Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall

Contact: Mr Barry Flynn, Democratic Services  02890 270610

No. Item




            Apologies were reported from Councillors Armitage, Hutchinson and Mullan


Declarations of Interest


            No declarations of interest were reported.


Planning Applications


LA04/2015/1605/F - proposed film studio complex, 300 metres north of Dargan Road pdf icon PDF 3 MB


            The case officer outlined the principal aspects of an application which sought full planning permission for a film studio complex, to comprise a production studio, workshops, service yards, associated car parking and access to service roads which were currently under construction. The development would include landscaping and ancillary works, together with three stand-alone transformer compounds, a security hut and headwall.


            The Committee was informed that the site was located within the development limits of the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan and was consistent with the existing character of the Harbour Estate. It was explained that no significant impact to the existing landscape would occur as a result of the development. The case officer indicated that, after considering the application against prevailing policy, coupled with the contribution it would make to the local economy, it was deemed to be acceptable.


            The case officer and the Divisional Solicitor reported that a late objection had been received and referred to a document, copies of which had been previously circulated, which summarised those objections.

            The Divisional Solicitor advised the Members that the first objection had related to a roads matter and she confirmed that Transport NI had offered no objection to the proposal. The second objection concerned the neighbour notification process and she reported that the application had first been advertised, neighbour notified, and subject to pre-application Community Consultation in December 2015. Following a site visit on 5th February, it had emerged that a number of neighbouring commercial premises had not received notification.  Accordingly, those premises had been notified formally on 10th February, with the deadline for consultation responses to end on 25th February.


            The Divisional Solicitor recommended that, should the Committee be minded to approve the application, authority be delegated to the Director of Planning and Place to grant final approval, provided that no material planning matters, in addition to those already addressed within the report, be raised by those consultees who had been notified on 10th February.  She indicated that, should any relevant issues be raised by the closing date, the Director of Planning and Place, in conjunction with the Town Solicitor, would, if deemed necessary, refer the application back to the Committee.


            The Chairperson put the recommendation to the Committee and, on a vote by show of hands, nine Members voted in favour of adopting the recommendation to approve the application, with one Member voting against, and it was declared carried.


            Accordingly, the Committee granted approval, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report, and on the basis which had been outlined by the Divisional Solicitor.



LA04/2015/0707/F - residential development of 56 apartments on land at 33-39 Bridge End pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The case officer indicated that the proposal sought permission for a residential development, which would comprise of 56 apartments, with basement car parking, communal living space, and associated road works.  It was explained that the proposal had complied with relevant planning policies and would constitute an acceptable sustainable development, since it would enable the erection of new homes and promote city centre living in a ‘brownfield’ site. 


            The Committee approved the application and, in accordance with Section 76 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2015, delegated power to the Director of Planning and Place, in conjunction with the Town Solicitor, to enter into discussions with the applicant to explore the scope of any Planning Agreements which might be realised by way of developer contributions.



LA04/2015/0274/F - temporary storage building with parking at Unit 3B Edgewater Road, Harbour Estate pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Committee considered an application for the erection of a temporary storage building, which would be within an established storage and distribution complex. The case officer indicated that the site lay within the development limits for the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan, and that that no objections had been received from statutory agencies.  Accordingly, it was recommended that the Committee approve the application.


            The Committee granted approval, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report.



LA04/2015/1274/F - change of use of ground floor bank at 136-142 Great Victoria Street pdf icon PDF 220 KB


The Committee was provided with an overview of an application which sought full planning permission for the change of use of the ground floor level of a former bank to offices, the erection of new generator on the roof and external alterations to the Great Victoria Street elevation.  It was indicated that the proposal had been assessed against prevailing policy and that no objections had been received during the consultation process.


The Committee noted that the report as presented should have read ‘conditions for approval’, as opposed to ‘reasons for refusal’. The Director pointed out that this had been due to an administrative oversight.


            The Committee granted approval, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report.



LA04/2015/0075/F - modifications to previous planning approval to dwellings at plots 14-21 at 41-43 Park Avenue pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Committee was informed that the application sought permission to undertake modifications to a previous planning approval (Z/2010/0434/F), which would enable the reduction in the size of a replacement club premises, together with a change of house types at plots 14 to 21. It was reported that no objections to the proposal had been received from statutory consultees.


            The Committee granted approval, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report.



LA04/2015/1528/F - alterations to existing dwelling at 536 Crumlin Road pdf icon PDF 827 KB


The Committee considered an application which sought permission to convert an existing garage into a study and living room. It was reported that the application had been brought before the Committee since the applicant was related to a member of Council staff.


            The Committee granted approval, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report.



LA04/2015/0756/F - eight semi-detached houses and one detached bungalow at 24-54 Fortwilliam Parade pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Committee considered an application which sought full planning permission for the construction of eight semi-detached houses and one detached bungalow. The case officer indicated that the proposal lay within a site which had been identified for such development by the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan. It was reported that no objections had been received from third parties.


            The Committee granted approval, subject to the imposing of the conditions set out within the case officer’s report.