Contact: Carolyn Donnelly, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for inability to attend were reported for Councillors Matt Collins and Hanvey.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: The Chairperson (Councillor Whyte) declared an interest in relation to item 2a, LA04/2021/2856/O – Proposed mixed use regeneration development on lands surrounding the new Belfast Transport Hub, in that he had a professional relationship with the agent, Juno Planning. He left the meeting for the duration of the item.
Withdrawn Items Minutes: The Committee noted that the following item had been withdrawn from the agenda by the Applicant:
· LA04/2021/1231/O - Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 36. apartments in 2 blocks at 385 Holywood Road
Minutes: (The Chairperson, having declared an interest in the item, left the meeting while the item was under consideration.)
(Councillor Maskey in the Chair)
The Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with an overview of the application for a mixed use regeneration development that would be comprised of office (Class B1), residential apartments (including affordable), retail (Class A1), hotel, leisure (Class D2), public realm, active travel uses, cafes, bars and restaurants, and community uses (Class D1), on lands surrounding the new Belfast Transport Hub and over the Transport Hub car park, to the east and west of Durham Street and south of Grosvenor Road..
She pointed out that there had been one late item, an additional representation which, in error, had not been included in the total number of representations within the report, however, it did not raise any further issues to that which had been contained within the case officer report.
She provided the Committee with aerial views of the site location plan and the Transport Hub planning permission site layout.
She pointed out that the Weaver’s Cross Regeneration Project sought to redevelop lands which would be freed up by the future closure of the existing Europa Bus Station and Great Victoria Street train station and other vacant lands that were in the ownership of Translink, to the west of the Belfast Transport Hub development, and she outlined matters that would be reserved for subsequent approval, which included: · Siting; · Design; · External appearance; · Means of access; and · Landscaping.
She explained that, whilst most matters would be reserved, the application was supported by an Environmental Statement, an Indicative Scheme, a Planning and Design Principles document and a series of Parameters Plans.
The Senior Planning Officer referred to the main issues which were to be considered in the assessment of the outline applications, which included:
· The principle of the proposed uses at the locations; · Regeneration, employment and investment; · Housing, inclusive of affordable housing; · Transportation, that included transport sustainability, parking and road safety; · Impact on character and appearance of the area; · Impact on amenity of nearby residents and businesses; · Impact on built heritage and archaeology; · Human health; · Drainage and flood risk; · Wastewater infrastructure; · Natural heritage; · Developer contributions and planning agreement; and · Pre-application community consultation.
She referred the Committee to the Planning and Designed Principles document which contained seven key principles with which reserved matters applications must accord and outlined the parameter plans for the proposed Saltwater Square open space.
She stated that the City Fringe area had been designated as non-residential, however, a minimum of 21% of the total floorspace for all three zones would be residential, that would equate to 29% of the City Entries and Saltwater Square. She added that a minimum of 20% of the designated residential floorspace would be affordable.
She outlined the Developer Contributions to the scheme, a number of clauses would be included to secure key issues, that included:
· Minimum residential floorspace; · Minimum 20% affordable residential floorspace; · Green travel measures; · Employability and skills, and · Management of ... view the full minutes text for item 4a |
Minutes: (Councillor Whyte, Chairperson, resumed the Chair)
The Planning Manager provided the Committee with an overview of the application . He pointed out that DfI Roads had indicated that it had no objections to the application and recommended conditions, as contained within the Late Items Report.
He presented the Committee with outline maps, aerial views and proposed elevations and stated that there had been no objections from consultees and that the proposals were in keeping with the locality.
The Committee approved the application and granted delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions and to deal with any DfI Roads comments or other issues that might arise.
Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with an overview of the proposal accompanied by site location and layout maps and the proposed elevation imaging.
The Chairperson welcomed Ms. S. McDowell, Resolve Planning, on behalf of the Applicant, to the meeting. Ms. McDowell stated that the proposal would provide a range of integrated services and facilities that would include indoor leisure, community space, sport and wellbeing, education and multipurpose spaces.
She pointed out that the development would introduce significant landscaping and promote outdoor recreation on a derelict space which had been unused for a number of years.
She reported that the space would be managed by the Black Mountain Shared Space Partnership which aimed to bring together representatives from a number of representatives from the local communities to promote good relations within the interface area.
She pointed out that all of the planning material matters which had been raised by single representation had been considered during the planning process.
The Committee approved the application and granted delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Building Control to finalise the wording of the conditions and to resolve any further issues that might be raised by DfI Rivers and any other matters.
Restricted Items |
Update on the Replacement Planning Portal - Verbal update Minutes: The Director of Planning and Building Control updated the Committee on the progress of the implementation of the new regional Planning IT System to be shared by Belfast City Council, nine other councils and the Department for Infrastructure.
The Committee noted the content of the report