Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies for inability to attend were reported from Alderman Rodgers and Councillor McCabe.


Declarations of Interest


            No declarations of interest were reported.



Routine Correspondence


            It was reported that correspondence had been received in respect of the following matters:


Department for Regional Development- Roads Service


·         A Stopping-up Order at Brucevale Park; and

·         An Abandonment Order at Frome Street.

·         The Committee noted the correspondence received


Requests for Deputations


            The Committee agreed to receive, at its meeting on 18th April, a deputation representing The Queen’s University of Belfast in respect of its proposals to develop student accommodation in the Lennoxvale/Sans Souci Park area.



Major Planning Application - Windsor Park pdf icon PDF 989 KB


            The Democratic Services Officer reminded the Committee that, at its meeting on 7th February, it had considered correspondence from the Strategic Planning Division of the Department of the Environment which sought to obtain the Council’s views on the proposed redevelopment of Windsor Park, specifically whether the size and scale of the development would merit it being subject to a public inquiry under Article 31 of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991.  He pointed out that the Committee had been unanimous in its view that the development would enhance Belfast’s status as an international sporting venue and had agreed that the Department would be urged to avoid any unnecessary delay by holding a public inquiry and, therefore, determine the application by the issuing of a Decision Notice. 


            The Committee was advised that correspondence had since been received from the Department indicating that it had issued a Notice of Opinion to Approve the development and, accordingly, the matter would not be subject to a public inquiry.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided.



'To Let' and 'For Sale' Boards pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents:


            With the permission of the Committee, Councillor Curran expressed concern in relation to the proliferation of ‘To Let’ and ‘For Sale’ signs which were displayed at properties throughout Belfast, especially within the south of the City.  She pointed out that existing legislation required that such signs be removed within fourteen days of contracts or leases for properties being agreed.  However, it was evident, she pointed out, that landlords and agents were failing in their duty to address this matter and in some cases the signs remained on properties for a period of six to eight months after contracts had been signed. 


            She explained that residents’ associations had expressed concern regarding the impact which such signs had had on the visual amenity of their areas. In many cities, such as Leeds, Nottingham and Newcastle, schemes had been implemented to address the issue, such as the designation of certain streets as ‘Areas of Advertisement Control’. Under this scheme, houses of multiple occupation would be permitted only to display one sign and, in certain cases, signage would not be permitted externally, but allowed only to be displayed in windows. She concluded by requesting that the Committee would agree to address the issue and that a letter be forwarded to the relevant authority seeking information on the steps which could be taken to limit the display of such signs.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed that a letter outlining its concerns be forwarded to the Department of the Environment seeking clarification on the legislative powers which exist to control the display of such signs and the steps which could be taken to enforce the legislation.



New Applications pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted a list of planning applications which had been deemed valid by the Divisional Planning Manager for the period from 26th February till 11th March.



Appeal Dates Notified



            The Committee noted information which had been received regarding the dates for the holding of future appeals.



Appeal Decisions Notified


            The Committee noted the outcome of a planning appeal in respect of a proposed change of use from offices to apartments at 2b Dudley Street.



Streamlined Planning Applications


            The Committee noted a list of decisions which had been issued in respect of streamlined planning applications which had been issued by the Planning Service between 27th February and 12th March, 2013.



Deferred items still under consideration pdf icon PDF 71 KB


            The Committee noted a list of deferred items which were still under consideration by the Belfast Planning Office.



Schedule of Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 82 KB


Reconsidered Item- Application Rejected pdf icon PDF 229 KB


            The Committee considered further an application for the change of use of a dwelling at 32 Brookvale Avenue, in respect of which the Divisional Planning Manager had offered an opinion to approve.


Accordingly, it was


Moved by Councillor Lavery,

Seconded by Councillor M.E. Campbell and


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees to reject the application on the grounds that such a development would be out of character with the vicinity and set an unacceptable precedent for future development in the area.




Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 16 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the Schedule of Planning Applications which had been submitted by the Belfast Divisional Planning Manger in respect of the Council area and agreed to adopt the recommendations contained therein, with the exception of those referred to below:



Site and Applicant


Divisional Planning

Manager’s Opinion


14 College Heights,

Wellington Square,

Mr. W. Chan


Retention of change of use from dwelling to House in Multiple Occupancy.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Mullan to enable an office meeting to take place.]




66 Kings Road,

Mr. C. Jones.

Approved site for garage Z/2007/1256/F.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor McNamee to enable an office meeting to take place.]



Lands between 1-8 and

9 Notting Hill Gate

(formerly 33 Notting Hill),

Mr. K. Brown.

Erection of dwelling house, detached garage and associated ancillary works.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Curran to enable and office meeting to take place.]



Wellington Park Hotel,

21 Malone Road,

Mooney Hotel Group

Partial demolition, refurbishment and extensions to existing hotel; providing additional 92 bedrooms, apart-hotel accommodation (38 apartments) additional function room, syndicate rooms, cafe and restaurant space, office extension to 14 Wellington Park, 2 levels of basement car parking, alterations to existing surface car parking and circulation and landscaping. (Amended drawings and additional information).

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Curran to enable an office meeting to take place.]






48 University Street,

Life N.I.

Change of use of ground floor into charity shop (class A1).

[Deferred at the request of Councillor Hanna to enable an office meeting to take place.]



220 Belmont Road,

J. Walkington c/o Agent

Change of house type previously approved under Z/2012/0080/F from 1 No. detached dwelling to 2 No. semi-detached dwellings with parking spaces and gardens using approved access and private lane.

[Deferred at the request of Councillor McNamee to enable an office meeting to take place.]






