Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item


Renewing Communities Local Masterplans pdf icon PDF 146 KB


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 21st February, it had considered a report regarding Strategic Regional Frameworks.  She informed the Members that the presentations to be made to the Committee on the local Masterplans would operate within these Strategic Regional Frameworks.


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The Development Committee at the meeting in December agreed to receive presentations in relation to the development of the five local area Masterplans within Belfast, by RPS on behalf of the Department for Social Development, and a spatial regeneration plan for West Belfast & Greater Shankill being developed by consultants on behalf of the West Belfast and Greater Shankill Enterprise Council.


      The proposed presentations seek to provide an update on the work that has been carried out by various consultants since their appointment last year to develop the proposed documents.


Key Issues


      Local Area Masterplans


      The Masterplans are being developed by DSD as part of the Renewing Communities Agenda and are intended to identify strategic action required to address areas of major dereliction. The documents are intended to ‘provide a vehicle to coordinate and orchestrate public sector investment and leverage in private sector investment’.


      RPS since appointment has been engaged in consultations and data identification, across all of the areas, to inform their work and provide a context to any future recommendations.  As part of this process they have met with representatives from a range of organisations including Council Officers and Members.


      The consultancy team is currently drawing up draft masterplans to capture the economic opportunities identified.  This work will include development of investment options, proposed street environmental works, proposed site acquisitions, early wins and longer-term aspirations.  The proposals will be included within the draft plans, which are projected to be completed sometime after Easter.


      West Belfast & Greater Shankill Spatial Regeneration Plan


      The establishment of the Enterprise Council was a key recommendation of the Task Forces' reports, published in February 2002.  It was envisaged that the Enterprise Council could assist in implementing the recommendations of the Task Forces which pertained to the local small business sector bringing greater coherence to the promotion of and support for local businesses. The aim of the Council is ‘To release the productivity and economic potential of the West Belfast and Greater Shankill Task Force area and their inhabitants through education, enterprise and investment - both indigenous and foreign direct investment - thereby boosting local incomes and employment opportunities and facilitating the renewal and regeneration of the area’.


      One of the six core objectives for the Enterprise Council is to develop a spatial regeneration plan for West Belfast & Greater Shankill from the perspective of business and entrepreneurial development, consistent with our vision of the area as a vibrant economic area within the Belfast region. This proposed spatial plan for West Belfast and Greater Shankill is therefore being funded and undertaken on behalf of the business community in area.  During initial consultations with the appointed consultants it was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.