Agenda item


Consultation: Northern Ireland Commissioner for

Children and Young People’s Draft Corporate Strategy for 2011-14


            The Committee was advised that the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People had produced a draft Corporate Strategy for 2011-14 and was seeking the Council’s comments thereon.  Accordingly, the Director submitted for the Committee’s consideration the undernoted proposed response:


“General Comments


Thank you for asking us to comment on this strategy. One of the Council’s priorities is to create opportunities to improve the well-being of Children and Young People and we provide significant support for children particularly through our Parks & Leisure department and our Community Services function including the Children and Young People unit and 18 staff in the Play Team. Our support includes play schemes, the CYP Forum, summer schemes; swimming tuition; multiple sports development programmes; parks events; educational visits; Zoo schools and toddler programmes; to name but a few. Most of these events are hosted in our own facilities including parks; leisure facilities, which include outdoor pitches, open spaces and playgrounds; and Community Centres, which are often located in areas of highest need. As such we welcome further discussion on ways in which our activities may complement each others efforts.


Of course, we appreciate that members of our CYP Unit have already been in discussion with you about this strategy and more generally about the work you do. As such you will already be aware that we think the strategy is sound and that there are areas where we may be able to work together.


Specific Questions


Q1. Do you broadly agree with our vision, mission and values? Yes


Q2.      Do you broadly agree with our analysis of the external factors affecting our Corporate Planning 2011-14?  Yes


Q3.      Do you broadly agree with our key assumptions?           Yes


What other assumptions could be made in developing this Corporate Plan?


The second assumption that NICCY will receive adequate financial support through the difficult economic situation may be optimistic. It might be worth considering contingencies or clarifying priorities in the event that there is not sufficient funding to achieve all of the objectives within the strategy.


Q4.      Do you broadly agree with the approach that NICCY has taken, in aligning our Corporate Objectives with our statutory duties?            Yes


Q5.      Do you consider the general activities listed after each objective to be appropriate ways for NICCY to deliver on its objectives? Yes/No


What other things could NICCY do to deliver on these objectives?


We have suggested some minor changes (in italics) to the activities, which we feel may better reflect the full scope of NICCY’s work.


Objective 1: Promote a better understanding of children’s rights

We will do this through:

Promoting an understanding of children’s rights and responsibilities to children and young people, parents, carers and our stakeholders.

Objective 2: Review the adequacy and effectiveness of law, practice and services relating to children and young people


We will do this through:

Conducting or commissioning research, consultations and/or investigations providing guidance and training alongside the safeguarding children work particularly in relation to anti-social behaviour.

Objective 3: Advise Government and relevant authorities on the rights and best interests of children and young people

We will do this through:

Producing reports to Government on matters affecting children and young people, including lobbying for joined up working across government to be able to support young people to stop engaging in antisocial behaviour and reintegrate with their communities.


Q6.      What issues do you think NICCY should work on during this Corporate Plan period?


As highlighted in the ‘Context’ section of the strategy, the next few years will see an increasingly challenging financial climate and potentially new Ministers and Elected Members. Consequently, we feel that the priority for NICCY will be on lobbying at a strategic level to ensure there is a proper appreciation of the needs of children and young people at the highest level. In turn this will ensure that appropriate resources are made available to all agencies that support children and young people.




We need to ask for some information about you and/or your organisation to allow us to assess the range of respondents when analysing submissions.


At the end of the consultation we shall publish a paper summarising the outcomes of the consultation. Information you provide in your response to this consultation, including your name, may be included in this document, or published or disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).


If you would prefer your name to be treated as confidential, please tell us, and we will not use it in our feedback document. However, you should be aware that, under the FOIA, we cannot guarantee confidentiality.“


            The Committee approved the draft response.



Supporting documents: