Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      Over the last number of years Members have been brought a number of reports connected to marking the centenary of the RMS Titanic in 2012 (October 2007 and September 2009).  The purpose of this paper is to request Council’s support for the creation of a programme of activities and initiatives to mark the centenary of the RMS Titanic in 2012 and other notable historical dates and anniversaries in this year.  This paper is based on the attached Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) commissioned business case that provides strategic objectives in order to make the 2012 year economically and culturally beneficial for Belfast and Northern Ireland.


      2012: A Unique Opportunity for Belfast & Northern Ireland


      The year 2012 has the potential to be a significant milestone for Belfast and for Northern Ireland.  The Council and its partners will see the fruition of significant capital investment projects including: the Titanic Signature Project; Lyric Theatre; The MAC; the opening of the restored S.S. Nomadic and the completion and opening of the Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre.  These attractions will represent a genuinely new experience that will provide Belfast with significant opportunities that can be capitalised on.  In 2012 there will also be a convergence of high profile anniversaries such as: the Titanic (100th anniversary); the 50th anniversary of the Belfast Festival at Queens; the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the 150th anniversary of the Ulster Hall.  Other important historical anniversaries will take place in 2012 and in the years beyond, and there will also be an increasing interest in the World Police and Fire Games due to take place in 2013 and a focus on Derry/Londonderry as the first UK Capital of Culture also in 2013.


      On a global scale 2012 will also be an extremely important year, with London hosting the Olympic and Paralympic games as well as the Cultural Olympiad which will lead up to the Games.  In Belfast the key manifestation of the London 2012 Games will be the installation of a ‘Live Site’ screen that will link Belfast to regional capitals across the UK and to the 2012 Games.  Overall the attention of local, national and international media may be focused on London but the year represents significant additional PR opportunities for Belfast, although the Belfast challenge will be to ensure that the focus on the London Games can be utilised for Belfast.  As a result it is vital for Belfast and its public partners to have a co-ordinated an inspirational message that succeeds in drawing the world’s gaze towards this part of the globe.


      2012 also represents a unique opportunity to inspire Belfast’s tourism and hospitality industry as well as local people.  Belfast residents are very important to a successful tourism industry, firstly as they act as ambassadors and play a key role in a tourist’s experience of the city but also as they are a key influencer in the Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) market.  It should be noted that VFR represents 45% of all trips to Northern Ireland.  2012 can also play a key role changing perceptions of Belfast and Northern Ireland, which can be achieved by developing an appropriately coordinated marketing and promotional campaign.  The Belfast and Northern Ireland 2012 Business Case highlights the concept of developing a regional programme that will provide such a promotional platform.  The ‘Land of Legends’ proposal would reflect the similar approach made to create the Council’s 2006 City Hall Centenary programme – ‘Celebrate Belfast 2006’. 

This BCC lead and initiated project: cost £1.9million; generated £12.8million additional economic activity in the city; gave a £6.72 return for every £1 of Council money and attracted audiences in excess of 3.6million.


      Celebration of Her Majesty The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee –

      June 2012


      Members are asked to note that initial correspondence has been received from Mr Bruno Peek, Pageantmaster, HM The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons, inviting the Council to take part in a beacon-lighting event over the weekend of 2 - 4 June, 2012.  This would be a UK wide co-ordinated event.


      Members are reminded that a similar request was received in 2002 for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee celebrations and the Council agreed to support the celebrations.  On that occasion, the Council agreed also to establish a fund of £100,000 to allow for small grants to be payable to communities for street parties and other similar events. 


      The Committee is not being asked to make any decision on the request in relation to the beacon-lighting event or any wider community celebrations.  A separate report on this will be submitted to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in due course. 


      The Committee is requested to note the information and that the matter will be reported to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


Key Issues


      Objectives of the 2012 Business Case


      The key objectives of the business case are:


-     Create a positive and distinctive visitor experience to those travelling to Belfast and Northern Ireland in 2012


-     Showcase Belfast & Northern Ireland on a local, national and international stage as a unique place to live, learn, work and visit, raising our profile and changing perceptions


-     Explore notable events in Belfast’s and Northern Ireland’s history and celebrate its many contributions to the world through a sensitive, coordinated and customer focused programme


-     Build awareness and interest amongst Belfast and Northern Irish diaspora that will motivate them to come home during 2012 and beyond


-     Develop a volunteer greeters’ programme to ensure a warm welcome and high quality visitor experience at events


-     Develop a sense of belonging and pride amongst local people


-     Provide a unique marketing opportunity to grow visitor numbers


      To meet the above objective the 2012 Business Case proposes the development of a programme of events activity, with additional tourism product development opportunities.


      Events Programme


      The recommendation of the 2012 Business Case is the creation of three strands of events under the title of ‘Land of Legends’ plus additional BCC cultural tourism product development initiatives.  The proposed first tier being a series of signature events that would be rolled out from April to October 2012.  During this period one signature event will take place each month somewhere in Belfast and Northern Ireland.


      Tier One Programme -


      The proposed Tier One events are listed below, with key Belfast events/activities highlighted in bold.


April - Titanic Signature Opening Season:  It is proposed that BCC would work with Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB), Titanic Quarter Ltd (TQL), DETI & Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) and the operators of the new Titanic Signature Project to create a week long festival of activity that would have live musical performances at its core.  It would also be complemented with historical tours and theatrical creations celebrating the strong maritime history of Belfast inclusive of the Titanic story. 


May - Opening of Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre.


June - Arrival of Clipper in Derry/Londonderry as a prelude to the city’s Capital of Culture year.


May/June – The Olympic Torch Run would arrive in Belfast and Northern Ireland.  In some previous United Kingdom Olympic Torch Runs up to 100,000 have turned out to welcome the Olympic flame and the event is seen as a once in lifetime opportunity that would be covered by national and international media.  In order to progress this specific matter the Council will need to enter into a legal agreement with London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG).


June/July Land of Giants event Belfast: This project has achieved preferred bidder status under the Legacy Trust UK’s Community Celebrations for 2012.  It is one of only five projects across the country, which has been offered £750,000 of funding (subject to the submission of a final project plan to Legacy Trust).  The event will involve a series of outreach initiatives culminating with a major must see outdoor performance on the Titanic slipways in late June/early July 2012.


August – Cultural Olympiad Festival: Although this programme would focus across the region it would have a Belfast focus due to the Live Sites screen at City Hall.  The events will be programmed in conjunction with DCAL and LOCOG 2012 and animate and connect Belfast to the London Games. 


August/September - Major Outdoor Musical Concert: This concept is being lead by the BBC and would involve a series of high profile artists performing in Belfast (location likely to be the Titanic slipways) and also be part of the Cultural Olympiad.


October Belfast Festival at Queen’s: This element of the tier one programme would be created to mark the 50th year of the festival.  The concept would see the festival utilise a range of new and developed cultural infrastructure that would celebrate, not only the Festival’s half century, but also Belfast’s new vibrant cultural venues.


      The onus on the Tier One events would be to create international and national media attention and attract additional out-of-state visitors. 


      Tier Two Programme –


      The proposed second tier programme would see the enhancement of existing Belfast and Northern Ireland events to mark the 2012 year.  There would also be a series of smaller one-off events.  All these activities would be designed to underpin the city’s cultural capacity, yet still be attractive to citizens and visitors. 


The Belfast element of the tier two events would be created via an enhancement of existing BCC funding streams through the Council’s Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit’s Annual funding programme.


      Tier Three Programme –


      These events would be more community based and could be either one-off activities or up-scaled annual events.  These events would underpin Belfast cultural offering and still provide local authenticity to the programme.  Belfast’s tier three events would also be created via an enhancement of existing BCC funding streams through the Council’s Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit’s Community Events funding.  The community outreach proposed strand would be specifically targeted to draw-in community participation.  This element would also complement BCC’s programmes such the Active Belfast Initiative which is being managed via the Council’s Parks & Leisure Department.


      Additional BCC Tourism Product Development Initiatives –


      Belfast City Council, NITB and Department for Social Development (DSD) commissioned the Belfast Maritime Heritage Study earlier this year.  Whilst still in draft format, the study identifies a number of short term actions to ensure that the city is ready for 2012 and that the key attractions and sites are well connected, both physically and experientially.  Some of the actions that the Council could play a key role in implementing include;


-     the development of a Titanic and Maritime Heritage Trail (including signage, interpretation and printed/digital guides);


-     the development of a new visitor pass to discount entry fees and transport in order to drive greater visitor spend whilst also promoting value, and;


-     animating the city and connecting spaces through public art, guided tours and city dressing. 


      Proposed Delivery Structure


      The overall Northern Ireland delivery structure would see BCC working with partners in: NITB; DCAL; NMNI; TQL; TFL; BVCB; TI and DCC amongst others, via a central working group coordinated by DETI.  However, it would be suggested that BCC utilise its existing delivery mechanism to inform NITB of Belfast’s activities.  This would see Council Officers engaging, reporting and



communicating via existing systems that would involve: Council committees; BCC networks; working groups via Tourism, Cultural, Good Relations and Community input.  If the Council were to support this process the key lead units would be the Council’s Tourism, Cultural & Arts and City Events.


      Marketing & Promotion


      The marketing of the programme would be run on a domestic, national and international basis.  It would be intended that BCC would work via BVCB on promoting the Belfast elements of the Land of Legends programme to out-of-state markets.  BVCB would in turn liaise and coordinate with both NITB and Tourism Ireland on marketing events across Ireland, the UK and to key global tourist markets for the island.  It would be the view of the business case that a target of 150,000 additional out-of-state visitors should be set for this project.


      London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games


      There are four possible main opportunities for the Council to exploit London 2012 Games, along with a number of points to note.


-     Olympic Torch Relay – Belfast will be part of the UK Olympic Torch Relay.  This event will facilitate profiling the city on an international stage.  Details of this specific event are still to be confirmed but in order develop the Belfast part of the relay the Council will have to enter a legal agreement with LOCOG.  Therefore, Members are requested to give the Chief Executive delegated authority to enter into such a contract in order to facilitate the Belfast stage of the Olympic Torch Relay.


-     Live Sites Screen - Belfast City Council has agreed to the position of a large LED Live Site screen to be based in the grounds of Belfast City Hall.  This project is subject to planning permission and would be hoped that it will be in place by July 2011 for a three year period.  This screen will cost the Council £20,000 per year, which will cover maintenance and security expenditure.  After the three year period the screen could be used for events subject to Council approval and planning approval.


-     Legacy Trust – as part of the London Games a Cultural Olympiad has been developed.  This strand of the London Games is the creation of a cultural non-sporting programme by the UK Legacy Trust.  Through the UK Legacy Trust £750k is available for each of five nation?wide based cultural projects that would provide a large-scale community arts based public event reflecting the Olympic ethos whilst leaving a cultural inheritance. 


      Currently a Belfast based arts consortium which had submitted an expression of interest in this scheme has been shortlisted for further consideration, and is the only remaining bid from Northern Ireland.


-     The Northern Ireland element of the Cultural Olympiad programme is being coordinated by the Offices of DCAL on behalf of LOCOG 2012.  The programme also has backing from the DCAL Minister and OFM and ODFM.


-     The Council has been encouraged by DCAL to develop and deliver a series of events over the next two years which will culminate with a Belfast event being connected to the opening and closing ceremonies for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012 including input to the Olympic Torch Run.


-     Inspire Mark – The Council may use the London 2012 Games ‘Inspire Mark’ on a range of activities and funding programmes.  This process has a significant level of restrictions that would inhibit Belfast working with potential commercial organisations, but does provide an endorsement from the Games. 


Resource Implications




      The overall expenditure from the various partners, inclusive of possible BCC input, would be £7.025m, with Council funding, for its possible Land of Legends programme estimated at £1m for the Belfast elements.  It would be envisaged that this £1m finance would be sought from existing Council resources.  The possible total economic return on this investment would be estimated at £18m based on projects like Tall Ships 2009 and Celebrate Belfast 2006, which equates to a £18 return for every £1.00 invested by the Council.  This investment would also assist and complement the Council’s £11.75 million capital investment in the Lyric, MAC and Titanic Signature Project. 


      Human Resources


      There would be no additional staff requirements for BCC.  It would be suggested that the Council’s Tourism, Culture & Arts and City Events Units would take the lead on this project if it were agreed by Members.




      Members are requested to recommend:


-     The allocation of finances and creation of a ‘Land of Legends’ programme for Belfast at a cost of £1million in 2012.

-     That an all Party Steering Group be set up to oversee the Council’s input into the 2012 programme and the development of the Titanic Quarter.

-     To agree that delegated authority is given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, to sign a legal agreement in regard to facilitating the Olympic Torch relay.


Decision Tracking


      Officers will monitor funding and evaluate outcomes of the events and bring post-project details as part of the Department’s annual review.  These outcomes will be presented to Members as part of the Department’s key performance indicators. 




      BVCB – Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau

      DETI – Dept of Enterprise and Investment

      DCC – Derry City Council

      DCAL – Dept of Culture, Arts and Leisure

      LOCOG – London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games

      NITB – Northern Ireland Tourist Board 

      NMNI – National MuseumsNorthern Ireland

      TQL – Titanic Quarter Limited

      TFL – Titanic Foundation Limited

      TI - Tourism Ireland

      DSD – Department for Social Development

      OFM – Office of First Minister

      ODFM – Office of Deputy First Minister”


            With the assistance of visual aids, the Head of City Events and Venues outlined the main aspects of the proposal, including the capital projects which would be completed at that time, the anniversaries and special events which were due to he held, the proposed programme and the financial implications.


            During discussion in the matter, the view was expressed that further details were required in relation to the proposed programme of events, a breakdown of the funding and whether the events would be funded from the current events budget or if additional resources were required and, if so, what impact that would have on the rate?setting process.  In addition, the programme needed to be considered in the context of a wider number of significant commemorative events and anniversaries which would be taking place over the next ten years.  The point was made also that the Committee needed to develop a core set of principles in relation to supporting the proposed cultural events.


            Several Members made the point that, while they accepted that further information was required in relation to the funding package, given the timescale involved in developing the programme and the need to have it in place for the start of 2012, the Committee should approve the programme and funding, in principle, in order to allow officers to start progressing the work.


            In response to a number of questions, the Head of City Venues and Events stated that the Council allocated between £1.5 and £1.75 million per annum towards the annual City Events Programme Budget.  He clarified that in principle support for funding was being sought at this time to assist in match funding bids from Government and confirmed that the money would come from the 2012/13 budget and was not part of the present estimates process.  He explained that the funding for some of the events proposed for 2012, such as the annual Titanic and Maritime events, were normally already included in that annual Events budget and therefore the finance required to support the proposed 2012 “Land of Legends” programme would to a great extent be contained largely within existing Events budgets.


            After further discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor J. Rodgers,

            Seconded by Councillor Mac Giolla Mhín,


      That the Committee agrees that:


(i)      an All-Party Steering Group be established to oversee the Council’s input into the 2012 Programme and the development of the Titanic Quarter;


(ii)     authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Town Solicitor and Assistant Chief Executive, to sign a legal agreement in regard to facilitating the Olympic Torch Relay; and


(iii)    the question of the allocation of finances to a Land of Legends Programme be deferred to enable Party Group briefings to be undertaken and for a report thereon to be submitted to a further special meeting to be held before the date of the next meeting of the Council.




            Moved by Councillor Ekin,

            Seconded by Councillor Crozier,


      That the Committee agrees:


(i)      that an All-Party Steering Group be established to oversee the Council’s input into the 2012 Programme and the development of the Titanic Quarter;


(ii)     that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Town Solicitor and Assistant Chief Executive, to sign a legal agreement in regard to facilitating the Olympic Torch Relay; and


(iii)    to allocate, in principle, the sum of £600,000 to a Land of Legends Programme for Belfast in 2012, subject to a further report providing a more detailed analysis of the Programme and a breakdown of the costs being submitted to the Committee in due course and that the allocation of up to a further £400,000 be considered by the aforementioned Steering Group.


            On a vote by show of hands eight Members voted for the amendment and four against and it was accordingly declared carried.


            The amendment was thereupon put to the Committee as the substantive motion when eight Members voted for and four against and it was accordingly declared carried.



Supporting documents: