Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Ekin and Humphrey.



York Road / Westlink Intersection pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive presentations in relation to the Roads Service’s proposals to improve the York Road / Westlink intersection


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      This report provides background on the previous consideration by the Committee in respect of the initial Yorkgate Junction consultation with the Council.


Key Issues


      A request for initial comments in respect of the proposed Yorkgate Junction modifications were received from consultants (Scott Wilson Consultants) acting on behalf of the Department for Regional Development.


      The initial responses to the consultation on behalf of Council were based on technical comments, previous submissions or existing information. These comments were reported to the Committee in August 2008.


      The Council, through engagement in the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan and associated documents, presented a consistent approach to proposals for the development of new transport infrastructure such as the Inner Ring and Sydenham By-pass.  The Yorkgate Junction proposals would be considered to have similar potential impacts in relation to the immediate area and wider City.


      The Council has previously raised a number of strategic and policy concerns in relation to such proposals. The junction proposal involves increasing the road network capacity in an area where there is existing residential accommodation within an inner?City location. As indicated there are implications in relation to air quality management and the impact the development of this infrastructure may have on the local residential accommodation or existing communities.


      This proposal should be supportive of the need to consider alternatives to increased road infrastructures and the potential for smarter choices as outlined in the Government White paper on The Future of Transport and supported by the transportation unit of the DRD Roads Service. A corridor plan for the wider area should integrate the development of sites, in particular housing and employment, with the proposed transport network and will provide a phased programme for the implementation of improvements to transport infrastructure and services that enhance accessibility for all members of the constituent communities.


      The Council has highlighted concerns regarding the negative impact of new road infrastructure in terms of the increased severance of the inner-City communities from the City core and the potential for the existing separation to be exacerbated by inappropriate infrastructure. In addition to evaluating or addressing the existing severance presented by the junction, the potential for new severance should be addressed in relation to the proposals both from the base position and for projected junction operating capacities. 


      The consideration of the route options in this corridor and wider context should also address opportunities for any new road configurations to be developed as more traditional urban streets to maximise connectivity and ensure minimisation of potentially adverse impacts on the surrounding communities.


      The consideration of the junction options as part of a broader area allows the assessment of the opportunities for the reallocation of existing potentially surplus road space within the surrounding network. Any increase in the efficiency of the proposed junction arrangements should deliver direct positive impacts for the northern City centre and surrounding communities. The redesign of Dunbar Link and the reduction in road space could contribute to enhanced connectivity  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.