Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Mr. Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




An apology was reported on behalf of Alderman Ekin.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were reported.





            The minutes of the meetings of 7th and 21st May were taken and read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 3rd June, subject to the undernoted:


·         the amendment of the minute of the meeting of 7th May, under the heading “Linenhall Library – Study Visit”, to provide that all Members of the Council be invited to undertake a study visit to the Linenhall Library on a date to be agreed in conjunction with the Chairman;


·         the amendment of the minute of the meeting of 21st May under the heading “European Social Fund – Match Funding Requests” to provide that the decision of the Committee not to accede to the requests for funding was rejected and, accordingly, the Council agreed to grant match funding in the sum of £58,508 to the three projects; and


·         the omission of the minute of the meeting of 21st May under the heading “C.S. Lewis” which, at the request of Alderman R. Newton, and with the permission of the Council, had been taken back to the Committee for further consideration.



C.S. Lewis



            The Committee noted that the minute in respect of the above-mentioned item would be reconsidered at the meeting scheduled to take place on 20th June.



Date and Time for Future Meetings


Date of Meeting


            Pursuant to notice on the agenda, the Chairman (Councillor Hargey) reminded the Committee that in June, 2011 it had agreed to meet twice monthly at 5.15 p.m.  She pointed out that that decision to hold two meetings had been based on the significant number of items which the Committee was then obliged to consider. However, she stated that it was evident that the number of items considered had decreased considerably during the intervening period and, accordingly, it was:


            Moved by the Chairman (Councillor Hargey),

            Seconded by Councillor Ó Donnghaile,


    That the Committee agrees to meet once a month on the third Tuesday of each month from August, 2013. 


            On a vote by show of hands ten Members voted for the proposal and eight against and it was declared carried.


Time of Meeting


Moved by Councillor Hartley,

Seconded by Councillor Austin,


     That the Committee agrees that its future meetings would commence at

            4.30 p.m.


            On a vote by show of hands ten Members voted for the proposal and seven against and it was declared carried.



Meeting with Chief Executive of the Arts Council


            The Democratic Services Officer reported that the Chief Executive of the Arts Council had extended an invitation to an all-party deputation to attend a meeting with her at the headquarters of the Arts Council, Malone Road, on Tuesday, 25th June at 4.30 p.m. to discuss issues relating to culture and arts in Belfast


The Committee agreed that it be represented at the meeting by the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, together with a representative from each of the Parties not represented by the aforementioned Members. It was agreed also that an invitation to the meeting be extended to the Lord Mayor.




Public Hire Bike Scheme - Presentation pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The Committee agreed to invite a representative from Dublin City Council to make a presentation at a future meeting in respect of the Dublin Bike Hire Scheme.



Departmental Plan 2013/2014 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee agreed to defer, until its meeting in August, consideration of the Departmental Plan to enable party briefings to be provided to those parties who so wished to receive them.



Market at Conway Mill pdf icon PDF 120 KB



The Committee considered the undernoted report:


            “1     Relevant Background Information


1.1    Belfast City Council has exclusive rights to hold markets in Belfast. The Development Committee at its meeting on 26 June 2012 granted authority for the Director of Development or other authorised officer to approve future markets/car boot sales in the City of Belfast.  This applies to car boot sales which are considered to be deminimus with less than 20 persons trading; and/or a market which is considered by officers to be deminimus and/or any markets which are carried out solely for charitable purposes.


            2       Key Issues


1.1    Conway Mill Preservation Trust has applied to operate the weekly market in Conway Mill, every Saturday from 10.00am to 2.00pm. The market will have a mixture of crafts and food and will hold approx 20 stalls each week.


2.2    The market has been operating for a number of months and they wish to register to Council for a licence. The market has been visited by the Council’s Environmental Health Food Safety Officers and the food stalls have all been passed as per food safety regulations.


2.3    Conway Mill Preservation Trust have as part of their application requested to have any payable fees discounted on charitable grounds, (fees include annual £100 fee for multiple market application and £6.00 per stall as the market is under 25 stalls). They have included a charity registration number on their application confirming charitable status. Advice from Development Finance and Legal Services is that the weekly fee per stall could be waivered but annual fee of £100 for application to operate multiple markets is paid.

            3       Resource Implications


3.1    Loss of £6240 in revenue for foregoing weekly stall fee. The £100 annual application fee will cover the administration costs.


            4       Recommendations


4.1    Members are asked to approve the waiver of the weekly fee for charitable status purposes but the annual registration fee of £100 be paid for 2012/2013 period and every year thereafter while the market is in operation.”


            A Member reminded the Committee that, in 2012, it had endorsed the contents of an updated Council Markets Policy and suggested that it would be inappropriate to waive the stall hire fees, as suggested, given that there was no scope within the Policy to do so. A further Member pointed out that the Committee had, in March, rejected a request from stall holders in St. George’s Market to waive their stall hire fees in light of the disruption to business which had occurred due to the unrest in the City. He stated also that the Council was duty bound to protect its income streams and, should a precedent be set by waiving the charges as requested, it might encourage other market stall holders to apply for similar treatment.


            However, several Members suggested that the Committee might consider exercising discretion in this instance and agree to meet the request since it would encourage economic development within an area of need.




            Moved by Councillor Reynolds,

            Seconded by Councillor Spence,


     That  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Supplies of Marquees and Temporary Structures - Tender pdf icon PDF 139 KB



            The Committee agreed to defer, until its meeting on 20th June, consideration of the above-mentioned report to enable further information to be submitted.