Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that the Council had for a number of years worked in partnership with the Belfast Education and Library Board to provide youth services and programmes at Council community centres. The Director provided an overview of the current projects operating within the community centres and outlined the principal aspects of a Memorandum of Understanding which had been drawn-up to formalise the arrangement between the Council and the Education and Library Board.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to endorse the undernoted Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and the Belfast Education and Library Board:


Belfast City Council


Belfast Education and Library Board Youth Service


The purpose of this memorandum is to formalise the relationship between BelfastCity Council and Belfast Education and Library Board to facilitate the enhancement of youth provision in Belfast

City Council Community Centres including, where appropriate, the involvement of voluntary groups and staff in the delivery of the programmes.


Roles and Responsibilities


Belfast Education and Library Board youth service will:


1.         Employ a cohort of part-time youth workers as follows:


2.         Provide line management for all staff employed by Belfast Education and Library Board


3.         Ensure that all staff and volunteers are vetted in line with legal requirements


4.         Ensure that staff work in accordance with Belfast Education and Library Board/Belfast City Council Health and Safety policies


5.         Ensure that all staff work in accordance with Belfast Education and Library Board Child Protection and Capability Procedures


6.         Oversee and manage the youth club bank accounts, ensuring that Belfast Education and Library Board’s financial accounting procedures are implemented


7.         Provide funding according to the youth service scheme of assistance including an agreed cost for room hire


8.         Encourage all staff and volunteers to avail of youth work training


9.         Provide additional programme support through auspices of                            Belfast Area Youth Projects


10.       Directly line manage the youth support worker-in-charge


11.       Quality assure youth work practice on monthly basis, producing an annual assessment/evaluation


Any Voluntary Youth Project will:


1.         Develop programmes for young people in line with the Northern Ireland Youth Service Curriculum (Model for Effective Practice)


2.         Operate the youth club on an agreed number of nights per week


3.         Devise and implement an annual youth work delivery plan


4.         Monitor the youth work delivery plan by completing a monthly report


5.         Complete an end of year evaluation report


6.         Co-ordinate if applicable, a summer programme in partnership with Belfast City Council and other providers within the area


7.         Set in place a membership registration scheme ensuring all nightly attendance is recorded


8.         Complete monthly time sheet, attendance sheet and financial returns


9.         Adhere to Belfast Education and Library Board and BCC Child Protection Procedures


10.       Through the youth support worker-in-charge, manage all youth work staff/volunteers and young people during the hours of opening


11.       Liaise with CDO (facilities) regarding building and CDO (Area Support) regarding programmes


12.       Manage and control all access to the Project, pertaining to club members


13.       Report any damage/repairs to the on duty supervisor


BelfastCity Council will:


1.         Have responsibility for the management of the Community Centre


2.         Provide lockable storage space for youth club equipment


3.         Facilitate space on a notice board for publication of youth club information


4.         Ensure facilities are available during times agreed


5.         Provide administration space for youth support worker-in-charge for an agreed number of hours per week


6.         Liaise with youth support worker-in-charge regarding issues pertaining to the building or programmes


7.         Work in partnership with Belfast Education and Library Board staff in delivering agreed joint programmes


This Memorandum of Understanding will take effect from ……………and be subject to an annual review.


Any disputes arising from this memorandum of understanding that cannot be resolved on site will be referred to the area youth officer and nominated council officer in the final instance.


Signed on behalf of Belfast Education and Library Board





Date ________________




Signed on behalf of Belfast City Council








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