Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Humphrey) and Councillors Crozier, Hargey, Mac Giolla Mhín, Mallon and P. Robinson. 



Delivering Tourism Locally - Local Tourism Destinations pdf icon PDF 79 KB


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1       Members will be aware that at the meeting of the January Development Committee it was agreed to hold a special committee meeting to review proposals to spend £100,000 against the Delivering Tourism Locally initiative.


1.2       This funding was secured from Strategic Policy and Resources committee to support the delivering of the Belfast Integrated Strategic Framework, which was agreed by Development committee at the November meeting.  Strategic Policy and Resources committee agreed to distribute the funding equally across East, North, Shankill, South and West of the city.


1.3       The final recommendations for each area are attached for Committee approval. 


2          Key Issues


2.1       An additional £100,000 was secured by the Development

            Department to initiate the Tourism Place Destination



2.2       Committee were advised of the funding allocation in

            November and agreed that officers progress the initiative.


2.3       Members have reviewed proposals and the recommendations for each area are attached as Appendix 1.  In some instances Council will take the lead to deliver the activity and in others, local delivery partners including Area Partnership Boards will be utilised if appropriate. 


2.4       Whilst some investment into local websites will be supported this will be kept to a minimum to drive web-traffic to the website. Furthermore where trails and plaques are highlighted, the Tourism Culture and Arts unit will ensure consistency across the city. 


2.5              An independent evaluation of the project will be undertaken

            to assess if this pilot approach is worth continuing. 


2.6       The funding must be spent by 31 March 2011.


3          Resource Implications


3.1       An additional £100,000 has been secured to pilot the Tourism Place Destinations during 2010/2011


4          Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1       No adverse impact on section 75 groupings.  Each APB will be expected to demonstrate that they satisfy the Council’s equality and good relations policies.  


5          Recommendations


5.1       Members are asked to agree the attached proposals to be delivered by the 31 March 2011. 


6          Decision Tracking


            Members will receive a full report on the programme in March 2011. 


      Timescale:  March 2011    Reporting Officer:  Kerrie Sweeney”


Appendix 1


North Belfast


      The main areas proposed for support are:






North Belfast Cultural Corridor

Develop a link between Library and Cathedral Quarters, Carlisle Circus and Crumlin Road Gaol.

Workshop, Visitor Map Pilot tours, Awareness campaign and route branding 


Clifton Street Cemetery

Regular series of tours of Clifton Street Cemetery. Marketing collateral  and promotion of tours


Historic Duncairn

Physical interpretation of existing buildings and sites. Heritage route mapped and uploaded content onto

And Pilot tours 


Welcome Host training 

Targeted across North Belfast. Welcome Host front office staff in the area


Local Information Point

To develop a local information point. Racking and branding



Tourism Network / Sub Committee

Forum in North Belfast.  North Belfast Tourism Action Plan



West Belfast


      The proposal for Local Tourism Delivery in West Belfast came from Fáilte Feirste Thiar  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Regional Development Strategy - 10 Year Review Consultation


            (Mr K. Sutherland, Planning and Transport Policy Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee was advised that the ‘Shaping our Future Regional Development Strategy 2025 – 10 Year Review Consultation Document’ had been launched by the Minister for Regional Development on 6th January.  It was explained that the Regional Development Strategy was an overarching spatial framework which would influence the future distribution of activities throughout Northern Ireland to 2025.  A public consultation process had been initiated and the Department for Regional Development was requesting comments to be submitted by 31st March.  It was reported that the revised Strategy would replace the one which had been published in 2001, and subsequently amended in 2008 after a 5 Year Review.  The Members were advised also that two information events had been arranged for the Waterfront Hall on 26th January. 


            The Planning and Transport Manager provided an overview of the revised Regional Development Strategy which identified key challenges regarding climate change, rebuilding and rebalancing the economy, population growth, the location of jobs and housing, infrastructure provision and the protection of natural and built environment. 


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and noted also that a draft response to the consultation document would be submitted for its consideration in due course.