Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies were received from Councillors Austin, Hendron and Webb.




            The minutes of the meetings of 2nd and 16th October were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st November.



Declarations of Interest


            In respect of item 5a, viz., ‘Support Measures for Lagan Village Youth and Community Group’, Councillor Kyle declared an interest in that he was a member of the group’s steering committee.



Requests for Deputations


Gaeltacht Quarter Board pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Additional documents:



            The Committee agreed to appoint a cross-party deputation to meet with the Board and to undertake a fact-finding tour of the area.



Belfast Folk Town Initiative pdf icon PDF 102 KB


            The Committee agreed to receive a deputation from Belfast Folk Town at a future meeting. 



Visit by Delegation from the State Department of the United States


            With the permission of the Chairman, the Head of Economic Initiatives and International Development reported that a deputation representing the State Department of the United States would be visiting the City during November to undertake a fact-finding tour.  As part of its itinerary for the visit, the deputation would be visiting the City Hall and, accordingly, given the valuable networking opportunity which would be presented by the visit, she sought the Committee’s authority to host an event for the deputation including the provision of appropriate hospitality.


            The Committee agreed to this course of action.



Women in Business Awards pdf icon PDF 73 KB


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which outlined the Council’s involvement in the 2012 Women in Business Awards, specifically its sponsorship of the “Best Small Business Category” at the event on 22nd November.


            After discussion, during which it was agreed that the Council’s Women’s Champion, Councillor Kelly, would present the award on the evening on behalf of the Council, the Committee noted the information which had been provided.



Global India - Update pdf icon PDF 80 KB


            The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an update on the arrangements which had been put in place for the hosting by the City of the Global India Conference in April, 2013.



South by Southwest 2013 pdf icon PDF 75 KB


            The Committee agreed that it be represented on the trade mission to Austin, Texas, in March, 2013 by the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman, or their nominees, together with two Council officials and authorised also the associated travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.


            It was noted also that a report would be submitted for the Committee’s consideration which would outline the feasibility of the Council’s delegation partaking in a further event in Silicon Valley, California, in conjunction with the Irish Technology Leadership Group, as part of the visit.



PEACE III Funding - Tender pdf icon PDF 78 KB


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.




Lagan Village Youth and Community Group pdf icon PDF 84 KB


(Councillor Kyle left the meeting whilst the item was under discussion.)


The Committee agreed to adopt the following:


i.     the package of officer and support measures as outlined

ii.      the pro-rata transfer of current grant commitments from Bridge Community Association to the newly formed Lagan Village Youth and Community Group for the period to 31st March 2014

iii.      that support would be subject to LVYCG fully engaging in the BCC officer support programme and their meeting all monitoring and related compliance requirements on a quarterly basis.

iv.     that any support arrangements to be informed by and reviewed in light of audit recommendations.




Urban Regeneration and Community Development Policy Framework - Consultation Response pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the contents of a Council response to the Department for Social Development’s consultation on the above-mentioned matter. It was noted further that the response had been approved by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 19th October and endorsed by the Council on 1st November. 



RISE Public Artwork


            The Deputy Chairman advised the Committee that the Council-supported artwork ‘RISE’, which was located at the Broadway Roundabout, had been successful in the 'Small Projects' category at the annual Institution of Structural Engineers' Structural Awards.


            The Committee agreed that a letter of congratulations be forwarded on its behalf to the sculptor of the artwork, Mr. Wolfgang Buttress. 



All-Island Pride of Place Awards


            The Community Services Manager reported that the Council had been awarded Best Local Authority in the All-Island Pride of Place Awards, which had taken place in Limerick city on 3rd November.  She reported that, in the Cities’ Competition, Upper Andersonstown had been successful in the housing estates category, whilst Willowfield Parish had been awarded second place in the community areas with populations greater than 2,000 category. In addition, she reported that Lower Ormeau had received third place in the category for previous winners in the Cities’ Competition.


            The Committee agreed that letters of congratulations be forwarded on its behalf to each of the successful groups.