Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item


Site Visit to Belfast Central Library

(to undertake a site visit to the Central Library in connection with the proposals to relocate the Belfast Welcome Centre)


            Pursuant to the Committee’s decision of 13th January, the Members undertook a site visit to the Belfast Central Library which was one of the possible sites for the location of the Belfast Welcome Centre.  The Members were welcomed by Ms. M. Bryson, Business Manager, Libraries Northern Ireland, and Mr. D. McLoughlin, Capital Project Manager, and then proceeded on a tour of the building.  Ms. Bryson provided for the information of the Members a history of the building and gave a presentation in relation to the works which were being undertaken currently to extend and improve the facility.


            At the conclusion of the visit, the Chairman thanked the representatives for their informative tour and for the helpful manner in which they had replied to Members’ questions.