Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item


Requests for Deputations


            It was reported that no requests had been received.




Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau - Update pdf icon PDF 158 KB

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            The Committee noted the information provided and noted further that the representatives of the Bureau would attend the Committee’s meeting on 24th January, 2012 to discuss the Council’s financial contribution to the organisation in 2012/2013.




Draft Framework to Tackle Poverty and Reduce Inequalities pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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            The Director answered a range of questions from the Members in relation to the framework and, following discussion, the Committee adopted the framework and the recommendations contained within the report.



Future Renewing the Routes Programmes - 2011/2016 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

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            The Committee agreed to defer, until its meeting on 13th December, consideration of the aforementioned report to enable individual Political Party briefings to be provided to those Parties who requested them.  However, in the interim period, the Committee agreed, given the limited time available for the commencement of the project, to grant authority for the officers to invite tenders for the construction-related design services and measured-term contracts for the work associated with the future Programme.



B-Team Dissemination Events pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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            The Committee approved the attendance of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, or their nominees, together with the appropriate officers, at the dissemination events in Vilnius/Lithuania and in Seville in 2012. It was noted that a report in respect of the hosting by Belfast of a dissemination event in September, 2012 would be submitted to the Committee in due course.



Glen Road Development Framework pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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            The Committee agreed that the consultants would be invited to attend its meeting on 24th January, 2012, and agreed also that an invitation to attend the meeting would be extended also to the Members of teh Strategic Policy and Resources Committee and those Members representing the Upper Falls District Electoral Area.



Belfast Business Awards pdf icon PDF 74 KB


The Committee agreed to provide sponsorship in the sum of £29,000 for the hosting of the Belfast Business Awards in 2012.  It was noted that work would be undertaken to evaluate the Council’s overall involvement in the current range of awards ceremonies with a view to a report thereon being submitted for consideration in due course.



European Union Funds - post 2013 pdf icon PDF 88 KB




            The Committee noted the content of the report and agreed to a lobby action plan led by the EU Unit and Chair and Deputy Chair, or their nominees, of the Development Committee. In addition, it was agreed to recruit a Consultant to facilitate a stakeholders’ workshop in order to identify priorities for Belfast and the functional urban area aligned to the regulations, themes and possibilities for the Belfast Metropolitan Area.”





Quarterly Finance Update pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the contents of a quarterly finance report in respect of the Development Department as at 30th September, 2011.



MTV Europe Awards


            A number of Members referred to the hosting by the City of the MTV Europe Awards and it was agreed that the gratitude of the Committee be conveyed to those officers involved in the staging of the various events held over the weekend of 4th to 6th November.


            In response, the Director indicated that he would convey the Committee’s gratitude to the officers involved and stated that a post-event report would be submitted to the Committee in due course.



City Hall Christmas Lighting


            The Chairman advised the Committee that he had been approached by an Elected Member regarding the City Hall Christmas lighting.  The Member had requested that the Committee consider erecting an additional ‘Happy Christmas Belfast’ sign above the East Entrance to the building.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the request, however, it was agreed that no alterations would be made to the current display.