Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies were reported on behalf of Aldermen Campbell and R. Patterson.





            The minutes of the meetings of 6th and 20th March were taken as read and signed as correct.  It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 1st April, subject to the omission of those matters in respect of which the Council had delegated its powers to the Committee.



Declarations of Interest


            No declarations of interest were reported.



Request for Deputations


            It was noted that no requests for deputations had been received.



Routine Correspondence pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Additional documents:


            It was reported that correspondence had been received from various statutory bodies, agencies and other organisations in respect of the undernoted:


·          notification from the Roads Service of the removal of a disabled and accessible/blue badge parking bay at 15 Glandore Gardens;


·          notification from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive of the operative date for the Vesting Order at Moltke Street;


            Copies of the letters, maps and orders relating to the above-mentioned matters were made available at the meeting for the information of the Members.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.



Historic Buildings Lists


            Harding Memorial Primary School,105 Cregagh Road

            Willowfield Parish Hall, Cregagh Road


            The Committee was advised that notification had been received from the Department of the Environment, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Article 42 of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order, 1991, and of every other power enabling it in that behalf, in respect of the inclusion of the above-mentioned buildings within that organisation’s list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.





Z/2013/0728/F 86 Sandown Road


            It was reported that correspondence had been received from the Area Planning Manager in respect of an appeal which had been lodged under Article 33 of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order, 1991, in relation to the erection of two detached houses at the above-mentioned location. 


            The Area Planning Manager had advised that the Department had recommended that the proposal be refused on the grounds that it was contrary to:


·          Policy HB14 of Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning, Archaeology and the Built Heritage, in that the dwelling made a positive material contribution to the character and appearance of the King’s Road Conservation Area and no exceptional reason had been demonstrated which justified its demolition;


·          Policy BH12 of Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning, Archaeology and the Built Heritage, in that, if permitted, the proposed driveway to house one would have a detrimental impact on trees numbered 2 and 3; and


·          Policy BH12 of Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning, Archaeology and the Built Heritage in that, if permitted, the development of house 2 would have a detrimental impact on tree number 7.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.



Royal Town Planning Institute Councillor Training Programme


            The Committee noted the dates for forthcoming Councillor training events in connection with the Local Government Reform and noted also that further information would be provided in due course.



Northern Ireland Environment Agency: Second Survey of Historic Building 2013-2016


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 6th February, it had agreed to invite representatives from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency to attend a future meeting to provide an explanation of the Listing process and to provide an overview of the Second Survey work which that organisation was undertaking.  It was reported that Mr. A. Turkington and Mr. M. Deery were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.  


            Mr. Turkington provided an overview of the areas to be surveyed within year 3 of the Second Survey process.  He outlined the reasons for choosing those Wards as being areas with a high level of planning activity; the length of time which had elapsed since the First Survey; and the geographical spread therein.  He reported that the Second Survey was being undertaken using criteria which assessed both architectural and historic conditions, together with consideration of the style, proportion, ornamentation, plan form, spatial organisation, structural system, innovatory qualities, alterations that detract or enhance, quality and survival of interiors, setting, group value, age, authenticity, historic importance and associations, authorship and social, cultural or economic importance.   


            Mr. Turkington explained that, during year 3 of the Second Survey in Belfast, it had been identified that 195 buildings were listed currently, 233 buildings had been surveyed during the first survey but not listed and other buildings were being scoped presently by surveyors.   He reminded the Committee that it had been requested previously to nominate any existing unlisted buildings which might be considered for Listing during the forthcoming survey.  He outlined the process which had been undertaken during the Second Survey and provided an explanation of the meaning of Listing, together with an update on the assistance which was available from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency to the owners of Listed Buildings.  A summary of the conservation areas and Areas of Townscape Character was provided also. 


            In conclusion, Mr Turkington updated the Committee on the arrangements which would exist after the Reform of Local Government had been completed. 


            After discussion, during which the representatives of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency clarified a range of matters for the Members in respect of grants funding; the formal appeals process; the overall budget available; and its enforcement powers, the Committee noted the information which had been provided. 



New Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted a list of new planning applications which had been received by the Planning Service from 11th March until 17th March.



Streamlined Planning Applications - Decisions Issued pdf icon PDF 76 KB


            The Committee noted a list of decisions which had been issued by the Planning Service between 13th March and 26th March in respect of streamlined planning applications.



Deferred Items Still Under Consideration pdf icon PDF 79 KB


            A list of deferred items, which were still under consideration by the Planning Office, was noted by the Committee.



Reconsidered Items pdf icon PDF 60 KB


            The Committee considered further the undernoted planning applications and adopted the recommendations of the Divisional Planning Manager thereon:


Site and Applicant



Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion


444 Ormeau Road,



Proposed change of use from a retail outlet to the preparation and sale of freshly baked Italian pizzas for consumption off the premises.




Adjacent to car park at junction of Ormeau Street and Ormeau Road,

C.B.S. Outdoor Ltd.


One, 48 sheet advertising hoarding.




55 Ormeau Road

C.B.S. Outdoor Ltd.

Two, 96 sheet advertising hoardings.





9 Thomas Street,

Mr. R. Watters



Change of use from a dwelling to a house in multiple occupation.






Schedule of Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee considered the schedule of planning applications which had been submitted by the Divisional Planning Manager in respect of the Council area and agreed to adopt the recommendations contained therein with the exception of those referred to below:


Site and Applicant



Divisional Planning Manager’s Opinion


Site between 135 and 143 Upper Springfield Road,

Carncastle Properties Ltd.


The erection of 15, 2 storey dwellings and 4, 2 bedroom apartments and associated siteworks.  (Amended proposal: apartments reduced by 2 units and apartment block reduced to 2 storey.)

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 5]



47 Priory Park,

Mr. T. Reynolds

A single storey garage and store to rear of the property, including access off Priory Gardens.

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4]



Office Suite 1, Cranmore House,

Quality Tailored Homes


Advertisement at first floor level.

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 5]

