairs to the fabric of the building. Major issues relating to the fabric of the building had existed since before the pandemic and substantial investment in reactive maintenance was required on an annual basis leading up to 2020 to keep the building open and fully operational.
Alongside the condition of the building, Loughside had for many years recorded very low demand consistently returning the lowest throughput, space occupancy and income figures in the leisure estate.
The long-term future of Loughside RC, along with Ballysillan, Belvoir, Ormeau Park/Ozone, Shankill and Whiterock, was earmarked for inclusion in the Leisure Transformation Programme Phase 4 strategic review.
The Committee granted approval to continue with the current operating model at Loughside Recreation Centre pending the outcome of the LTP Phase 4 strategic review.
Operational Issues |
Proposal for dual language street signs Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Planning and Building Control submitted for the Committee’s consideration the following report:
“1.0 Purpose of Report or Summary of main Issues
1.1 To consider applications for the erection of dual language street signs for ten existing streets within the city.
1.2 To consider a request from a resident of Downview Park West, who has written to Belfast City Council requesting to address members at Committee. This resident is objecting to the dual language street nameplate.
2.0 Recommendations
2.1 The Committee is asked to agree to:
(1) The erection of a second street nameplate in Irish at, Orchardville Avenue, Wynchurch Avenue, Mayfield Square, Hillhead Avenue, St Meryl Park, Chichester Avenue, Ballymurphy Drive, Airfield Heights and Margaretta Park. (2) Receive a deputation from an objector in respect of the application for Downview Park West at a future meeting of the Committee.
3.0 Main report
Key Issues
3.1 The Council may erect a second street nameplate in a language other than English pursuant to Article 11 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (NI) Order 1995.
3.2 Members are asked to consider the following applications to erect a second street nameplate showing the name of the street expressed in a language other than English. The second language isIrish.
3.4 The translations were authenticated by Queens University, the approved translator for Belfast City Council.
3.5 In accordance with the Council’s policy for the erection of dual language street signs, surveys of all persons appearing on the electoral register, plus owners or tenants in actual possession of commercial premises, for the above streets were carried out and the following responses were received.
3.6 Orchardville Avenue, BT10
· 37 occupiers (39.78 %) were in favour of the erection of a second street nameplate · 2 occupiers (2.15%) were not in favour of the erection of a second street nameplate · 4 occupiers (4.30%) had no preference either way · 50 occupiers (53.76 %) did not respond to the survey
One resident from Orchardville Avenue who is not in favour of the dual language nameplate has responded on the survey form that they would prefer that the money was spent on things which directly impact on families. While they believe in equality, they believe that dual language street signage is not the best use of time ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Proposal for naming new street Minutes: The Committee approved the following applications for the naming of new streets and the continuation of an existing street:
Request for use of Dundonald Cemetery - Apprentice Boys of Derry Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted:
· the use of Dundonald Cemetery on 29th June to facilitate the event subject to the event organisers resolving all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction; and · the approval by the Director of City Services under delegated authority for the use in advance of the July council to allow the event to take place on the 29th June.
Requests for the use of Parks for 2023 events Minutes: The Committee considered requests seeking permission for the use of various parks and facilities during 2023, as follows:
· Live@C.S.Lewis Square – C. S. Lewis Square – Live outdoor music and family funday as part of the Easside Arts Festival 29th – 31st July; and · Space for Everyone – Cathedral Gardens – launch activity 18th – 26th July.
The Committee granted authority for the aforementioned requests and delegated authority to the Director of Neighbourhood Services to:
i. negotiate an appropriate fee which recognises the costs to Council, minimises negative impact on the immediate area and takes account of the potential wider benefit to the city economy, in conjunction withthe Council’s Commercial Manager; ii. negotiate satisfactory terms and conditions of use via an appropriate legal agreement prepared by the City Solicitor, including managing final booking confirmation dates and flexibility around ‘set up’ and take down’ periods, and booking amendments, subject to:
· the promoter resolving any operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction; · compliance with Coronavirus restrictions in place at the time of the event; and · the promoter meeting all the statutory requirements of the Planning and Building Control Service, including the terms and conditions of the Park’s Entertainment Licence.
The Committee noted that the above recommendations were taken as a pre-policy position, in advance of the Council agreeing a more structured framework and policy for ‘Events’, which was currently being taken forward in conjunction with the Council’s Commercial team.
Pest Control Service Delivery Update Minutes: The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update on the current status of the Pest Control Service, planned improvements and the work being undertaken towards full resumption of all services.
Issues Raised in Advance by Members |
Swimming Buddies - Brook Leisure Centre (Councillor Murray to raise) Minutes: The Committee agreed that representatives of swimming buddies, concerned parents and GLL be invited to the special meeting to be held on 26th June.