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Excellent match Meeting: 22/10/2013 - Pre April-2015 Development Committee (71)

13. Clarawood Development

The Committee considered the undernoted report “1 Relevant Background Information 1.1 There are 3 Revenue funded community groups in the Clarawood estate: Clarawood Community Association - £9,440.97 Clara Park Tenants and Residents - £7,579.02 Oak Partnership - £1,917.89 1.2 The Clarawood Community ...

Excellent match Meeting: 21/08/2009 - Pre April-2015 Strategic Policy and Resources Committee (72)

6b Connswater Community Greenway Update

The Committee was reminded that the Council, as part of the City Investment Strategy, had agreed to coordinate the acquisition of lands to enable the Connswater Community Greenway Programme to proceed. The Council would secure rights over the land needed for the Greenway and would be responsible for... Northern Ireland Housing Executive located at Clarawood , Bloomfield Parade and Ladas Walk had been id...

Excellent match Meeting: 05/04/2022 - People and Communities Committee (73)

13. Installation of Sandbag Containers

The Members considered a report seeking consideration of a proposal to locate three new sandbag containers on Council land, as part of a Multi-Agency partnership approach to help mitigate and support communities across Belfast that had previously been impacted by flooding incidents. The Director of ...

Excellent match Meeting: 05/02/2009 - Pre April-2015 Town Planning Committee (74)

2. Routine Correspondence

It was reported that correspondence had been received from various Statutory Bodies, Agencies and other organisations in respect of the undernoted items: Notification from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in respect of the making of Extinguishments of Public Rights-of-Way Orders at Majestic Dr... options in respect of a road widening scheme at Clarawood Estate. Copies of the Orders, letters and maps...

Excellent match Meeting: 20/09/2013 - Pre April-2015 Strategic Policy and Resources Committee (75)

21. Connswater Community Greenway Update

The Committee was reminded that, as part of the City Investment Strategy, it had agreed to co-ordinate the acquisition of land to enable the Connswater Community Greenway Programme to proceed. The Director of Property and Projects reminded the Committee further that, at its meeting on 18th June, 201...

Excellent match Meeting: 24/08/2012 - Pre April-2015 Strategic Policy and Resources Committee (76)

29. Connswater Community Greenway - Land Acquisition Update

The Committee considered the undernoted report: “1 Relevant Background Information 1.1 Belfast City Council, as part of the City Investment Strategy, has agreed to co-ordinate the acquisition of lands to enable the Connswater Community Greenway Programme to proceed. The Council will secure rights ov...

Excellent match Meeting: 19/11/2010 - Pre April-2015 Strategic Policy and Resources Committee (77)

19. Connswater Community Greenway Update

Acquisition of Land The Committee was reminded that the Council, as part of City Investment Strategy, had agreed to co-ordinate the acquisition of lands to enable the Connswater Community Greenway Programme to proceed. The Council would secure rights over the land needed for the Greenway and would b...

Excellent match Meeting: 14/08/2008 - Pre April-2015 Parks and Leisure Committee (78)

11. Management of Playgrounds

The Committee considered the undernoted report: “Relevant Background Information The Council manages and maintains 76 outdoor equipped playgrounds which include 2 purpose built multi-purpose sports areas. The Committee is asked to note that since 2005/06 with the allocation of additional funding, a ...

Excellent match Meeting: 15/04/2022 - Strategic Policy and Resources Committee (79)

2h Update on Physical Programme

The Director of Physical Programmes submitted for the Committee’s consideration a report seeking approval to proceed with the implementation of procurement processes and providing details of recently awarded contracts. After discussion, the Committee: i. agreed that any necessary procurement process...

Excellent match Meeting: 18/11/2022 - Strategic Policy and Resources Committee (80)

28. Update on Physical Programme

The Committee considered the following report: “1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues 1.1 The Council’s Physical Programme currently includes 170 capital projects with investment of £ 150m + via a range of internal and external funding streams, together with projects which the Council deliver... works to the Dam and environmental improvements, Clarawood Playground, Cavehill Adventurous Playground, O...

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