Agenda and minutes

Venue: Lavery Room - City Hall

No. Item




No apologies were reported.





Declarations of Interest


Councillor McCullough declared an interest in item 2.c) Ulster Bank Closures, in that a member of his family worked for the Ulster Bank.





            The Committee considered the following three motions which had been received in advance of the Council meeting on 8th January: 



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The Committee agreed that the motion, which had been proposed by Councillor McDonough-Brown and seconded by Councillor Bower, be referred, in the first instance, to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.



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The City Solicitor advised the Committee that, in further review of the motion, there was a change to the recommendation outlined in the report. She stated that, in paragraph three, the motion called upon the Council to leverage its reach, infrastructure, and human capacity to build a more equitable, inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable future for all its residents, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, and social and economic circumstances. She advised that as the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee was responsible for managing and maintaining the corporate and city assets, together with Human Resources matters, it was now recommended that the motion should be referred, in the first instance, to that Committee.


During discussion, Members suggested the removal of paragraph three to allow the motion to be referred to the Council for debate, namely:


“Acknowledges by working together, cities and municipalities can accelerate local actions towards ending the HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis epidemics globally by 2030. As called for by the New Urban Agenda, we will leverage our reach, infrastructure, and human capacity to build a more equitable, inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable future for all our residents, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, and social and economic circumstances.”


After discussion, in accordance with Standing Order 33, the Committee unanimously agreed to the suspension of Standing Order 13(p), and that the following Motion which had been proposed by Councillor Pádraig Donnelly and seconded by Councillor Róis-Máire Donnelly, as amended, be referred to the Council for debate:


“This Council recognises that ending the HIV epidemic requires a comprehensive approach that allows all those in need, to access quality lifesaving treatment, enhances prevention, care, and support services for HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and viral hepatitis. Council further recognises that integrating these services into sexual, reproductive, and mental health services is critical to achieving universal access to health care.


This Council seeks to eliminate stigma and discrimination by building on scientific evidence. Understanding that successful HIV treatment and viral suppression prevents HIV transmission which can help reduce stigma and encourage people living with HIV to initiate and adhere to HIV treatment.


Therefore, this Council will sign up to the Paris Declaration supporting the Fast-Track Cities aim of eliminating the stigma associated with HIV and AIDS as well as aiming for no new HIV diagnosis by 2030.”



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The Committee agreed that the motion, which had been proposed by Councillor Geraldine McAteer and seconded by Councillor Gormley, be referred to the Council for debate, with no restriction to be placed on the number of speakers.



Standing Order 14 - Submission of Minutes


            In accordance with Standing Order 14, the Committee agreed, as the meeting had been held later than seven clear days before the meeting of the Council, that the minutes of the meeting be submitted to the Council on 8th January for ratification.