Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      As Members are aware, at the Arts Sub-Committee meeting on 6 August 2004, the Committee agreed to the establishment of a Festivals Forum.  The Forum was set up in recognition of the contribution festivals can make to Belfast in terms of promoting economic regeneration, driving tourism and enhancing community relations.


      In 2009-2010 Belfast City Council invested approximately £750,000 into festivals across the city through the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit (Community Festivals Fund and Annual/Multi-Annual Fund) and Good Relations Unit (Peace IIICity of Festivals Fund).  Festivals and events are identified as a development lever to attract visitors to Belfast within the new draft Belfast integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010–14.


      The Festivals Forum provides a mechanism for the Council to engage with festivals in order to grow and develop the city’s festival offering.


      The Forum currently has over 120 members from a wide range of community, arts and heritage organisations.  It meets quarterly to share information and discuss strategic and citywide issues.  Achievements of the Festivals Forum to date include the development of a Belfast Festivals Calendar, disseminated throughout Northern Ireland in January and June each year, and the delivery of tailored skills development and training courses, designed to build capacity within festival organisations.


      The Festivals Action Plan for 2010 was agreed at the February Forum meeting and is attached at Appendix 1.  A £30,000 budget for the Festivals Action Plan has been included in the Departmental budget for 2010–11.  An additional £20,000 is to be requested from PEACE III to implement specific actions from the Peace III City of Festivals programme, including the development of a Festivals Charter and cross-border networking.


      Key objectives for the Festivals Forum in 2010 include developing a strategy for festivals across the city which will outline how best to: maximise opportunities including the Titanic centenary; work with funders such as Peace III to ensure there is mutual understanding of aims and objectives of funders and festival organisers; and identify more opportunities to work in partnership to ensure better efficiencies. 


Key Issues


      Neither the Festivals Forum nor individual member organisations have the resources to deliver the Festivals Action Plan.  Belfast City Council is not in a position to recruit additional staff.  The Forum agreed that in order to ensure the successful implementation of the Festivals Action Plan, they would require additional resources, specifically a Festivals Development Co?ordinator.  


      The engagement of a co-ordinator would ensure that the full potential of Belfast as a city of festivals is exploited.  The co?ordinator would be charged with the strategic development of the Festivals Forum and of festivals within the city in line with the priorities identified in the Action Plan. 


      It is anticipated that the co-ordinator will be contracted full-time from December 2010 to June 2011 inclusive (based on timescales for Peace III spend).  The budget of £50,000 will cover the co?ordinator costs, overheads and include an operational budget to implement the Action Plan.


      The co-ordinator will be appointed through open competition, contracted by Belfast City Council on behalf of the Festivals Forum and managed by the Forum’s Strategy Subgroup, which consists of representatives from the Council’s Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit, ArtsEkta, Culturlann, Festival of Fools and Open House Festival.  The co-ordinator will be based in the office of one of the festival providers.


      A letter requesting this support from Michele Devlin, Chair of the Festivals Forum and Director of Belfast Film Festival, is included at Appendix 2.


Resource Implications




      £30,000 towards the implementation of the Festivals Action Plan has been included in the Departmental budget for 2010–11.




      It is recommended that the Committee agrees to the Festivals Action Plan including the appointment of a Festivals Development Co-ordinator.


Decision Tracking


      Further to Members’ agreement, a report will be prepared and submitted to the Good Relations Partnership in September.


Timeframe:    September 2010   Reporting Officer:  Kerrie Sweeney


Documents Attached


Appendix 1 - Festivals Action Plan 2010


Appendix 1


Festivals Forum Action Plan 2010/2011


Core Themes

·        Celebration of Culture and Arts

·        Community cohesion

·        Shared space

·        Cultural tourism

·        Civic pride

·        Internationalism

Priorities for Action

Budget – indicative*



1.            Develop and disseminate a short and practical Festivals Strategy (2010–2012) for Belfast that addresses opportunities, removes barriers and leads to action




Co-ordinator and Forum


Completed by March 2011

2.            Use Festivals Forum to lobby for increased resources and recognition of festivals as integral to arts, culture and tourism in the city


Co-ordinator and Forum


3.            Create a coordinated campaign to improve awareness of Belfast as a City of Festivals, including co-ordinated marketing approach through key agencies such as BVCB and NITB









4.            Council to ensure that festival-related plans in and across Council are aligned 





December 2010

5.            Involve key stakeholders in an initiative to share, and where possible, integrate festival plans across the city



Co-ordinator and Forum




Priorities for Action

Budget – indicative*



1.            Hold knowledge-sharing meetings between funders and festivals to improve understanding of needs associated with festivals e.g. funding timelines, flexibility, as well as needs of funders





2 meetings


1 by December 2010


1 by March 2011

2.            Develop a policy toolkit for measuring the social and economic impact of festivals. This may require a recalibration of target markets to get a better balance between visitor and community targets




Co-ordinator and TCA Team


June 2011

3.            Coordinate a new, integrated and shared box office/ticketing system for the city




ACNI, Audience NI, Culture NI


Ongoing – initial feasibility by June 2011

4.            Undertake a series of practical measures to support festival organisation:

§            Create a pool of resources such as equipment that can be shared

§            Run training and mentoring programmes

§            Encourage clusters and joint marketing campaigns

§            Create an operational toolkit






June 2011

5.            Council to investigate access to its properties, spaces and infrastructure as an available resource for festivals


TCA Team

Database on website 


March 2011



Priorities for Action

Budget – indicative*



1.            Develop a Belfast Festivals Charter



June 2011

2.            Develop cross border networking opportunities 



June 2011

13.    Festival Forum meetings and capacity building


TCA  Team


14.    Festivals co-ordinator, overheads, supplies etc


TCA Team

November–June 11





* Indicative budget – revised on appointment of Co-ordinator”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: