Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall

Contact: Carolyn Donnelly, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported for Aldermen Lawlor, McCullough, Rodgers and Councillor Groogan.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were reported.



Committee Site Visits


Note of Committee Site Visits - 26th March, 2024 pdf icon PDF 98 KB


            The Committee noted the Committee site visits.



Planning Application


LA04/2023/2890/F: Proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of a housing development comprising of 43No. social housing units including dwellings and apartments (Cat 1), car parking, landscaping including an equipped children's play area, and all associated site and access works - Christ the Redeemer Parish Hall and lands immediately north and west of Christ the Redeemer Church, Lagmore Drive pdf icon PDF 1 MB


            The Planning Manager explained that the application was before the Committee at its meeting on 19th March, however, consideration of the application was deferred in order that the Committee could undertake a site visit.  He reported that a site visit had taken place on 26th March.


            He outlined the application to the Committee and highlighted the following key issues for consideration:


·        Principle of development;

·        Protection of open space;

·        Loss of community infrastructure;

·        Housing density;

·        Affordable housing;

·        Housing mix;

·        Adaptable and accessible accommodation;

·        Design and placemaking;

·        Impact on the heritage assets;

·        Climate change;

·        Residential quality and impact on amenity;

·        Provision of new open space;

·        Access and transport;

·        Environmental protection;

·        Flood risk and drainage;

·        Waste-water infrastructure;

·        Natural heritage; and

·        Section 76 planning agreement.


            He stated that there were no objections from statutory consultees and that, since the  publication of the Committee report, eight new representations had been received that cited concerns with regard to the loss of a community facility for Girl Guides and childcare, impact on existing businesses and voluntary organisations which operated from the existing hall, traffic disruption, parking and over supply of housing in the area.  The additional eight objections had brought the total number received to 106.


            The Planning manager reported that an email had been received from an after school club which stated that the church had offered land to facilitate the Little Saints out of School Club, however, further financial aid would be required to enable the purchase of a mobile facility and they had proposed that the Financial Developer Contribution should be allocated to assist the organisation to relocate to the church land and continue to offer the service to the local community.  He advised the Committee that this option, should the Committee be minded to agree, would require separate planning permission.


            He informed the Committee that DfI Roads had confirmed the acceptability of the amended Private Streets Determination drawings and that the Section 76 planning agreement was being prepared without prejudice to the decision of the Planning Committee in view of time constraints.


            He stated that, having regard to the development plan and other material considerations, the proposal was considered, on balance, acceptable and that it was recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions.


            The Chairperson welcomed Mr. M. Bell, a local resident speaking in objection to the application, to the meeting.


            Mr. Bell stated that he had lived in the area for many years and had watched the area develop.  He explained that he had concerns as to who would be occupying the proposed dwellings, citing concern that it would be located close to a primary school.


            He stated that local residents recognised the need for social housing, but the provision of a playpark would not offset the loss of green space to Lagmore residents.


            He explained that traffic and parking was already an issue in the area and residents had been advised by the PSNI to park in the church carpark rather than on the roads.  He stated that residents  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5a