Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 12th May, it had granted approval to the opening of a Sunday Market in St. George’s on a three month trial basis which would end on 26th September.


            The Head of Economic Initiatives reported that, although having started at a traditionally quiet period for markets in Northern Ireland due to summer holidays and other summer events held throughout the region, the market had performed comparatively well.  She then highlighted the following points:


·         A recent footfall count had shown that an average of 2,000 people visited each Sunday Market;


·         The stalls allocated each Sunday had been above the required number to cover operational costs, with an average weekly income of £2,000;


·         The Sunday traders believed that the Sunday visitors and customers were mainly new clients, including a large turnout of tourists, to the market;


·         The new Sunday Market had not had any effect on the current customer/visitor numbers at the Friday or Saturday markets;


·         As part of an independent survey recently undertaken at the Sunday Market, the average spend at the market had been £19.54 and 86% of those visiting had felt it was important for the Sunday Market to continue; and


·         The Traders’ representatives had also carried out a survey, the results of which had shown that the traders had had concerns about the lack of advertising for the Sunday Market; the majority of traders had been content with the services which had been provided; and had highlighted that live music had created a good atmosphere and had been a vital component in the success of the Sunday Market.


            Accordingly, it was recommended that the Committee continue to support a Sunday Market in St. George’s for a further six months’ trial period from October, 2010 till March, 2011 at the current opening hours of 10.00 a.m. till 4.00 p.m.


            During discussion, several Members expressed the view that, whilst they were supportive of the extension to the trial period for the opening of the Sunday Market, it should be for a shorter time period.  The Members accepted also the need to promote the opening of the Sunday Market more proactively and have it included in more of the Council’s literature and the wider tourism industry package.




            After further discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor M. Browne,

            Seconded by Councillor Mullaghan,


      That the Committee agrees to the opening of a Sunday Market in St. George’s for a further six month trial basis from October, 2010 till March, 2011 during the hours of 10.00 a.m. till 4.00 p.m.


            On a vote by show of hands five Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared lost.


Further Proposal


            Moved by Councillor J. Rodgers,

            Seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Humphrey),


      That the Committee agrees to extend the opening of a Sunday Market in St. George’s for a further four month trial basis from October, 2010 till the end of January, 2011 and that a further report on the trial period be submitted to the Committee’s meeting in January, 2011.


            On a vote by show of hands ten Members voted for the proposal and two against and it was accordingly declared carried.