Browse meetings

This page lists the meetings for Standards and Business Committee.

Information about Standards and Business Committee

The Terms of Reference for the Standards and Business Committee will include the following functions:




·       promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by elected Members and in their working relationship with officers


·       a commitment to encourage positive joint working across political groups and between officers and Members and to uphold the high standards of values and behaviours in a relationship of mutual trust


·       supporting and facilitating collaborative working between Members and senior officers, particularly to support the consideration of strategic priorities by relevant Committees


·       advising the Council on the Code of Conduct for Councillors including any revisions to the Code


·       oversight of any training required to train Members and relevant officers on all matters relating to standards and the promotion of the 12 Principles of Conduct in public life, including the Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors and any associated training identified by the Committee


·       oversight of the Members’ Register and Declaration of Interests


·       to develop, monitor and review any local protocols required to support the standards regime within the Council


·       to ensure adherence to the Local Government Employee and Councillor Working Relationship Protocol


·       to consider any minutes of a formal meeting held under Section 5.9 of the Local Government Employee and Councillor Working Relationship Protocol [tbc re GDPR]


·       oversight of the Local Resolution Protocol which will deal with “low level disputes” alleging breaches of the Code of Conduct for Councillors and is designed to restore positive working relationships through mediation[1]


·       consideration of any recommendation by the Monitoring Officer to refer any Councillor to the Local Government Commissioner for Standards in respect of any potential breach of the Code of Conduct for Councillors, particularly where the alleged breach relates to a matter which would potentially have a reputational consequence for the Council


·       the Monitoring Officer will retain a residual right to refer any matter to the Commissioner for Standards regardless of whether the Standards Committee has endorsed a recommendation from the Monitoring Officer to do so


·       oversight of the procedural requirements of any mediation process put in place to restore internal relationships between Political Parties, Members and/or officers


·       consideration of update reports into investigations carried out by the Public Services Ombudsman / Commissioner for Standards


·       oversight of the implementation of recommendations made by the Public Services Ombudsman / Commissioner for Standards


·       providing recommendations to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in respect of any amendments which need to be made to the Council Constitution in relation to the standards regime within the Council


·       In respect of any other matter which may require some consideration in the context of standards, acting in an advisory capacity, with reports referred to it either directly by the reporting officer or by another Standing Committee


·       consideration of agenda items for other Standing Committees which identify standards implications




·       receiving and reviewing all Notices of Motion and using the Committee’s delegated power to recommend either adoption or debate at the next Council meeting


·       Reviewing Council Standing Orders with a view to making recommendations to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee


·       initial consideration and review of Council matters that are under internal or external investigation


·       keeping under review and monitoring the Council’s Scheme of Delegation


·       keeping under review and monitoring the Council’s administrative and procedural arrangements in relation to governance”


[1] The Local Resolution Protocol will only deal with minor complaints about councillors made by other councillors.  The Protocol will not consider complaints made by officers, members of the public or other third parties. The Protocol will not consider complaints made about officers.