Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall
Contact: Barry Flynn 028 9027 0610
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for inability to attend were reported from the Chairman (Councillor Stoker) and Councillors Ekin, Kyle and Mac Giolla Mhín.
Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 11th March were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st April subject to:
(i) the amendment of the minute under the heading “Cliftonville Playing Fields” to provide that, recognising that studies for the development of a rational approach to the provision of sport and leisure facilities indicate that, amongst other imbalances, a shortage exists of playing fields in North and West Belfast, the Council agrees to approve the provision of temporary changing accommodation at Cliftonville Road and that this decision be prioritised due to the Child Protection issues arising from the current management arrangements, on the condition that the Council is not responsible for the costs of supervising or managing the facility or for the removal of the same, should that be required. Further, the Director of Parks and Leisure be instructed to pursue the urgent completion of a comprehensive strategy to help rationalise the provision of sport and leisure facilities in Belfast by the Council and others. In addition, that a detailed financial report on all aspects of the Cliftonville Playing Fields project, and in particular outlining where finance for the provision of the temporary changing accommodation will be found and the implications for this and for other Parks and Leisure projects, be submitted to the Committee at its meeting in April; and
(ii) the amendment of the minute under the heading “Elite Facilities Programme”, to provide that steps be taken by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to ensure that processes and procedures be introduced which would prevent the possible recurrence of this situation.
Councillors McCabe and Robinson Minutes: The Deputy Chairman welcomed to the Parks and Leisure Committee Councillors McCabe and Robinson.
Cliftonville Playing Fields PDF 117 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
The purpose of the report is to outline for Committee how it is proposed that the provision of temporary changing facilities at Cliftonville Playing Fields is to be funded.
Relevant Background Information
The Committee is reminded that the proposed development of facilities at Cliftonville Playing Fields has been discussed on several occasions in the past. At its meeting on 6 February 2007 the former Community and Recreation (Parks and Cemeteries) Sub Committee adopted the recommendation that:
1. The Sub-Committee agrees to proceed with the sale of the land to the Bunscoil in respect of the 1.3 acres at a price of £355k; and agrees to proceed with the grant of rights to the Bunscoil in respect of the 0.54 acres for £75k to facilitate the development of shared car parking, access etc to be funded through the Department of Education; and
2. The Sub-Committee agrees to the development of a new pitch on the residue of the land at an estimated cost of£510k.
This decision sets the context for any works on the site. The current position is that the Department of Education has informed the Bunscoil that the economic appraisal has been approved by the Department and that the preferred option is for a replacement school on a new site (Cliftonville Playing Fields). There is a review of capital schemes within the Department and the Bunscoil has been informed that they will be contacted once this review has been completed and advised on a way forward. In short, our understanding of this is that there is no time scale set for construction of the new school and we await clarification from DENI.
The Committee is asked to note that the figures contained in the report of February 2007 will need to be revised given the passage of time and to reflect the current prevailing market conditions.
The Committee is reminded that at its meeting on 11 March 2010 it received a report on proposals to provide temporary changing facilities at Cliftonville Playing Fields. The Committee agreed to progress on the basis of Option 4 which was to progress the proposal as part of a group scheme of similar projects within the context of the developing pitches strategy.
At the Council meeting on 1 April 2010 the following proposal was agreed:
That the decision of the Committee be amended to provide that, recognising that studies for the development of a rational approach to the provision of sport and leisure facilities indicate clearly that, amongst other imbalances, a shortage exists of playing fields in North and West Belfast, the Council agrees to approve the provision of temporary changing accommodation at Cliftonville Road and that this decision be prioritised due to the child protection issues arising from the current management arrangements, on the condition that the Council is not responsible for the costs of supervising or managing the facility or for the removal of the same, should that be required. Further, the Director of ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Parks and Leisure Improvement Plan PDF 111 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (Mrs. R. Crozier, Change Programme Manager, attended in connection with this item.)
The Committee agreed to note the contents of a report in relation to the progress which had been achieved in relation to the Parks and Leisure Department’s Improvement Programme. In addition, the Committee noted that further reports in relation to the Programme would be submitted for its consideration at its monthly meetings scheduled to be held on 13th May and 10th June.
Draft Parks and Leisure Departmental Plan 2010/2011 PDF 97 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“Purpose of the Report
The purpose of this report is to:
(i) present a draft Parks and Leisure Departmental Plan 2010-11 to Members for review and comment;
(ii) summarise the approach taken to develop the draft plan; and
(iii)seek Member approval for the draft plan.
Relevant Background Information
In June 2008 Members agreed the first integrated Departmental Plan 2008-09 for Parks and Leisure. Since its inception there has been considerable effort invested in the development of a robust approach and process to planning and performance management within the department.
The standard corporate planning and financial timeframe and guidance were used to define the planning and performance management approach for the department. The main focus for the department this year was to:
· ‘refresh’ the current Value Creation Map (VCM);
· update the service and centre/site/business unit plans accordingly; and
· concentrate on defining and agreeing a suite of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be fed into the corporate performance management system – CorVu.
As part of the performance management process, an extended Departmental Management Team (DMT) participated in two departmental workshops in order to develop a suite of KPIs to effectively report on the performance of the Department.
Key Issues
The draft Departmental Plan for 2010-11 reflects the significant role which the Parks and Leisure Department has in the delivery of all corporate strategic themes and objectives for the Council.
This draft Departmental Plan 2010-11 provides staff and Members with a single reference point on the current position and priority actions for the department. It is also a guide for managers and officers to take decisions and allocate resources in line with the objectives and activities agreed and within the current climate. In the event that ‘new’ or unplanned activities are identified to be undertaken, this may have an impact on the delivery of other activities outlined in the plan.
Development of the Plan
All of the department’s managers were asked to undertake business planning at a unit/centre/site level with their own teams so that this could be fed into service plans. Service plans were then used to inform the developing Departmental Plan 2010-11.
Structure of the Plan
The draft Departmental Plan 2010-11 details the Parks and Leisure Value Creation Map (VCM). It also highlights a number of specific activities for which the Director is seeking authority to use the delegated authority afforded under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation.
The draft Departmental Plan 2010-11 outlines the corporate values and strategic themes applicable to the department; internal and external changes facing the department in the coming year; provides information on the key achievements of the department over the past year and places the department’s objectives and activities, programmes and projects for the year ahead within the corporate context.
For each of the corporate strategic themes, the Department has developed a suite of KPIs to measure its success in 2010-11. The department still has some additional work to do in order to ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Belfast Festival at Queen's Events PDF 116 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“Purpose of the Report
The purpose of this report is to seek Committee approval for two events to be held on Council property as part of the Belfast Festival at Queen’s in October 2010.
Key Issues
Belfast Festival at Queen’s has requested that the Committee consider supporting two events for the 2010 festival programme. The Festival Director, Graeme Farrow is seeking to host two large-scale productions in Belfast in 2010 and has approached the Director regarding the possibility of staging these in partnership with the Council.
Black Watch theatre production – Shankill Leisure Centre
Black Watch is an internationally acclaimed play based on interviews from former soldiers who have served in Iraq in 2004 as part of the Black Watch regiment. The National Theatre of Scotland’s production has won numerous theatrical awards and has had a sell-out tour across the world.
It is described as a thought-provoking play which examines what it means to be a soldier, serving in Iraq and the emotional journey home. Belfast Festival at Queen’s will work with the National Theatre of Scotland to ensure that there is positive and stimulating debate around the production’s first visit to Belfast as well as a diverse audience attending over the course of the seven performances.
It is a large-scale production (30m x 25m playing space) which requires a suitably sized venue for the specially built stage. It plays to an audience of 700 per night and takes them on a journey from Scotland to the Iraqi desert. The highly physical performance incorporates pipe music, songs and physical action sequences.
After extensive research, the Festival is seeking to stage the show in the Shankill Leisure Centre. They have met with the Shankill Leisure Centre manager to discuss the practicalities of staging the production there. They are requesting support in-kind from the Council by seeking a discount on the market value of hiring the space. They require the space from 24 October – 1 November 2010; this includes set-up and removal times.
Two porta-cabins would be installed for dressing room and office facilities in addition to the use of the main hall. A full risk assessment would be undertaken by Belfast Festival at Queen’s with the co-operation of the National Theatre of Scotland. The production would be covered by the Festival’s public and employee liability insurance.
Belfast Festival at Queen’s is requesting a discounted hire fee for the duration of the production. The standard full hire charge for the main hall would be £11,200 (£1400 x 8 days). This does not include additional staffing costs and the use of changing facilities. However, it assumes 100% capacity during the period and at a comparable time last year the main hall income was approximately £3,000.
It would therefore be possible cover all actual costs, if the Council were to offer the facility at £7,500. This would cover loss of income for the main hall and associated rooms, the additional staff required for ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was advised that the Assembly’s Culture Arts and Leisure Committee was seeking the Council’s views in relation to that Committee’s Inquiry into Participation in Sport and Physical Activity. The Policy and Business Development Manager outlined the remit of the Inquiry which included:
· identifying the main groups within the adult population which had lower levels of participation than the average rate for adults;
· identifying the issues particular to those groups which acted as a barrier to participation;
· identifying solutions particular to each of the main groups which would encourage higher levels of participation, including consideration of examples of best practice from other countries and regions; and
· advising the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure as well as other stakeholders of the recommendations thereon.
She reported that the Parks and Leisure Department had co-ordinated a draft written response and had sought input from the Health and Environmental Services Department and, in particular, the newly established Belfast Health Development Unit in relation to the Council’s submission.
After discussion, the Committee agreed that the undernoted comments be forwarded to the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee as the Council’s response, subject to details on the number of users utilising the Council’s Leisure Centres being incorporated therein:
“Belfast City Council
Belfast City Council submission to the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure committee, Inquiry into participation in sport and physical activity
Belfast City Council welcomes this opportunity to contribute to the inquiry on participation in sport and physical activity. In general, the Council supports the committee’s aim which is to identify, and analyse the current position in particular with adult participation in sport and physical activity. The Council commends the intention to arrest the decline and focus on barriers to improve participation over a short period of time.
The Council is committed to improving the quality of life for now and for future generations for the people in Belfast. Within this, we are working to improve the health and well-being of all those who live, work and visit Belfast. We do this through the provision of a range of services, including the provision and programming of quality parks, open spaces and leisure environments that people value and use.
Most recently, we have launched the Belfast Health Development Unit. Its aim is to reduce the ‘health gap’ (variations in life expectancy and disease/disability free years between those who live in the more deprived areas and those who live in affluent areas) which exists in Belfast. The Unit is sponsored by the Council, the Public Health Agency and Belfast Health and Social Services Trust, but will involve a much wider partnership in the development of a health and wellbeing plan for the city. This plan will specify a number of key priority areas of work which all partners can unite behind, and physical activity has already been identified as one of these priorities, where the focus will be on improving wellbeing and tackling the increasing problem of obesity. This development represents a ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Review of Support for Sport Scheme and Hospitality PDF 93 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
The purpose of this report is to:
(i) Seek Members’ approval of draft terms of reference for a review of the Support for Sport grant scheme, and
(ii) Seek Members’ approval to request quotations for appropriate external assistance to carry out this work.
Relevant Background Information
Members will be aware that since 2005 the Director of Parks and Leisure has held delegated authority to approve support for sport hospitality and small development grant awards and that Members may, each year, approve a limited number of large development grant awards.
At the Parks and Leisure Committee meeting on 10 September 2009, Members granted officers authority to undertake a review of the Support for Sport Scheme in line with the Council’s updated corporate thematic objectives. This seeks to maximise the impact of this funding in delivering the goals of the Belfast Physical Activity and Sports Development Strategy and Departmental plan whilst aligning with other funding opportunities.
Key Issues
Records would indicate that the Support for Sport scheme has made a valuable contribution to sports development in Belfast. This is broadly in line with the goals of the Belfast Physical Activity and Sports Development Strategy and the Parks and Leisure Departmental Plan, as well as other Council thematic areas including health and well-being, good relations, community safety and engaging children and young people.
Given the length of time the scheme has been operating and the developments in Departmental and Council strategy which have taken place during this period, it is now timely to undertake a comprehensive review of the Support for Sport scheme. In particular, there is a need to ensure the scheme’s alignment with the developing strategy for leisure.
It is proposed that a suitably qualified external provider is commissioned to undertake the review, in order to ensure a fully independent perspective can be brought to any recommendations made on changes to the scheme.
To this end, draft terms of reference have been prepared which will form the basis of any request to provide quotations for undertaking the review. In summary, key elements include the following:
Review aims
- To determine the scheme’s effectiveness as a means of promoting participation in physical activity and providing support to sports clubs and relevant community organisations; and
- to ensure the scheme aligns with current and future Council and Departmental strategies, aims and objectives.
Key activities
- Review of similar funding to establish best practice;
- review of the scheme’s fit with existing strategies and plans;
- assessment of the impact of Support for Sport to date;
- review the distribution of grants awarded;
- assessment of the relevance of the scheme to the needs of clubs;
- review of the current governance and administration of the scheme;
- assessment of the level of complementarity/conflict with other relevant funding streams;
- engagement with user groups, elected representatives and other relevant stakeholders on the review; and
- consideration of the alignment of the scheme with emerging leisure strategy. ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland - Universal Design Principles PDF 93 KB Minutes: The Committee noted the contents of a report in connection with a learning and development programme which the Council had been invited to become a partner. Other partners would include Queen’s University (School of Architecture), PLACE and Dublin City Council. The Policy and Business Development Manager pointed out that initially this would involve workshops based on a Universal Design Model which focused on a set of design principles aimed at the production of buildings, products and environments which could be utilised by all Parks users, including those persons with disabilities. Botanic Gardens would be utilised as a case study for the purposes of the research. In addition, the Committee agreed that, should funding become available following the learning and development programme, the Director investigate the possibility of utilising a Park other than the Botanic Gardens for the Scheme.
Quarterly Vandalism Report PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (Ms. J. Wilson, Business Support Manager, attended in connection with this item.)
The Committee agreed to note the contents of a report in relation to the number of incidents of vandalism which had occurred at the Council’s Parks and Leisure facilities during the period from January till March, 2010.
Grove Wellbeing Centre Update PDF 91 KB Minutes: The Committee agreed to note the contents of a report in relation to the progress which had been achieved in respect of the operation of the Grove Wellbeing Centre for the period from January till March, 2010.
Royal British Legion Event - Ballysillan Leisure Centre PDF 83 KB Minutes: The Committee was advised that an application had been received from the Oldpark/Cavehill Branch of the Royal British Legion in connection with the holding of an event at the Ballysillan Leisure Centre on 30th May. The Director reported that, following the unveiling and dedication of a memorial on the Hightown Road area in memory of three off-duty soldiers who had been killed during 1971, the Legion wished to hold a Memorial Service for up to 1,000 people. It was anticipated that the unveiling would be followed by a parade to the Ballysillan Leisure Centre where a one?hour Drumhead Service would be held. The organisers had indicated that 120 Branches of the British Legion and members of the Armed Forces and other guests, including the First Minister, the Lord Mayor and Members of Council would be invited to attend.
The Director pointed out that the organisers had requested the use of the main hall at the Leisure Centre on 30th May and had indicated that a large number of Police would be in attendance. It was anticipated that the event would commence at 3.00 p.m. However, due to the nature of the event, it would be necessary for the Centre to close to the public from 1.00 p.m. All guests attending the event would be issued with passes and the Legion had indicated that marshals would be provided in the car parking area. Charges for the use of the facility would be applied in line with the Council’s approved pricing policy and would include charges for the early closure of facilities and any additional staff costs incurred. Accordingly, he recommended that the Committee approve the use of the Ballysillan Leisure Centre on 30th May by the Oldpark/Cavehill Branch of the Royal British Legion, subject to the event organisers liaising with the Council’s Health and Environmental Services Department and complying with all statutory requirements.
The Committee adopted the recommendation.
Filipino Community Event - Inverary Playing Fields PDF 88 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee was informed that a request had been received from FilCom-NI, Filipino Communities in Northern Ireland requesting permission to hold a one-day event at the Inverary Playing Fields. The organisers were proposing to hold an open air cultural event at the site on 3rd July which would attract approximately 3,000 people.
It was anticipated that entertainment representing the Filipino culture would be a major component of the event and, whilst participants would be able to purchase food and soft drinks, no alcohol would be sold and no admission charge would be levied. Accordingly, the Director of Parks and Leisure recommended that the Committee grant authority for the Filipino Communities in Northern Ireland to hold a one-day event on 3rd July at the Inverary Playing Fields, subject to satisfactory terms to be agreed with the Director of Parks and Leisure on the condition that:
(i) the event organisers resolve all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;
(ii) an appropriate legal agreement, to be prepared by the Director of Legal Services, is completed; and
(iii) the event organisers meeting all statutory requirements, including entertainment licensing.
The Committee granted the approval sought and noted that, as with all such events, an Event Management Plan would be required to be prepared by the organisers to the satisfaction of the Council, incorporating Health and Safety and Public Liability matters.
Big City Park - Children's Television Series PDF 117 KB Minutes: The Committee noted that, in accordance with the authority delegated to him, the Director of Parks and Leisure had, in consultation with the Chairman, granted approval to Sixteen South Television Limited to film a children’s series entitled “Big City Park” at the Ormeau Park site commencing on 5th April for a period of eleven weeks.
Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“Relevant Background Information
The Committee is reminded that in recent years it has received a number of reports regarding mountain biking in parks; the problems and issues associated with this activity and possible ways of addressing the problems. A brief review of these reports is outlined below.
The Committee received a report on 10 April 2008 which highlighted that:
· mountain biking is an increasingly popular sport, · there are currently no off-road facilities in Belfast, a situation that has contributed to unauthorised trails being established by the bikers themselves at Cave Hill CountryPark, Barnett Demesne and Mary Peters Track. · the Council’s response up to that time had been to remove potentially dangerous trails and jumps.
The report further brought to the committee’s attention the possibility of funding from the Sports Lottery to build a purpose designed down-hill mountain biking facility; at that time it was suggested that the facility be located at Cave Hill.
However, following consultation with the Countryside Activities and Access Network (CAAN) and local residents represented through the Cave Hill Conservation Group it was concluded that a facility at that location would attract unsustainable numbers of mountain bikers to the area and cause nuisance and possible risk to other park users such as walkers.
Following the decision of the Committee, in August 2008 a report was commissioned from a professional off-road cycling trail designer, Dafydd Davis. Following site visits, it was concluded that the existing path system at Cave Hill could not accommodate sustainable dual use for both mountain bikers and pedestrians and that conflict between users would be a continuing problem. It was recommended in the report that Mary Peters Track/Barnett Demesne would be a more suitable option for a purpose built off?road biking facility.
A further report on mountain biking was again brought to the Committee’s attention on 14 May 2009, this report
· reinforced the growing popularity of the sport and the continued lack of authorised facilities; · reminded Members of the main issues around the continuing unauthorised construction of mountain bike jumps and trails in the parks mentioned above and the associated costs and risks; and · informed Members that officers had been liaising closely with those involved in mountain biking making them aware of the issues, and as a result there had been a significant reduction in the unauthorised use of Cave Hill Country Park.
At that meeting it was agreed that officers should further explore the option of creating a purpose built biking trail. It was agreed that the preferred location would be at Mary Peters Track/Barnett Demesne. The facility would include a jump and skills area that would meet local need and reduce the amount of unsanctioned jumps being built, both in the South and the North of the city.
In the intervening period since the report the number of people participating in mountain biking has continued to increase, and the problems have re-emerged at Cave Hill in particular. This is illustrated ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
Shankill Graveyard - Scattering of Cremated Remains - Review of Charges PDF 94 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“Purpose of the Report
The purpose of this report is to provide information to the Parks and Leisure Committee regarding the review of the charges agreed by the May 2009 Parks and Leisure Committee, with specific reference to the scattering of cremated remains at Shankill Graveyard.
Relevant Background Information
The Committee may be aware that memorialisation is the term used to describe a scheme whereby families can purchase a type of commemoration after the death of a loved one. Some types of memorialisation can include the provision for the disposition of cremated remains within the memorial.
Representatives from the Shankill area of the City had approached the Parks and Cemeteries Service in 2008 with the idea of developing a cremated remains memorialisation area within Shankill Graveyard. Officers from the Parks and Cemeteries Service have met with the representatives, had site visits to Shankill Graveyard and discussed their requirements.
It was concluded at a meeting between officers and representatives in April 2009 that the Memorial Stone Book option currently on order for the City of Belfast Crematorium (which was agreed at the June 2008 Parks and Leisure Committee) was the favoured form of memorialisation. The Memorial Stone Book contains 208 plaques which can then be engraved.
It was agreed at the May 2009 Parks and Leisure Committee that a Memorial Stone Book be purchased and erected in Shankill Graveyard. An area beside the Shankill Memorial Stone Book site was to be made available for the scattering of cremated remains. Burying cremated remains was also considered at Shankill, but then disregarded because this would take up valuable space and the designated area for the cremated remains would soon be full. With scattering there is no limit to the numbers of cremated remains that can be scattered on the designated grassed area.
It was further agreed at the May 2009 Parks and Leisure committee meeting that Belfast City Council introduce to the public the following stated charges in relation to Shankill Graveyard:
· scattering in the Garden of Remembrance: £69 (increased to £72 from 1 April 2010 · scattering in the Garden of Remembrance and purchase of a memorial stone book tablet with engraving: £250
Key Issues
The Memorial Stone Book for Shankill Graveyard is at the supplier’s premises in Carlisle, England and is due to arrive on site in April 2010. The foundation is currently in place. Landscaping has taken place around the Memorial Stone Book site and an area has been laid out in turf on which cremated remains can be scattered.
Currently the price for cremation of a person at the City of Belfast Crematorium INCLUDES the scattering or burying of the cremated remains in the adjoining Garden of Remembrance. Therefore if a member of the public chooses to scatter remains in the Garden of Remembrance at the City of Belfast Crematorium there would be no additional charge.
However, if a person wants to scatter the cremated remains of a loved ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park PDF 105 KB Minutes: The Director reported that a number of complaints had been received from Elected Representatives and Parks users in relation to dog fouling at the football pitches located at the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park. In addition, those complaints had been highlighted in the media. In this regard, several meetings had taken place with representatives of the East Belfast Soccer Junior Football Club, Elected Representatives, Dog Wardens and Parks Managers to identify and implement procedures which could be put in place to monitor and reduce dog fouling at the site.
The Director pointed out that, as a result of those meetings, it was proposed that a 1.2 metre high fence be installed around pitches 1 and 2, which would assist in reducing dog fouling on the pitches, improve community relations, allow provision for better and safer facilities at the park and reduce the number of complaints received. The erection of a fence would be welcomed by the current Facilities Management Agreement holders, the East Belfast Football Club and the East Belfast Junior Football Club. He explained that the Alpha Programme, of which the Council was a Steering Group partner, distributed funds in the form of landfill tax credits to projects within a ten mile radius of the Mullaghglass Landfill Site, and it was proposed that an application be made to that Programme for funding.
The Director reported that the Programme assessed applications quarterly and that the next opportunity to apply for funding would be during June, 2010. The total cost for supply and erection of the fencing was estimated at approximately £26,500, with 90% of the cost being provided from the Alpha Fund, if successful. The remaining associated costs could be provided from the Parks and Leisure Department’s Property Maintenance Budget. Accordingly, he recommended that the Committee grant approval for the erection of the proposed fencing, subject to funding being obtained from the Alpha Programme.
After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation and authorised officers from the Department to submit an application for funding to the Programme.
Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park - Toilet Facilities Minutes: In accordance with Notice on the Agenda, Councillor Rodgers raised concerns in relation to the lack of public toilet facilities at the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park and referred also to the Child Protection and Health and Safety issues associated therewith. He stated that provision for the toilets had been made within the Capital Programme and requested that the Committee agree that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee be requested, as a matter of urgency, to bring the scheme forward.
After discussion, the Committee agreed that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting scheduled to be held on 23rd April, be recommended to advance as a ‘committed’ capital project the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park public toilet scheme, as a matter of urgency.
Request for Exhumation PDF 82 KB Minutes: The Committee was informed that a request for the exhumation of remains at the Roselawn Cemetery had been received.
The Director of Parks and Leisure outlined the reasons for the request having been made and recommended, having considered all the circumstances, that the request for exhumation be granted.
After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation, subject to the consent of the Department of the Environment having been obtained in relation to the exhumation of the remains and noted that all costs associated therewith would be met by the Police Service of Northern Ireland.
Minutes: (Mrs. A. Donegan, Media Relations Officer, attended in connection with this item.)
The Committee agreed to note the contents of a report which outlined the amount of media coverage and extent of press and media enquiries received concerning the work of the Committee during the period from December, 2009 till March, 2010.
Support for Sport - Small Development Grants and Hospitality Applications PDF 83 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted a Schedule of Support for Sport applications in relation to Small-Scale Development Grants and hospitality applications which had been approved by the Director of Parks and Leisure in accordance with the authority delegated to him. A copy of the Schedule was available on