Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            The minutes of the meetings of 4th, 11th and 18th September were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st October, subject to the amendment of the minute of the meeting of 18th September under the heading ‘Cultural Framework Strategy 2012/2015’ to the effect that a letter be forwarded on behalf of the Committee to the organisers of the East Belfast Arts Festival congratulating them on the success of the event.


(The Chairman, Alderman Stalford, in the Chair.)



Declarations of Interest


            In respect of item 4f, viz., ‘Erasmus Programme for Elected Members’, Councillor Webb declared an interest in that he had been successful in his application to partake in the programme.



York Street Interchange Consultation - Council Response


            The Democratic Services Officer reminded the Committee that the Council’s draft response to the Department for Regional Development’s consultation on the upgrading of the York Street Interchange was due to be considered at the meeting scheduled for 16th October.  He pointed out that the Committee, at its meeting on 21st August, had agreed that an ad-hoc Cross-Party Working Group be established to discuss the issue in advance of the meeting to explore whether a consensus could be reached amongst parties in respect of the Council’s preferred option for the redevelopment of the Interchange.  He reported that a meeting in this regard had been scheduled for 4.30 p.m. on Monday, 8th October in the Conor Room.





Belfast City Bike Tours - Presentation


            After discussion, during which Mr. Martin and Mr. O’ Loughlin answered a range of Members’ questions regarding the provision of cycle lanes in the City and various health and safety aspects of the tours, the Chairman thanked the representatives for attending.





Gaeltacht Quarter Boundary pdf icon PDF 156 KB



            After discussion, it was


            Moved by Alderman Ekin,

            Seconded by Councillor Maskey,


      That the Committee agrees to endorse the revised boundary for the Gaeltacht Quarter as set out within the map tabled. 


            On a vote by show of hands thirteen Members voted for the proposal and none against and the proposal was accordingly declared carried. 


            In addition, in response to a Member’s request and with the permission of the Committee, the Director agreed to submit to a future meeting a progress report on the proposed development of a Council Memorandum of Understanding in respect of the Gaeltacht Quarter.



Festive Lighting in the City Centre pdf icon PDF 144 KB




            The Committee agreed to approve £50,000 towards the upgrading of the Christmas lighting stock of BCCM for the City Centre.



Irish Technology Leadership Group pdf icon PDF 144 KB



            A range of Members expressed disappointment that the benefits which had been anticipated from the Memorandum of Understanding had not, thus far, been realised, especially with regard to the introduction of the internship programme and the undertaking of a reciprocal trade visit to the United States. The point was made that the Council’s future relationship with the Irish Technology Leadership Group would need to be re-examined within the context of the emerging International Relations Strategy.


            The Committee noted the information provided.




Sister City Linkages - Heifei pdf icon PDF 139 KB


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that a report which would outline the feasibility of the Council hosting an event to mark ‘The Gathering’ be submitted to a future meeting.



MIPIM Conference 2013 pdf icon PDF 147 KB


            The Committee agreed not to be represented at the MIPIM Conference in 2013.




World Travel Market pdf icon PDF 130 KB


Accordingly, the Committee authorised the attendance at the event of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, together with the Director (or their nominees). The costs associated with attending the event would be approximately £1,000.




Erasmus Programme for Elected Members pdf icon PDF 123 KB


            After discussion, during which Members expressed congratulations for Councillor Webb, the Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed to meet the travel costs as outlined.



Belfast Waterfront Hall - Future Development


            The Committee noted the contents of two reports, which had been endorsed previously by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, which outlined the Council’s options for the redevelopment and future management of the Belfast Waterfront Hall.