Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


1.1       Cultural Tourism Visitor Management Plan


            The Cultural Tourism Visitor Management Plan (CTVMP) was developed in 2004 to encourage visitor flow throughout Belfast through the provision of an integrated navigation, orientation and interpretative signage system.


1.2       Approximately 200 signs have been installed throughout the City to date including welcome hubs, primary hubs, navigational blades, building blades and finger posts.  Appendix 1 outlines the images of the Signage Scheme.  New signs are erected subject to demand and budget availability.


1.3       At the meeting of the Council in March 2007 approval was given for the Cultural Tourism Visitor Management tender and in August 2007 a four year tender was awarded to deliver the CTVMP Phase 2 to include the design, manufacture, delivery, installation, storage and subsequent maintenance of signs. The current CTVMP tender ends in September 2011. Appendix 2 gives an example of the Tender Signage Brief for Phase 1 CTVMP.


1.4       In 2009, the Cultural Tourism Visitor Management Plan won the Association of Town Centre Management’s National Award in the ‘Centre Move’ Category, which dealt with moving people around the centre of a city.


2.         Key Issues


2.1       Members are asked to consider inviting tenders for a further four year period.  The value will be up to £100,000 per annum and therefore the contract must be advertised via European journal and will take approximately 10-12 weeks to award.


2.2       In case there is any delay in the tendering process, Members are also asked to approve the extension of the existing contract until the new contract is in place.  If required, this would be no more than a few weeks.


2.3       The current CTVMP tender is being delivered by Red Sky Group Ltd.  The Directors of Red Sky placed the company into Voluntary Administration following the purported cancellation of contracts by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.  The decision was taken with full agreement and the continuing support of the bank.


2.4       The Administrators (BDO Chartered Accountants) have successfully secured the support of the Company’s core supplier and sub-contractor ensuring a continuity of supply of its services.


2.5       The Council’s Legal Services and Project Management Unit met with BDO, to discuss the current trading status.


2.6       The outcome is that Red Sky is continuing to trade and is supported by the bank and Administrator who want to ensure they continue as an ongoing concern.  All of the Council’s orders will be monitored by the Administrators.  The Council’s Legal Services and Project Management Unit are satisfied with this arrangement and Red Sky will continue to deliver the CTVMP until the contract expires in September 2011 or if agreed by Members, when a new contractor is appointed.


3.         Resource Implications


3.1       Financial


            Tender for the design, interpretation, construction, cleaning and maintenance of signage, over four years.  £100,000 per annum exists within Departmental budgets for ongoing cleaning and maintenance.


3.2       Human Resources


            Within the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit.  The process of tendering will be managed by the Procurement Unit and the contract will be managed in partnership with the Project Management team in Property & Projects Department.


4.         Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1       There are no Equality and Good Relations Considerations attached to this report. 


5.         Recommendation


5.1       It is recommended that Members approve the invitation to tender for a four year period, for the design, interpretation, construction, cleaning and maintenance of signage, and that delegated authority be given to the Director of Development to appoint the most competitive tender.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.