Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




            Apologies were reported on behalf of the High Sherriff (Alderman L. Patterson), Alderman M. Campbell and Councillors Carson, Cunningham and Curran.



Declarations of Interest


            Alderman Rodgers declared an interest in respect of an item 11 on the Schedule of Applications which had been submitted by the Belfast Education and Library Board.  He pointed out that he was member of that Board.



Requests for Deputations



            It was noted that no requests for deputations had been received.



Routine Correspondence pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The Committee noted the following correspondence which had been received from the various statutory bodies and agencies:


Roads Service – Transport NI


·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on Baltic Avenue

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on Clifton Street

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on the Crumlin Road

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on Massey Avenue

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on the Wandsworth Road

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on Woodstock Place

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on Balfour Avenue

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on Durham Street

·        Notification of changes to waiting restrictions on Tomb Street

·        Notification of provision of blue badge parking bay at 19 Fernwood Street

·        Notification of provision of blue badge parking bay at 59 Oberon Street

·        Notification of provision of blue badge parking bay at 49 Fairhill Park


Northern Ireland Environment Agency


Notification of the extension of Listed Building Status to the undernoted properties:


·        Wetherspoons, The Bridge House, 35-37 Bedford Street

·        2/6 Bradbury Place, Shaftesbury Square

·        May Street Presbyterian Church

·        Belfast School of Music, 99 Donegall Pass

·        BBC Broadcasting House, Ormeau Avenue

·        St. Martin’s Church of Ireland, Kenilworth Place

·        Ulster Hall, Bedford Street

·        Hatfield House Bar, 130 Ormeau Road

·        The Grand Opera House

·        St. Mary Magdalene, Donegall Pass

·        56-70 Donegall Pass

·        St. Malachy’s Church, 24 Alfred Street

·        Albert Bridge, Albertbridge Road/East Bridge Street

·        St. Malachy’s Presbytery, 24 Alfred Street

·        Alfred House, 19-21 Alfred Street

·        St. Malachy’s Convent, Sussex Place

·        St Malachy’s Primary School, Sussex Place



Proposed 20mph Speed Limit in the City Centre pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


            The Democratic Services Officer outlined the principal aspects of correspondence which had been received from Transport NI seeking the Council’s views on the introduction of a 20mph speed limit within the city centre.


            He indicated that the proposed scheme would operate on a pilot basis and an evaluation on its outcome would be undertaken at its conclusion. The rationale behind the proposal, he reported, was primarily to enhance road safety within the city centre and promote further the use of public transport and cycling. He added that the Development Committee, at its meeting on 19th August, would consider a report which would address the wider implications of the reduction to the speed limit.


            The Committee made the following points in respect of the proposed reduction:


·        That the timescale which Transport NI had permitted for consultation on the proposals had been somewhat limited;

·        That it remained unclear how the speed limit would be enforced within the city centre; and

·        That the future requirements of car users should be considered in conjunction with cyclists and public transport.


            The Committee noted the information which had been provided.



New Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted a list of new planning applications which had been received by the Planning Service from 1st July till 28th July 2014.



Streamlined Planning Applications - Decisions Issued pdf icon PDF 121 KB


            The Committee noted a list of decisions which had been issued by the Planning Service between 10th June and 29th July under the streamlined planning process.



Deferred Items Under Consideration pdf icon PDF 82 KB


            The Committee noted the list of deferred items which were under consideration by the Planning Service.



Appeal Decisions Notified pdf icon PDF 67 KB


            The Committee noted the outcome of a number of recent planning appeals.


Applications Withdrawn


            The Committee noted that applications relating to 247 Falls Road and 43 Knockbreda Road had been withdrawn from the schedule at the request of the applicants.



Reconsidered Items pdf icon PDF 61 KB


            The Committee considered further the undernoted planning applications and adopted the recommendations of the Divisional Planning Manager thereon:


Site and Applicant






Land adjacent to                                       Proposed 2 storey dwelling               Approval

15 Osborne Park


Belfast City Hospital                                 New plant room                                Approval

Belfast Health and                                    water storage tanks

Social Care Trust


Land adjacent to                                       Erection of dwelling                          Approval

42 Belmont Church Road


18 Irwin Avenue                                        Change of use of existing                 Approval

FR Ventures Ltd.                                       residential property to

                                                                  provide a house in multiple

                                                                  occupancy for 6 bedrooms


Schedule of Applications pdf icon PDF 139 KB


            The Committee considered the schedule of planning applications which had been submitted by the Divisional Planning Manager in respect of the Council area and agreed to adopt the recommendations contained therein, with the exception of those referred to below:


Site and Applicant


Forsythe House

Cromac Square

Haymarket House Ltd.



Lands at 406-420

Donegall Road and

1-3 Glenmachan Street



41 Malone Road







41 Malone Road











12 Hawthornden Road






College Court

King Street

Fernhill Ltd.



Kincora Mews

10 Kincora Avenue






Office occupier signs

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4].


Furniture showroom and ancillary site works [Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4].


Change of use of existing building from photography studio and offices to 6 apartments and internal alterations  No external alterations [Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable and office meeting to be held: Criteria 4].


Internal alterations including new load bearing walls and staircase in the return to facilitate change of use and sub-division from offices to 6 self contained apartment with no external alterations of changes to the exterior fabric of the building (amended description) [Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4].


Two storey extension to front of dwelling and single storey extension to rear [Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4].


PVC mesh banner (temporary consent – 18 months) [Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4].


Erection of 3 apartments (1 -2 bed and 2 no 1     bed) in substitution of 2 no 4 bedroom houses with parking from previously approved application Z/2001/3270 [Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4].











































