Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Attwood, Cunningham, Convery, B. Kelly and McCausland.



Restructuring of the Development Department pdf icon PDF 164 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Members are aware that from 1st April 2007, as a result of interim organisational restructuring, the Community Services Unit including Travellers work, Children and Young People, Events (Sports) and the Waterfront and Ulster Halls transferred to the existing Development Department. 


      The Development Department has worked hard over the 8 years of its existence to create excellence across a number of areas:


-     to have a clear vision for Belfast and a focused strategy;


-     to create a culture of achievement and positive outcomes;


-     to develop processes and systems of excellence;


-     to have motivated, energetic and happy officers working in partnership with ambitious Members to make Belfast better; and


-     to have the correct structure to make things happen effectively and efficiently.


      The Department has been very successful in achieving this as demonstrated by the attainment of:


-     Steps to Excellence at gold;


-     Investors in People;


-     a wide range of awards;


-     strong efficiency record; and


-     an absence rate of 6.23 days.


      This is a momentum which we wanted to maintain in the new Department. 


      The process of creating the new entity has been managed through a structured change management process.  A Change Management Board was established to complete an audit of the situation.  From that, a comprehensive action plan outlining challenging targets was created for the 07/08 year. 


      On 13th June 2007 the Development Committee considered and gave approval for the change management process for the Development Department, which included support from Business Improvement (BIS) for Departmental restructuring activities. This followed the Council’s approval on 1st November 2006 for interim restructuring across the Council ahead of the Review of Public Administration (RPA) and the associated organisational impact of the transfer of functions on the Development Department.  Structural Reviews were approved in areas of particular need which included Business Support, Policy and Research, Events, the Waterfront Hall/Ulster Hall merger, Community Services overall and the management structure, including the roles and responsibilities of the Heads of Service.  The aim of restructuring is to rationalise and release further resources into the process.


      Integrating the Community Services Unit, Events, and the Waterfront and Ulster Halls into the Development Department has required the implementation of a significant programme of work and resource investment.  There were large variations in performance across the functional areas, e.g. the average days lost due to sickness in 2006/07 per full time equivalent post in Community Services was 16 days and the Waterfront Hall 9 days.  This compares with the Development Department at 6.23 days.  The results of the action plan are already evident e.g. 3 day reduction in Community Services sickness levels and the Community Support Plan completed on schedule.


      The successful implementation of proven business processes has allowed the Department to continue to produce high quality work but it must be stressed that the units identified in the Change Management report, continue to work under-resourced with vacant posts unfilled and structures which do  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.