Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 11th August, 2010 it had agreed to accede to a request from Shopmobility Belfast for annual funding in the sum of £25,000, subject to that organisation being notified that no direct financial support would be provided in future by the Development Department. In addition, the Committee was reminded that, at the meeting of the Council, on 1st September, 2010 the portion of the minute relating to Shopmobility had been amended to provide that a further report in relation to the Council’s future funding options to the organisation be submitted for consideration in due course.


            Accordingly, the Director of Development reported that Shopmobility was funded by a range of public and community organisations, principally the Department for Regional Development, the Department for Social Development and the Belfast Health Trust.  He reminded the Committee that the Council had provided direct funding to Shopmobility over the past decade, on the basis that the services it provided would help enhance access to the City centre and thus increase economic turnover. However, Belfast was the only local authority in Northern Ireland to provide funding on that basis. It was noted that other organisations throughout the City provided similar services and, should the Council continue to provide direct funding to Shopmobility on an arbitrary basis, it could leave it open to legal challenge.


            The Director of Development reported that, in essence, the Committee had two options available to it; namely, to adhere to its decision of 11th August, that is, that direct funding would no longer be provided, or to consider an alternative method of providing indirect funding to Shopmobility. He reminded the Members that, at its meeting on 22nd February, the Committee had endorsed the contents of a Belfast City Centre Management’s Business Plan for 2011/2012. That Plan, within its Strategic Aims and Objectives, had stated, amongst other things, that Belfast City Centre Management would seek to “promote city centre accessibility” for all citizens and to work with disability groups to that end. Therefore, the Director suggested that the Committee might wish to consider the feasibility of entering into a Service Level Agreement with Belfast City Centre Management who, in conjunction with Shopmobility, would work to deliver that aspect of the Business Plan with Council support. However, Belfast City Centre Management had indicated that, whilst they would be happy to work on behalf of the Council in this regard, they would be unable to provide a financial contribution. Therefore funding from Council, up to a maximum of £25,000 per annum, would be required in future years from to oversee this Service Level Agreement for the agreed programme of work.


            After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor Kingston,

Seconded by Councillor Garrett and


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees to authorise the Director of Development to explore the feasibility of entering into a Service Level Agreement with Belfast City Centre Management and, if appropriate, provide funding to that organisation, up to a sum of £25,000 per annum, to promote accessibility to the City centre for all citizens, in conjunction with Shopmobility, in accordance with the aims and objectives of Belfast City Centre Management’s Business Plan for 2011/2012.


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