Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies were reported from Alderman Humphrey and Councillors Kelly, McKee and Ó Donnghaile.



Future Cremation Provision - Feasibility Study


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1      Relevant Background Information


         Over the last number of years officers have been working on a clear, phased approach to cemetery and crematorium development in the city based on an analysis of available data gathered, trend information and the development of a robust plan to meet current and future service requirements. 


         At its meeting in February, 2012, the Committee agreed that the Council should work together with Newtownabbey Borough Council to examine the feasibility of a sub-regional approach to the development of additional crematorium facilities.  Newtownabbey Borough Council had already identified a site at the Doagh Road which was to be the subject of the feasibility study. 


         Cogent Consulting were appointed to undertake a study on the feasibility of a sub-regional approach to the development of a new crematorium at the site identified by Newtownabbey Borough Council at Doagh Road, Newtownabbey.


         At a workshop in August, 2012, to which all the Parks and Leisure Committee were invited, Cogent presented their interim findings to Members and tested some of their thinking in order to inform the options within the report. 


2       Key Issues


         Cogent Consulting have now provided us with a copy of the final report and they will present the key findings and recommendations to Members at today’s special meeting. 


         A copy of the final report will be provided at the Special Committee meeting.  The report takes the following format:


·      Introduction and background

·      Analysis of the demand for crematoria provision

·      Analysis of the supply of crematoria provision

·      Potential impact of the expansion of crematoria provision

·      The proposed site and provisional costing of a new crematorium

·      Potential options for expanding crematorium provision

·      Conclusions


         In summary the key findings include:


·      There will continue to be an upward trend in demand for crematorium provision in NI.

·      The City of Belfast Crematorium (at Roselawn) is the only crematorium provision in NI and when compared to the rest of the UK and RoI, NI has a relatively low number/level of provision of crematoria when examined on a per capita basis.

·      There are a number of deficiencies hampering the effective delivery of dignified cremation services at Roselawn.

·      Outline planning permission has been granted for three additional crematoria in NI – Lisburn (February 2012) and Dungannon and Omagh (November 2012).

·      A new crematorium in Co. Cavan is due to open early in 2013.

·      The private sector has been undertaking exploratory research into the potential of creating a new crematorium in Newtownabbey.


         Potential impact of the expansion of crematorium provision


         Section 4 of the report examines the potential impact of any expansion in the supply of crematoria provision on the current operation of the City of Belfast Crematorium at Roselawn.  Four scenarios are considered through the analysis and the worst case scenario considers the impact if all the proposed crematoria are developed i.e. Cavan, Omagh, Dungannon, Lisburn and Newtownabbey.  This scenario would suggest that 57% of current market share would be eroded, leaving a potential  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.