Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            An apology was reported on behalf of Councillor Mallon. 


Declarations of Interest


            In respect of item 4c, viz., ‘Community Services Grant Aid Programme’, Councillor Kingston declared an interest in that he was associated with Joanmount Open Door Limited, which had applied for funding under the programme.



HMS Caroline


The Director informed the Committee that the National Heritage Memorial Fund had, on 11th October, announced that it would pledge a sum of £1 million to enable the refurbishment of HMS Caroline to be undertaken, which, he reported, would be retained in the Alexandra Dock and opened in 2014 as a maritime tourist attraction.


After discussion, during which a number of Members welcomed the fact that the ship would be retained in Belfast, the Director undertook to submit update reports for the Members’ consideration as and when the project evolved.






Giro d'Italia 2014


            After discussion, the Committee agreed, with sixteen Members voting for and one against, to support the bid for the staging of the Giro d’Italia Grande Partenza in Belfast, at a cost £400,000, a portion of which would be the in-kind provision of the Waterfront Hall with the remainder allocated to the festival programme delivery.





Forthriver Innovation Centre pdf icon PDF 63 KB


            The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the Council-led plans to establish a Forthriver Innovation Centre at the Springvale site in west Belfast. 


            After discussion, during which it was agreed that consideration be given to re-naming the proposed Innovation Centre to reflect the City-wide aspirations of the development, the Committee noted the information provided. 



Champion of Champions - Piping Event


                  The Committee agreed:


1.     To bid for the Champion of Champions competition for 2013 at an estimated cost of £80,000;

2.     Following a post event evaluation of the Champion of Champions event, to consider making a bid for the event for 2014 and 2015, or for the more lucrative All-Ireland and Ulster events should that opportunity still remain; and

3.     To recommend that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee make £80,000 available for the Champion of Champions event for 2013 from the Events Fund.



Employer Engagement Support pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Additional documents:


            After discussion, the Committee endorsed, in principle, the terms of reference for the City-wide Employers’ Forum and agreed to allocate funding in the sum of £25,000 per annum for a three-year period, subject to the consideration and endorsement of a business plan which would oversee the work of the Forum.  



St. Patrick's Day and Lord Mayor's Events - Tenders


Accordingly, it was


            Moved by Councillor Ó Donnghaile,                

            Seconded by Councillor Mac Giolla Mhín and


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees that the Council’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in 2013 be marketed and promoted as part of ‘The Gathering’ initiative.


In addition, it was


            Moved by Councillor Keenan,

            Seconded by Councillor Kelly,


      That the Committee agrees to reject the proposal to establish a Lord Mayor’s Showcase Event and agrees to retain the Lord Mayor’s Parade within the Council’s annual programme of events.


            After further discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations, subject to the following:


·        That the City’s St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in 2013 be marketed and promoted as part of ‘The Gathering’ initiative; and


·        That a report be submitted to a future meeting which would outline the feasibility of enhancing the scope and scale of the 2013 St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.




Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum - Summer Conference pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a report which provided with an overview of the outcomes of the Council-sponsored Eurocities Knowledge Society Forum’s summer conference, which had taken place in Belfast in June. It was reported that almost 100 delegates representing a wide range of countries had attended the conference and they had undertaken study visits to local companies where they had received updates on the employment opportunities which had been being created through technological investments. It was reported that feedback from the delegates had been very positive and that valuable contacts had been forged by local companies with American and European business leaders. 





York Street Interchange - Council Response pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the information provided and, after discussion, endorsed the associated response as set out.



B-Team Brownfield Day in Belfast pdf icon PDF 87 KB


            The Committee noted the outcomes of the various workshops and the recommendations in respect thereof.




Urban Regeneration Conference


            The Democratic Services Officer reported that correspondence had been received from agendaNi regarding a seminar which would take place in the MAC Belfast on Tuesday, 20th November. The seminar would examine themes related to urban regeneration within the Northern Ireland context and the role which towns and cities played as catalysts for economic regeneration. He pointed out that the seminar, which would be addressed by a range of prominent local speakers, would examine matters relevant in light of the Review of Public Administration, such as tourism and the urban economy; the future growth of Belfast; the role of community consultation in urban renewal; and the future role of the public sector in regeneration.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed that the Director, or his nominees, be authorised to attend the event.



Belfast Community Investment Programme pdf icon PDF 71 KB


The Director reported that, as part of the arrangements to oversee the development and implementation of the programme, it had been proposed that a working group, which would consist of a representative from each of the political parties on the Council, would be established to provide political input and guidance in this regard. In addition, he reported that membership of the working group would consist of Council officers who were members of the programme’s Inter Agency Delivery Group. It was pointed out that administrative support for the working group would be provided by officers from within the Development Department.


After discussion, the Committee agreed that a working group be established on the terms outlined.



Play Resource Centre pdf icon PDF 107 KB


            The Committee agreed to undertake a study visit to the Play Resource Centre, 2 Duncairn Gardens, on a date to be agreed in conjunction with the Chairman (Alderman Stalford).



Community Services Grant Aid Programme - Generic Eligibility Criteria


            The Committee agreed to defer, until its meeting on 20th November, consideration of the above-mentioned item to enable party briefings to be provided during the interim period. 



Draft Aviation Policy Framework - Consultation pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered a Council response to the Department of Transport’s consultation exercise on the formulation of a Draft Aviation Policy Framework. The Director reported that the primary objective of the consultation had been to provide a framework to encourage economic growth by addressing the key role played by the aviation sector in this regard. He provided an overview of the Council’s response and explained that the framework would seek to support economic development and maintain a balance between the benefits of aviation and its costs, particularly in respect of climate change and noise issues.


            The Committee endorsed the response, a copy of which was available on the Council’s system.



Departmental Structural Review



            After discussion, during which the Director undertook, if requested, to brief individual Members in respect of the structural review, the Committee agreed to adopt the recommendations within the report, subject to the proposed position of Head of Economic and International Development being re-designated Head of Economic Initiatives and International Development.



Belfast Restaurant Week


            The Committee was apprised of the success of the inaugural Belfast Restaurant Week and it was agreed that letters of congratulations be forwarded on behalf of the Committee to those officers which had been involved in the organisation of the event.