Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Alderman Rodgers and Councillors M. E. Campbell, Garrett and Mullan.



Declarations of Interest


          No declarations of interest were reported.


Roads Service Programme of Works - Spring 2012 pdf icon PDF 4 MB


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 19th January, it had agreed to hold a special meeting in order to receive a presentation from representatives of the Roads Service in respect of its Annual Spring Progress Report.  Accordingly, it was reported that Mr. J. Irvine, Divisional Roads Manager, together with Mr. B. O’Neill and Mr. P. Thompson, were in attendance in order to present the findings of the Annual Report and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Mr. Irvine outlined the principal aspects of the Road Services Programme of Works for 2012 and confirmed that extensive works were continuing to be undertaken in connection with the York Street interchange and the Sydenham Bypass improvement schemes.  He pointed out that, during the 2011/2012 financial year, a record budget of approximately £7million had been allocated to the improvement of the road network within Belfast.  He drew the Members attention to the fact that last winter had been relatively mild in comparison to the severe weather conditions which had been experienced during the previous two years and that expenditure in relation to winter road maintenance had totalled approximately £800,000.  Mr. Irvine then proceeded to outline the various works which were being undertaken currently and referred to the “Belfast on the Move Project”, which was being instigated to improve travel initiatives within the City centre area; the expenditure which had been incurred in relation to visitors’ signage for Titanic Belfast; and the range of traffic calming schemes throughout the City. 


          Arising from discussion, several Members drew Mr. Irvine’s attention to the various difficulties which were being experienced by drivers, pedestrians and cyclists as a result of the major road works which were being taken as part of the ‘Belfast on the Move Scheme’.  In response, he stated that that Scheme aimed to encourage the use of public transportation and that the result of such works would calm traffic within the City centre.


          After further discussion, during which the Chairman thanked the representatives of the Road Service for the informative nature of their presentation, the Committee noted the information which had been provided.



Car Parking Schemes


            Mr. Irvine reported that the Development Committee had requested representatives of the Roads Service to attend a meeting of that Committee in order to make a presentation in relation to Car Parking Initiatives.  Accordingly, the Committee agreed that the Development Committee be requested to invite all Members of the Council to that meeting.