Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




An apology was reported on behalf of Councillor Webb.



Declarations of Interest


In respect of item 4c. viz., ‘Events Update - St. Patrick’s Day’, Councillor Ó Donnghaile indicated that he was employed by Feile an Phobail, who had been referred to within the report, and indicated that, should the recommendations therein be adopted, that organisation would be working with the Council in the delivery of certain aspects of the St. Patrick’s Day programme.



Presentation from Belfast Folk Town Initiative pdf icon PDF 102 KB



            After discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that officers from within the Department would continue to engage with representatives of Belfast Folk Town to explore areas of mutual benefit.




Departmental Matters


Quarterly Development Plan pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a quarterly update report on the Departmental Plan for the period ending 30th September, 2012.  The Director clarified a number of issues in respect of the report and undertook to update individual Members in respect of various aspects therein. 



Belfast's Economy


            The Director undertook to submit a report to a future meeting which would outline the Council’s role in the promotion and management of the scheme in its second and third years. In addition, he undertook to provide information on the awards made, thus far, on the Council’s behalf under the scheme.





Forthriver Innovation Centre pdf icon PDF 58 KB


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and authorised expenditure in the sum of £25,000 towards the engagement of consultants to carry out a feasibility study and prepare a business case for the project.



Procurement - Business Support Initiatives pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


The Director reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 4th September, he had undertaken to submit a report which would outline the measures which the Council could take to raise awareness amongst local companies on the procurement opportunities which would arise as part of the Investment Programme.  Accordingly, the Committee considered the contents of a report, together with a programme of initiatives, which outlined the range of workshops, training and capacity-building events which would be delivered in this regard.  He indicated that the programme would provide an insight into the Council’s procurement processes and enhance the ability of local companies to compete for contracts. In addition, awareness would be raised on the range of contracts offered by the Council.  The Director indicated that the costs associated with delivering the programme would be met from within existing budgets and that staff from across a range of Council departments would oversee its implementation.


            The Committee endorsed the contents of the programme.



Events Update - St Patrick's Day pdf icon PDF 156 KB


            Moved by Councillor Kelly,

            Seconded by Councillor Hendron,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations contained within the report and authorises the additional expenditure as outlined for the enhancement of the Council’s St. Patrick’s Day programme in 2013 only and notes that any further decision on the extent of the programme in future years would be made after the submission and consideration of a report which would assess the impact of the revised programme in 2013. 


            On a vote by show of hands nine Members voted for the proposal and seven against and it was declared carried.



The Gathering 2013 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that a range of Council-led events be registered with the organisers as part of ‘The Gathering’ initiative.  In addition, it was agreed that Council officials would continue to work with key partners to promote the Belfast-related family research opportunities which would be presented by ‘The Gathering’ initiative in 2013.




Belfast Town Charter - 400th Anniversary pdf icon PDF 171 KB


            After discussion, during which the Director undertook to explore the feasibility of enhancing the programme to provide further outreach activities to local schools, the Committee endorsed the series of events and agreed that officers would continue to engage with outside bodies and agencies to secure additional funding to enhance the outward scope of the programme. 



Bringing Our Heritage to Life pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that an ad-hoc Member/stakeholder working group be established to progress the matter.




St. George's Market - Update pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The Committee noted the contents of a report which provided an overview of the range of initiatives which had been introduced to attract additional shoppers to St. George’s Market in the run-up to the Christmas period. 



Consultation Documents


Department of the Environment - Priorities for Youth pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee endorsed the response to the above-mentioned consultation:



Department of the Environment - Arts Council Review pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee endorsed the undernoted response to the above-mentioned consultation and agreed that an invitation being extended to representatives of the Arts Council to attend a future meeting to discuss a range of issues in respect of the Council’s Culture and Arts Strategy for 2012/2015.



Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure - Traveller Education pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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The Committee endorsed the response to the consultation.




Department for Social Development - Community Support Programme pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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The Committee adopted the recommendations.