Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 15th September, it had been advised that the Minister for Social Development had agreed to meet with an All?Party Deputation from the Council in order to discuss issues around the Royal Exchange Regeneration Project.


            The Director of Development reported that the meeting had taken place on 30th September.  He explained that the deputation had put to the Minister a number of questions relating to the Project, such as the need for a formal method of engagement between the Council, the Department for Social Development and the developers, the key points contained within the Development Agreement, the phasing of the development and its impact upon existing tenants and landowners, the Minister’s position regarding the Department’s retail sequencing policy and how cuts in the Department’s budget would impact upon regeneration schemes overall within the City centre.  The deputation had discussed with the Minister a number of other issues including the Streets Ahead Project, the opening up of Berry Street in order to facilitate the re-development of Bank Square and when the masterplans for the North West and the South West Quarters of the City were to be progressed.


            The Director explained that the following key points had arisen from the meeting:


·         the Northern Ireland Executive was, as part of the Budget 2010 process, working currently to develop spending plans for the years from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015.  The Minister had submitted a bid for funding of £110 million for the scheme for year 3 of the next Northern Ireland Executive budget (2013-2014).  The draft budget was scheduled to be announced at the end of October;

·         the Minister had expressed his support for the Department’s policy on retail sequencing and did not share the view of the Council that this should be abandoned and the development be led by market forces;

·         information contained within the Development Agreement was commercially sensitive and the Minister was of the view that it would be inappropriate to forward this to the Committee;

·         the owners of CastleCourt, namely, Westfield, had continually indicated to the Department for Social Development that it had evidence that the three major schemes for the City centre, namely, Victoria Square, the Royal Exchange and an extension to the Castlecourt Complex, could be progressed together but, despite a number of requests, it had failed to provide the Department with the requisite information;

·         significantly, the Minister had agreed to meet twice yearly with a deputation from the Development Committee in order to discuss issues of mutual interest.  However, due to the holding in May, 2011 of elections, he could not provide a commitment beyond the current term of office but had suggested that the next meeting be scheduled for January/February, 2011 before the election purdah period; and

·         the planning application for the Royal Exchange Scheme was due to be submitted by 31st October and the Minister was not aware of any reason why the developer would not make the submission.  The actual boundary of the development scheme and those whose properties would be involved, would be apparent when the next meeting with the Minister was held, as would the amount of funding to be committed by the Department for Social Development.


            During discussion, several Members voiced concern at the apparent delay in the progression of the Royal Exchange Scheme.  It was pointed out that approximately half of the buildings in that area were now unoccupied and beside a main thoroughfare and it was imperative that every effort be made to progress the scheme as a matter of urgency.  The point was made also that an invitation to address the Committee should be extended to Westfield to enable it to provide clarification in relation to its plans.


            After further discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that a letter be forwarded to the Minister for Social Development stressing that, should market conditions lead to a delay in the current scheme, that the Department examine other options for the regeneration of the area.  The Committee agreed also that Westfield be invited to attend a future meeting.


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