Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       The existing York Street Interchange is a key junction on the Strategic Road Network which links three of the busiest roads in Northern Ireland, the Westlink and the M2 and M3 motorways. It is the main gateway to Belfast from the North, provides access to the port of Belfast and well as faciltates local traffic movement.


1.2       It is considered that the existing traffic signal control at the York Street junction causes delays and congestion particularly at peak times, therefore DRD Roads Service have identifed a number of options to remove the bottleneck. They are currently carrying out consultation on four options in order to identify a preferred option for the scheme.


2          Key Issues


2.1       Road Service has developed four options (A, B, C and D) aimed to improve traffic flow on the strategic road network. The options will provide direct links between the Westlink and the M2 and M3 motorways by creating new flyovers over and underpasses below the existing Lagan Road and Dargan Rail bridges. Details on the four options are outlined below.


2.2              The key features of Option A are:


·         Movement between M2 and Westlink via underpasses below ground level underneath new York Street bridge and existing Lagan Road and Dargan Rail bridges

·         Westlink to M3 movement via underpass below existing ground level and new York Street bridge

·         M3 to Westlink movement controlled by traffic signals similar to existing


·         All slip roads at Clifton Street remain open

·         Cost approximately £72m.


2.3       The key features of Option B are:


·         Movement between M2 and Westlink (southbound) via new bridge over existing Lagan Road and Dargan Rail bridges, approximately 18 metres above existing ground level

·         Movement between Westlink and M2 (northbound) via underpass below existing ground level under new York Street bridge and existing Dargan Rail bridge

·         Westlink to M3 (eastbound) movement via underpass below existing ground level and under new York Street bridge

·         M3 to Westlink (westbound) movement via new bridge over York Street

·         All slip roads at Clifton Street remain open

·         Cost approximately £100m


2.4       The key features of Option C are:


·         Movements between M2 and Westlink via underpasses below existing ground level underneath new York Street bridge and existing Lagan Road and Dargan Rail Bridges

·         Westlink to M3 movement via underpass below existing ground level and new York Street bridge

·         All slip roads at Clifton Street remain open

·         Cost approximately £98m


2.5       The key features of Option D are:


·         Movements between M2 and Westlink via new bridges over existing Lagan Road and Dargan Rail bridges, approximately 18metres above existing ground level

·         Westlink to M3 movement via traffic signal controlled junctions at York Street and Nelson Street

·         M3 to Westlink movement via new bridge over York Street

·         M2/M3 bound on-slip from Clifton Street closed

·         All other slip roads at Clifton Street remain open

·         Cost approximately £95m


2.6       Roads Service are currently carrying out a public consultation exercise on the options for strategic road improvements at York Street and have requested the opportunity to present details of the options to a Special Development Committee. Members may wish to consider the following issues in the context of the presentation: 


·         The need to consider potential air quality impacts on existing residents in the surrounding area. The Council would request that the impact on all relevant receptors are considered in the decision making process to identify the preferred final option. Also consideration should be given to all proposed future development in the surrounding area in relation to exposing receptors to poor air quality.  The impact of the noise from the traffic should also be assessed.

·         North Belfast is already regarded as being dominated by major road infrastructure which severs it from the city centre. There is a concern that proposed new road infrastructure could have the potential to exacerbate the problem of community severance. In previous Council responses to proposed new road infrastructure or changes to local road configurations, the Council has requested that consideration is given to a more traditional urban street design to maximise connectivity and ensure minimisation of potential adverse impacts on the surroundings communities.

·         Roads Service may wish to consider the new interchange options as part of a broader area that allows assessment of the opportunities for the reallocation of existing potential surplus road space within the surrounding network. Any increase in the efficiency of the proposed junction arrangements should deliver direct positive impacts for the northern city centre and surrounding communities. The redesign of Dunbar Link and the reduction in road space could contribute to enhanced connectivity within the city centre and the integration of the areas to the north of the Frederick Street Dunbar link axis.

·         Consideration should be given to potential regeneration opportunities linked to the development of new road infrastructure in the area.”



            It was reported that Mr. R. Spiers and Mr. L. Walsh, representing the Department for Regional Development’s Roads Service, together with Mr. M. Megarry, representing URS Scott Wilson, project consultants, were in attendance to provide a presentation in respect of the proposals and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman (Alderman Stalford).


            Mr. Megarry provided a detailed overview of the four options which the Roads Service was considering for the upgrade of the York Street Interchange.  It was explained that the current round of consultations with the various statutory bodies and agencies was the second stage of the process and that, thereafter, a preferred option would be identified for the interchange and further consultation would be undertaken on this option.


            During discussion, Members made the following points:


·         that the Roads Service should consider the introduction of a two-way system at York Street to enable better access to the City centre from residents of that area;


·         that the matter of the enhancement of pedestrian access to the City centre from the inner North Belfast area should be addressed to enable ease of access;


·         that at all stages in the project, the long-term requirements for vehicular access to and from the City should be addressed; and


·         that the issue of the displacement and isolation of communities, such as the former Sailortown community, should not be exacerbated by any proposals.


            The Chairman (Alderman Stalford) thanked the representatives for attending and for the manner in which they answered the Members’ questions and they then retired from the meeting.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed that officers would submit an interim response to the Department for Regional Development based on the comments made by the Members and that a further report would be considered at the Committee’s meeting in August in respect of the Council’s response to the four options outlined on the upgrade of the York Street Interchange.


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