Agenda item

(To consider further the minute of the meeting of 6th December under the heading “Cathedral Quarter Development Plan”, which, at the request of Councillor Rodway, was referred back to the Committee for further consideration at the meeting of the Council on 5th January)


            The Committee considered further the minute of the meeting of 6th December, a copy of which is set out hereunder:


“Cathedral Quarter Development Plan


The Committee was reminded that the Laganside Corporation had been dissolved in July, 2007.  In 2008, the Department for Social Development, working in conjunction with the Council, Belfast City Centre Management and other key stakeholders, had set up a Steering Group to develop and implement a five-year Strategic Vision and


Development Plan for the area.  The Department for Social Development had committed funding to enable the Steering Group to produce a Strategy and promote the area, including the employment of a Cathedral Quarter Development Manager.  The Cathedral Quarter Development Plan had now been drafted and circulated for consultation and a draft Council response to the document is set out hereunder:


‘1. Background & Discussion


      The draft Cathedral Quarter (CQ) Strategy 2010-2015 proposes to establish a Management Trust which will:


·         Provide a forum for all stakeholders to work together

·         Work with disparate government agencies and departments to focus on the unique needs of the area

·         Leverage funding, including external resources not available to government

·         Manage the Cathedral Quarter’s managed workspaces and event funding with appropriate government oversight

·         Facilitate the effective and efficient delivery of services Implement the Cathedral Quarter Development Strategy


      Whilst the Management Trust would provide a focus for the CQ, Belfast City Council would have concerns that other areas across the city would want to adopt a similar approach and Council would need to consider this carefully within a city wide context, before any precedent is set.  It is difficult to determine the power of a Trust within the current constraints of government departments. 


      Private/public sector financial models to support the development of Cathedral Quarter must be fully explored.


2.   The CQ Development Plan


      In guiding the future development of the Cathedral Quarter the four key priorities of the Management Trust will be:


·         To support the Cathedral Quarter as a centre for the arts and creative industries

·         To support the growth of the mixed-use economy in Cathedral Quarter

·         To generate high levels of public participation

·         To build and maintain a supportive Infrastructure


      BelfastCity Council (BCC) broadly supports the Priorities identified in the strategy


      BCC notes that the draft strategy contains highly ambitious aspirations for the area in a relatively short period of time.  These aspirations are commendable however need to be strengthened by a short, medium and long term implementation plan where the Key Targets should be SMART - specific, measurable, achievable and timebound. 




      BCC recommends that the Development Plan is open to consultation with a wider stakeholder network and not only those with direct interest in the Cathedral Quarter.




      BCC would recommend that marketing and communication plans are strengthened in the implementation plan and that the proposed management trust works closely in partnership with the Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau (BVCB). 


      It is also noted that the key target under Objective 3.3. to include “Visitor information point(s) in the Cathedral Quarter must be done in partnership with the Belfast Welcome Centre and in consideration government departments that have the legislative powers over public land.




      The CQ Draft Strategy does not allude to the development of on street trading or market development in the area.  BCC has worked closely with representatives from the CQSG on designating locations in the CQ realm and seeks clarification on whether this remains an aspiration for the CQSC.




      Objective 2.2: Balance public and private land use to meet the needs of the cultural quarter (page 22) has a Key target to include:  establish CQ as a Business Improvement District (BID) to facilitate zoning implementation.  The plan should note that Northern Ireland at present does not have the legislative authority to establish a BID and the new Management Trust must factor into their plan that any change in legislation will take a number of years. 


      The role of DSD should be emphasised in bringing forward Royal Exchange and any other improvements in the adjoining NW quarter of the City.


      The potential impact of the redevelopment of Central Library should be noted in the plan as LibrariesNI, through funding from Department of Culture and Leisure, plan to develop a mediatech facility and a £30m refurbishment completed in 2014.  This development of arts infrastructure should be maximised in the CQ Development Plan.




      Within Objective 4.1 of the Consultation, (Ensure a clean, safe and well-functioning public realm through effective local management), it does mention that maintenance of the public realm such as timely collection of bins and regular cleansing and upkeep of streets, footpaths and other surfaces must be coordinated to meet the needs of weekday, weekend and evening economic activity. BCC recommends that there is a need to ensure that any development within the area takes into account waste storage facilities and access to these.


      This would also be recommended in a number of other objectives including:


Objective 1.4:     Expand and renew the Managed Workspace provision

Objective 3.4:     Promote best practice to ensure maximum accessibility to Cathedral Quarter premises, public spaces, services and activities

Objective 4.3:     Improve access for pedestrians and cyclists and calm the traffic   


      CQSG should access the following link for full guidance:





      BCC supports the plan but at this stage will not commit to any funding packages referred to in the plan. 


3.   Summary:


1.      Members ask that the CQSG note that this plan necessitates wider consultation with all stakeholders and not just those with a direct interest in the Cathedral Quarter.

2.      Council is minded to support the Plan however there would be no commitment at this stage to any of the funding packages referred to in the Plan.

3.      The Cathedral Quarter Vision and Framework is top line and reflects the council’s own strategies in relation to tourism, culture and arts; Cathedral Quarter is listed as one of the 9 tourism place destinations in the Belfast Integrated Strategic Framework.

4.      BCC recommends that there is a need to ensure that any development within the area takes into account waste storage facilities and access to these.

5.      The role of DSD should be emphasised in bringing forward Royal Exchange and any other improvements in the adjoining NW quarter of the City.

6.      The potential of the impact of the redevelopment of Central Library should be developed as they plan a mediatech facility and hope to have a £30m refurbish completed in 2014.

7.      BCC currently supports the work of the CQSG and will support their work along with all stakeholders and partners by sitting on the steering group at senior officer level.

8.      Any emerging management structure should be considered on a city wide basis and innovative financing models should be explored.

9.      Cathedral Quarter will include the MAC which when opened in 2012 will play a key role in supporting the culture and arts sector across the city.

10.    Cathedral Quarter and its public spaces including Custom House Square provide the City with exciting event potential. Development and outreach initiatives similar to that explored as part of Culture Night should be developed further.

11.    It is important that the CQ is not seen in isolation and is connected to other parts of the city including Titanic Quarter and North Belfast via the North Belfast Cultural Corridor both physically and through public transport.


1.      The development of the University and Royal Exchange are critical to the success of CQ and BCC should continue to work with all stakeholders to ensure the maximum opportunities are exploited with both of these significant developments for not only CQ but for the city.

2.      The strategy requires an action plan for implementation.’


      After discussion, the Committee approved the draft response, subject to it being amended to include a request that more arcades and covered shopping areas be provided in the Cathedral Quarter and that the Plan include a specific statement indicating that the area will be a shared and welcoming quarter that is committed to a ‘shared and better future’ based on equity, diversity and interdependence for all cultural traditions.


            Councillor Rodway, at whose request the item had been taken back, referred to the proposed establishment of a Management Trust within the Plan and suggested that such a step, at this stage, might be considered premature given that it could lead to confusion and encourage other area-based development organisations throughout the City to adopt a similar approach.


            The Director of Development reported that, since the meeting of the Committee on 9th December, he had met with the Chairman of the Cathedral Quarter Steering Group, who had advised him that the Group wished to work in partnership with the Council at all stages during the future development of the Plan and its associated management arrangements.


            After discussion, the Committee affirmed its decision of 9th December to approve the draft response, subject to it being amended to reflect the Members’ comments in respect of the establishment of a Management Trust.  It was noted that the Committee would be consulted on an on-going basis in respect of the future management arrangements of the Trust.


Supporting documents: