Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room (Room G05), City Hall

Contact: Barry Flynn  Tel: 028 9027 0610

No. Item




Apologies were reported on behalf of the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Hendron), Aldermen M. Campbell and McCoubrey; together with Councillors Curran, Carson and McCarthy.




The minutes of the meeting of 9th October were taken as read and signed as correct. It was reported that those minutes had been adopted by the Council at its meeting on 3rd November, subject to the omission of those matters which had been delegated to the Committee.



Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were reported.


Request for Deputations


It was reported that no requests had been received.


Routine Correspondence pdf icon PDF 54 KB


            The Committee noted the receipt of the undernoted items of correspondence:


Transport NI / Roads Service


·        Notification of the replacement of a number of Pay and Display parking bays with bike docking stations at Bankmore Street;

·        Notification of the replacement of a number of Pay and Display parking bays with bike docking stations at Linenhall Street;

·        Notification of the replacement of a number of Pay and Display parking bays with bike docking stations at Winetavern Street;

·        Notification of the replacement of a Pay and Display parking bay in Gloucester Street with a disabled parking bay;

·        Notification of a Blue Badge parking bay at 45 Veryan Gardens;

·        Notification of a Blue Badge parking bay at 13 Castleview Terrace;

·        Notification of a Blue Badge parking bay at 56 Jocelyn Street;

·        Notification of a Blue Badge parking bay at 45 Lomond Avenue;

·        Notification of a Blue Badge parking bay at 12 Knocknagoney Park;

·        Notification of a Blue Badge parking bay at 14 Holland Drive;

·        Notification of a Blue Badge parking bay at 32 Ardcarn Drive;

·        Notification that the Formal Consultation period for the Lower Malone Area and Rugby Road/College Park Avenue residents parking schemes has commenced; and

·        Notification of the making of the Vesting Order for Belfast Rapid Transit (BRT) on the Falls Road between Grosvenor Road and Millfield;


Northern Ireland Environment Agency - Confirmation of Listed Building Status


·        Bank Buildings, Castle Place;

·        Ross’ Auction Rooms, John Ross and Co., 37 Montgomery Street;

·        Tesco, 2 Royal Avenue;

·        St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Chapel Lane; and

·        Calder Fountain, Custom House Square.



Streamlined Decisions Issued pdf icon PDF 92 KB


            The Committee noted a list of decisions which had been issued by the Planning Service between 1st October and 31st October.



New Applications pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


            The Committee noted a list of decisions which had been issued by the Planning Service between 7th October and 20th October.



Deferred Applications Under Consideration pdf icon PDF 85 KB


            The Committee noted a list of deferred items which were still under consideration by the Planning Service.



Appeal Dates Notified


            The Committee noted information which had been received regarding the dates for the holding of planning appeals.



Reconsidered Items - Application Withdrawn


            The Committee noted that the application Z/2014/0363/F, which related to 703 Lisburn Road, had been withdrawn at the request of the Planning Service to enable amended plans to be considered.



Reconsidered Item - 22 and 23 Shaftesbury Square


            The Committee considered further a planning application for the change of use of ground floor premises at 23 Shaftesbury Square. That proposal would, if permitted, allow for the amalgamation of 22 with 23 Shaftesbury Square for use as an amusement arcade. It was noted that the Divisional Planning Manager had offered an opinion to approve the application.


            A Member pointed out that the proposal, if permitted, would be contrary to the Council’s Amusement Permit Policy, and, specifically, the criteria which related to:


·        the cumulative build-up of amusement arcades in a particular location; and

·        the impact on the image and profile of Belfast.


            Therefore, on the grounds stipulated, she suggested that the Committee should reject the opinion of the Divisional Planning Manager.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed, with two Members voting against, to adopt the opinion of the Divisional Planning Manager to approve the application.


            (As the decision was not unanimous, it was subject to ratification by the Council.)



Reconsidered Items pdf icon PDF 70 KB


            The Committee considered further the undernoted planning applications and adopted the recommendations of the Divisional Planning Manager thereon:






36 Belmont Road


Ground floor restaurant – application for change of use and addition of extract flue to rear of property. (retrospective) (Acoustic Report received)






21 Social,                           1 Hill Street

Self adhesive vinyl advertisement with clear self adhesive laminate






12 Deramore Park

Existing outbuilding to rear to be demolished





12 Deramore Park

Demolition of part outbuilding, extension, restructuring and conversion of garage to create 1 dwelling at single storey (amended proposal)



144 to 146 Ormeau Road

1 non-illuminated advertisement





Schedule of Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 140 KB


            The Committee considered the schedule of planning applications and agreed to adopt the recommendations contained therein, with the exception of those referred to below:








Land within existing archways under East Bridge Street

Conversion of, and extension to, existing archways to comprise a crèche, an employment education and training club, community space, cafe, and health and fitness facility with access to East Bridge Street and train station (amended description).

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 5]







Caffrey Court,                    149 Glen Road

Alteration and conversion of existing vacant retail units to form nine apartments with associated landscaping, site works and ancillary infrastructure.

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 5]







21 Finaghy Park


Alteration to 21 Finaghy Park Central, conversion of existing 2 storey brick barn and erection of 2, 2 storey dwellings including formation of new access as approved under plan ref Z/2012/0814/0

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 4]





11 Rosetta Park

Two storey extension to rear and new detached garage to rear

[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 5]



4 Ulsterville Drive

Change of use from a domestic dwelling to an HMO with 4 bedrooms



[Deferred at the request of the Committee to enable an office meeting to be held: Criteria 5]