Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Belfast
Contact: Mr. Henry Downey, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item | ||
Reading of Scriptures Minutes:
In accordance with Standing Order 9, the Lord Mayor read a passage from the Scriptures.
Summons Minutes: The Chief Executive submitted the summons convening the meeting.
Apology Minutes: An apology was reported on behalf of Alderman Browne.
Minutes: Moved by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor (Alderman Stalford),
That the minutes of the proceedings of the monthly meeting of the Council of 1st April be taken as read and signed as correct.
Variation of Minutes
At the request of Councillor Verner, the Council agreed that the minutes be varied to reflect the fact that she had declared an interest in relation to the minute of the meeting of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee under the heading ‘Response to Delivering Change for Children and Young People’ and had taken no part in the discussion. Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing variation, the minutes of the proceedings of the monthly meeting of the Council of 1st April were approved and adopted.
Expression of Sympathy Minutes: The Lord Mayor expressed his regret at the recent death of the former Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Margaret Crooks and of the mother of Mr. E. Deeny, Head of Corporate Communications, and, on behalf of the Council, extended to their family circles his condolences and deepest sympathy.
Congratulations Minutes:
The Lord Mayor, on behalf of the Council, extended congratulations to the Deputy Lord Mayor (Alderman Stalford) and his wife Laura on the birth of their son Cameron.
Expression of Support Minutes:
The Lord Mayor, together with representatives of each of the Political Parties, voiced their condemnation at the recent attacks which had taken place on minority communities in parts of the City and on the Alliance Party’s constituency office in East Belfast and affirmed their support for all those who had been affected.
Request to Film and Photograph Proceedings Minutes: The Chief Executive reminded the Council that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 25thApril, had agreed to accede to a request from Pi Communications to film a portion of the Council meeting for use in an educational video entitled ‘The Importance of Voting’.
He reminded the Council also that that Committee, at its meeting on 25th October, 2013, had agreed to permit access to Council meetings to Mr. Donal McCann, a photographer who was recording the current Lord Mayor’s year in office.
Strategic Policy and Resources Committee Minutes: Moved by Alderman Robinson, Seconded by Councillor Carson,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 4th and 25th April be approved and adopted.
Disposal of Former Maysfield Leisure Centre
Moved by Councillor Webb, Seconded by Councillor Jones,
That the matter be referred back to the Committee for further consideration.
On a vote by show of hands six Members voted for the amendment and forty?three against and it was declared lost.
Belfast Public Bike Hire Scheme
At the request of Alderman Rodgers, the Council agreed that a report be submitted to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee outlining the reasons why Belfast City Council had been omitted from the list of sponsoring organisations contained within the Northern Ireland Tourist Board’s publicity brochure on the Giro d’Italia.
Leisure Transformation Programme
Moved by Councillor McVeigh, Seconded by Alderman Stoker,
That the decision of the Policy and Resources Committee of 25th April under the heading “Leisure Transformation Programme”, in so far as it relates to Recommendation 7, be rejected and, accordingly, the Council agrees to continue to explore an in-house model on the basis of the Trades Unions submission.
On a vote by show of hands eighteen Members voted for the amendment and thirty-two against and it was declared lost.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing addition, the minutes of the proceedings of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee of 4th and 25th April were approved and adopted.
Parks and Leisure Committee Minutes: Moved by Councillor McKee, Seconded by Councillor Mac Giolla Mhín and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Parks and Leisure Committee of 10th April be approved and adopted.
Development Committee Minutes: Moved by Councillor Hargey, Seconded by Councillor Ó Donnghaile,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the Development Committee of 15th April be approved and adopted.
Variation of Minute
At the request of Councillor Webb, the Council agreed to vary the minute under the heading “Opportunities for Investment” to reflect the fact that he had not been in attendance whilst the report, which had made reference to a company for which he was employed, had been under consideration.
Belfast/Boston – Sister Cities Relationship
Moved by Councillor Kingston, Seconded by Councillor Kennedy,
That the decision under the heading “Belfast/Boston – Sister Cities Relationship” be amended to provide that the signing of the Sister Cities agreement between the Lord Mayor and the Mayor of Boston take place after the Local Government elections on 22nd May and prior to the end of the current Lord Mayor’s term of office.
On a recorded vote, nineteen Members voted for the amendment and twenty?eight against and it was declared lost.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing variation, the minutes of the proceedings of the Development Committee of 15th April were approved and adopted.
Health and Environmental Services Committee Minutes: Moved by Councillor Corr, Seconded by Councillor M. E. Campbell and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Health and Environmental Services Committee of 2ndApril be approved and adopted.
Licensing Committee Minutes: Moved by Alderman Ekin, Seconded by Councillor Cunningham,
That the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 16th April, omitting those matters in respect of which the Council had delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.
Designating Resolutions for New Street Trading Sites/Variation of Existing Sites
At the request of Councillor Jones, the Council agreed that the review which had been commissioned by the Development Department into sightseeing coach provision in the City be extended to consider issues around the licensing of tour companies.
Adoption of Minutes
Subject to the foregoing addition, the minutes of the proceedings of the Licensing Committee of 16th April were approved and adopted.
Town Planning Committee Minutes: Moved by Councillor Hanna, Seconded by Councillor Ó Donnghaile and
Resolved - That the minutes of the proceedings of the Town Planning Committee of 3rd and 17th April, omitting those matters in respect of which the Council had delegated its powers to the Committee, be approved and adopted.