Agenda item


            The Committee considered the under noted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Members will be aware that at the Development Committee meeting held on 12 May 2010, Committee agreed the development of a new Integrated Cultural Strategy for Belfast 2011–2014 and a review of the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit’s Multi-annual and Annual Funding schemes. 


      Work on the Integrated Cultural Strategy has commenced with baseline research and preliminary meetings with key stakeholders, including the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Multi-annually Funded (MAF) clients.  Work on the review and assessment of the MAF and Annual Fund funding schemes is also underway, and a quotation to procure the services of an independent evaluator has been issued.


Key Issues


      Approval is sought from the Committee to extend the completion date for the new Integrated Cultural Strategy from February to June 2011.  This will enable the strategy to be fully aligned with the Council’s new Corporate Plan and optimise opportunities for culture and arts to meaningfully contribute to the strategic development of the city.  In addition, the current workload of the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit makes the development of a robust Integrated Cultural Strategy by February 2010 untenable.


      An update on the development of the strategy, including baseline research and an outline draft strategy with aims, objectives and key performance indicators will be brought to Committee for consideration in January 2011.  This information will form the basis for formal consultation.


      Annual Funding


      Approval is also sought to extend the current Integrated Cultural Strategy 2007–10.  The criteria for assessing applications to Annual Funding which is drawn from the existing Integrated Cultural Strategy, would also remain the same for 201112.


      Applications for Annual Funding for 2011–12 will open in October, with a closing date in November 2010.


      Multi-annual Funding


      It is also recommended that the current funding agreement for the existing MAF clients be extended until March 2012.  As in previous years, the continuation of funding will be subject to receipt of a satisfactory monitoring report for 2010–11 and of a one?year plan, including programme and budget, for 2011–12.  A list of the organisations currently funded through MAF has been circulated.


      The assessment and review of MAF and Annual Funding over the past three years will be brought to Committee in January 2011.


Resource Implications




      A budget of £35,000 has been included and approved within the Departmental estimates for 2010–11.


      Human Resources


      An independent evaluator will be appointed to carry out the review of the MAF and Annual Funding schemes.  The remainder of the work will be covered within the work programme of the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit.




      It is recommended that the Committee approves;


1.   the extension of the development of the new Integrated Cultural Strategy for Belfast 2011–2014 until June 2011;


2.   the extension of the current Integrated Cultural Strategy and associated funding criteria; and 


3.   the extension of the existing MAF funding agreements until March 2012.


Decision Tracking


      The review of the Multi-annual and Annual Funding scheme and an update on the development of the new Integrated Cultural Strategy will be presented to the Committee in January 2011.


Timeframe:  January 2011            Reporting Officer:  Kerrie Sweeney


Key Abbreviations


      MAF – Multi-annual Funding”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: