Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies for inability to attend were reported from the Chairman, Councillor L. Patterson and Aldermen R. Patterson and Smyth and Councillors M. E. Campbell and Hanna.




The minutes of the meetings of 29th October, 8th and 22nd November were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 3rd December, subject to the omission of those matters in respect of which the Council had delegated its powers to the Committee.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations were reported.



Routine Correspondence pdf icon PDF 54 KB


It was reported that correspondence had been received from various statutory bodies, agencies and other organisations in respect of the undernoted:


      Notification from the Roads Service of:


·         further information regarding the proposed Abandonment of Public Rights of Way - The Limestone Road Area, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2013;


·         the proposed abandonment at Moltke Street/Nubia Street; and


·         the provision of a disabled parking bay at 78 North Parade.


      Notification from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive of:


·         the notice of the application for a Vesting Order at Cupar Street Lower; and


·         the proposed extinguishment of the public rights of way at  Fortwilliam Parade and Queen Victoria Gardens; and at Halliday’s Road, including the portion of roadway and footway adjacent to number two Lawther Court. 


      Copies of the correspondence in relation to the above-mentioned matters were made available at the meeting for the information of the Members.


      The Committee noted the information which had been provided.




Request for Deputations


The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 22nd November, it had noted a list of new planning applications which had been received by the Planning Service from 30th October until 12th November.  It was pointed out that, included within that list of applications, was a number of proposals in relation to Lennoxvale, Malone Lower.  It was reported that a number of residents of the Malone Road area had requested that they be received at a future meeting to provide Members with an outline of their concerns in relation to the proposals.


      The Committee agreed to receive the representatives from the residents of the Malone Road, at its meeting on 17th January, 2013.




Extension to Streamlined Consultation process pdf icon PDF 118 KB


The Council’s Strategic Advisor, Mr. N. Dunlop, reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 29th November, it had agreed to defer consideration of the options in respect of the proposed streamlining changes as outlined within the Minister’s recent letter.  The additional types of application which had been proposed to be included within the current streamlined consultation scheme were:


·         all other minor and intermediate applications;

·         housing applications consisting of up to twenty-five units; and

·         office accommodation of up to a maximum of two hundred square metres.


      Mr. Dunlop further reminded the Committee that a query had been raised at that meeting as to how minor, intermediate and major applications had been defined.  He suggested that the Committee might wish to write to the Belfast Area Planning Manager requesting that clarification be provided on the definitions of minor, intermediate and major applications and that the Committee might wish to defer a decision on the inclusion of housing applications consisting of up to twenty-five units and office accommodation of up to a maximum of two hundred square metres, until that clarification was available.


      The Committee agreed to defer further consideration to enable clarification to be received as outlined.  The Committee noted also the information which had been provided in relation to potential future Member Development activities and that further information would be available in due course. 



Schedule of Meeting dates 2013 pdf icon PDF 60 KB


The Committee noted the contents of a report setting out the scheduled monthly meetings for the Committee for 2013, details of which were available on the website.



New Applications pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted a list of new planning applications received by the Planning Service from 13th November until 3rd December.



Appeal dates notified pdf icon PDF 61 KB


The Committee noted information which had been received regarding the dates for the holding of future appeals.



Streamlined Planning Applications Decisions Issued pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The Committee noted a list of streamlined planning applications’ decisions which had been issued by the Planning Service between 14th November and 5th December.



Deferred items still under consideration pdf icon PDF 66 KB


The Committee noted a list of deferred items which were still under consideration by the Belfast Planning Office.




Reconsidered Items - Application Withdrawn


At the request of the Planning Service, the undernoted reconsidered item was withdrawn from the schedule:


Site and Applicant



Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion


Macrory Memorial Presbyterian Church, Duncairn Gardens

Clear Homes

Change of use from a church building to two hot food takeaways with alterations to front elevation.








Schedule of Applications - Applications Withdraw


At the request of the Planning Service, the undernoted items were withdrawn from the schedule of planning applications:


Site and Applicant



Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion


101 Corporation Street,

TLC Enterprises




312 Stranmillis Road,

Mrs. J. Renolds


22 Deramore Drive,

Mr. and Mrs. C. McAreavey

Erection of a nine-storey, mixed use building comprising of a commercial unit at ground floor, thirty-eight apartments above and associated  car parking.


New vehicular access onto Richmond Park.


Erection of two storey extension, single storey extension and dormer window to rear of dwelling and two storey detached garage.  (Amended plans received.).














Reconsidered Items pdf icon PDF 263 KB


The Committee considered further the undernoted planning applications and adopted the recommendations of the Divisional Planning Manager thereon:



Site and Applicant



Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion


25 Malone Avenue,

Nexus Property Rentals


Demolition of existing apartments and erection of six apartments.



Vacant land opposite 8 Lime Court,

Oaklee Homes Group

Construction of a two storey building containing thirteen, one person, one bedroom self-contained apartments with a three person office, common room, disabled toilet, cleaners’ store and external amenity space. 



181 Ormeau Road,

Bluehouse Developments Limited


35 Hawthorn View,

Mr. D. Cooke



Change of use from a retail unit to an amusement arcade.



Single new build, two storey dwelling.









291 Belmont Road and 1, 1a, 1b and 1c Tweskard Park,

Ailsa Properties Limited

Amendment to previously approved planning application comprising of design modifications to house types B1, B2, D1 and D2.








Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the schedule of planning applications which had been submitted by the Divisional Planning Manager in respect of the Council area and agreed to adopt the recommendations contained therein with the exception of those referred to below:


Site and Applicant



Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion



399-403 Ormeau Road,

Antrim County Land Building and Investment Company


Erection of three storey building with ground floor retail and first and second floor offices to include demolition.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Mullan to enable an office meeting to take place.]




17 The Boulevard,

Mr. P. McTaggart

Change of use from a dwelling to a house of multiple occupancy. 

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Mullan to enable an office meeting to take place.]




430 Falls Road,

Ms. S. Martin

Change of use of ground floor from a drop-in centre to a coffee shop.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Attwood to enable an office meeting to take place.]




144 and 146 Finaghy Road North,

Mr. S. Magee

Site for a twenty-four bed residential care home with associated car parking and landscaping.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Hanna to enable an office meeting to take place.]




64 Bawnmore Road,

Silverwood Property Developments Limited

Development of two dwellings with new access and entrance details and all additional siteworks.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Hanna to enable an office meeting to take place.]




Land adjacent to 36 Strandburn Park,

Mr. Kennedy

Erection of a new dwelling.

[Deferred at the request of Alderman Patterson to enable an office meeting to take place.]




2 Oceanic Avenue,

Mr. L. Davison

Change of use and sub division from a vacant office unit to a taxi booking office.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Lavery to enable an office meeting to take place.]

