Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors B. Kelly, Campbell and Kyle.



Association for Public Service Excellence Awards pdf icon PDF 122 KB


            The Director of Development informed the Committee that the Association for Public Service Excellence would be holding its annual seminar in Londonderry during the period from 7th till 9th September.  He explained that the theme of this year’s conference would be entitled “Armageddon Managed Transformation: Where to Next for Local Government’s Frontline?”, which would explore how Local Government sustained excellence in service delivery during a period of financial constraints.  In addition, the event would incorporate sessions for Elected Representatives.


            He pointed out that the Awards dinner, which took place at the seminar, had been held for more than ten years and provided the United Kingdom’s Local Government with an opportunity to gain recognition for their work in terms of service delivery.  He pointed out that Waterfront and Ulster Halls Service Team had been shortlisted in the “Best Service Team - Sports, Leisure and Culture” category and had been invited to attend the seminar and Awards dinner.  Accordingly, he recommended that the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Director of Development and the Head of City Events and Venues (or their nominees) be granted approval to attend the event to enable them to be present at the Service Awards ceremony.  The cost per person attending was approximately £190.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010-2014 pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The draft Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010 – 2014 was agreed by Development Committee on 8th February 2010. It was agreed that the framework would go out for a four week consultation process, which began on the 2 March 2010.


      Over 700 organisations and individuals were contacted as part of the consultation exercise and signposted to a pro forma on Belfast City Council’s website (with links to Northern Ireland Tourist Board website). Presentations were offered on request. 


      Twenty five responses were received via the pro forma on the website and three presentations requested.  Overall the responses have been positive as a whole with the exception being a number of responses from organisations in West Belfast.


Key Issues


      The main changes that will be made to the Framework are as follows: 


      West Belfast


      The Tourism, Culture and Arts Manager met with a wide forum of representatives of West Belfast to discuss concerns and worked with a smaller sub group to review areas of the Framework and agree a way forward. 


      Belfast Tourism Monitor – 2009 Figures


      As part of the BelfastCity Council’s Belfast Tourism Monitor, the 2009 figures were presented to Committee in June.  This shows a 30% increase in visitor numbers to Belfast in 2009, with a staggering 9.25 million visitor trips undertaken, worth £651 million to the local economy. The Framework must also be updated to reflect these figures.


      Maps and Targets


      The maps outlining Tourism Place Destinations will be updated so as all places are identified as opposed to arrows pointing off the page.  Targets have yet to be aligned to Northern Ireland, however NITB is aware and supportive of this approach. Targets can be revised during the term of the Framework.


      Visionary Drivers


      The Framework identifies six visionary drivers for tourism growth which are capital projects to be delivered in partnership with government.  These are: 


      -     Titanic / Maritime Heritage

      -     Integrated conference and exhibition facilities

      -     Belfast Hills and Belfast Zoo

      -     LaganCanal

      -     NationalArt Gallery

      -     Crumlin Road Goal


      The response from party briefings and from the general feedback has been extremely supportive of the concept of the Belfast Story which was listed as a development lever as opposed to visionary driver. Most consultees felt that this merited significant capital investment and should be upgraded to a visionary driver.  Belfast Hills will be strengthened to demonstrate a link to West Belfast and not just the Zoo. A NationalArt Gallery will be included as a Development Lever as opposed to a Visionary Driver and will include a caveat regarding the funding climate and the likelihood this is a longer term aspiration for DCAL.


      Way Forward – 2010 Priorities


      NITB, BVCB and BCC have met to agree key projects to progress in short to medium term. These are:


1.     Titanic Maritime Belfast and Titanic 2012 

2.     Belfast Hills/Belfast Zoo

3.     Integrated Events Strategy between NITB/BCC 

4.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.




Moved by Councillor M. Browne,

Seconded by Councillor A. Maskey,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations but that the publication of the Framework be delayed for a period of one month to enable the comments which had been made by the Members to be taken into consideration.


            On a vote by show of hands five Members voted for the amendment and nine against and it was accordingly declared lost.


            The original proposal standing in the name of Councillor McCausland and seconded by Councillor F. Rodgers was thereupon put to the meeting when nine Members voted for and five against and it was accordingly declared carried.



Local Economic Development Plan 2011/11 and Preparation for Integrated Economic Strategy 2011/15 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Members will be aware that the most recent LED Plan ‘Sustaining Competitive Advantage’ ran from 2006-2010.  It focused on a range of business start-up and growth, employability and economic regeneration initiatives which were match-funded by EU Structural Funds.  A review of the Plan has concluded that there were significant achievements from the work undertaken and has suggested some recommendations for future activity.


      Based on these recommendations, and following consultation with partner organisations and relevant businesses, a revised plan has been drafted.  It is proposed that this plan will last for one year and that one of the key development areas in the course of that year will be to work towards an integrated economic strategy for the city.  This approach was endorsed by Members at the Development Committee meeting on 16 October 2009.


Key Issues


      Review of Sustaining Competitive Advantage Plan: 2006-2010


      In reviewing the effectiveness of the current plan, the following outputs were recorded:


      -     4300 companies participating in our business programmes and events

      -     449 direct jobs created

      -     Long-term unemployed acquired 600 accredited qualifications

      -     Average 10% improvement in turnover for companies participating in business growth initiatives

      -     Every £1 invested has levered £5 additional resources

      -     80 business development programmes delivered

      -     120 workshops, seminars and events undertaken.


      This work equates to a total GVA of approximately £450million in the economy annually.


      Development of current LED plan: 2010/2011


      Since late 2009, discussions have been undertaken with a range of partner organisations and key business contacts on the future approach to Council-led LED activity and priorities for the new plan.


      The proposal to work on a one year plan is based on feedback from partners that there is a need for greater synergy, particularly in the business start-up and growth arena.  Similarly, the efficiency agenda is driving further collaboration and encouraging new approaches to project development and resourcing.


      The targets for this year, to be reported through the Council’s performance management system CorVu, include:


      -     Delivery of 44 business development programmes and events

      -     850 businesses participating in business development programmes and events

      -     135 new jobs to be created as a direct result of activities delivered.


      The key messages within the plan are:


      -     The need for focused, measured intervention around business start-up and growth

      -     The need to develop key sectors that will sustain Belfast’s economic future

      -     The need to ensure greater dialogue between universities, colleges and the private sector

      -     The need for the council to harness its own resources better to support the growth of the city’s economy

      -     The need to develop inclusive regeneration support initiatives

      -     The need to agree a ‘Belfast proposition’ – where and how the city needs to grow

      -     The value of a collaborative approach to economic development in a city and possible ways in which this can be achieved. 


      These messages are entirely in line with the views expressed by  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.