Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Councillors Kyle, L. Patterson, J. Rodgers and Stoker.



Draft Playing Pitch Provision Strategy pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


      “1. Relevant Background Information


            Members are aware that an ongoing process has been taking place to develop a Playing Pitches Strategy and that reports were brought to Committee in December 2009 and June 2010. 


            The report to Committee in December 2009 outlined the findings from the Strategic Leisure assessment of supply and demand for:


·               association football (soccer);

·               Gaelic sports (football and hurling);

·               camogie;

·               cricket;

·               rugby union; and

·               hockey.


            The report to Committee in June 2010 outlined further developments in the process and party group briefings were held in August 2010 to gain Members views on the developing strategy and prioritisation framework.  The main points of discussion were:


-        The value of outdoor leisure provision in delivering a number of Council corporate objectives, including improved health and well-being;

-        The need to address the deficiencies in provision for some sporting codes, e.g. Gaelic sports and cricket;

-        Provide a robust indication of cost for proposed options with a prioritisation framework for investment to address the deficiencies in provision;

-        Develop partnerships with the education sector, governing bodies and other providers to ensure adequate provision is provided across the city and community access issues are addressed;

-        That any strategy is equality proofed and addresses the issue of under-represented groups such as women and people with disabilities.


Further party group briefings have been held in the first two weeks of December to seek Members’ views on the draft strategy, in advance of the special meeting of the Committee.


2.         Key Issues


            The objectives for the overall strategy are as follows:


Objective 1 – Capital development and enhancement

To prioritise and deliver a programme of capital development and enhancement investments to address identified deficiencies and to protect and enhance existing provision.


Objective 2 – Management

To implement and monitor a range of management options, working in partnership with community and statutory providers, so as to maximise the participation of people in sports team activity.


            Objective 3 – Sports development

To develop and deliver a sports development programme to maximise the participation of people in sports team activity, including under-represented groups such as females and those with disabilities; connectivity and shared space; and supporting new teams.


It has been agreed that this strategy will be over a 10-year timeframe.


A copy of the draft play pitches strategy is attached as appendix 1. A verbal summary on the strategy will be provided at the Committee meeting.


            Issues for consideration

There are a number of issues which Members may wish to consider specifically:


            City wide approach (5.4)

For the purposes of the final assessment, it was agreed with elected Members that provision levels would be on the basis of a city-wide assessment.  This is due in part to different perceptions of the geographical boundaries within the city as well as the catchment radius of 5 miles, or 20 minute travel time for synthetic turf pitches.  This is recommended by the Fields in Trust good practice guide ‘Planning and Design for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.