Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       During 2008/09 the Shankill United Football Club (SUFC) had discussions with officers from Parks & Leisure and Community Services requesting a management lease of the HammerPavilionBuilding.


The Pavilion is a small community facility managed by Community Services and is adjacent to the Hammer Community Centre. The Club had an existing facilities management agreement with Parks & Leisure to manage a football pitch and a porta-cabin located within the Hammer Complex site.  The club also had independent access to part of the Hammer Pavilion for changing and shower facilities. 


1.2       To support the lease request, the Club asserted that its development was curtailed because the physical resources at its disposal did not meet senior league requirements, permit it to host visiting teams, allow it to expand its membership and permit access during busy weekend activities.

1.3       The Directors of Development and Parks & Leisure tabled a joint report at their respective Committees on 20 April 2009 and 14 May 2010 recommending a pilot facility management lease of the Pavilion to the SUFC from August 2009 until August 2010.

Furthermore it was recommended that pending a successful pilot phase, the lease and building would transfer to Parks & Leisure. 

Council agreed to these proposals in May and June 2009.


In 2008 BDO Stoy Hayward carried out a management options appraisal consulting with local stakeholders.  Its report recommended that the Council consider a pilot lease arrangement with SUFC to allow the group to demonstrate it possessed the necessary financial and management capability. It also recommended that pending a successful outcome of the pilot period, Community Services should transfer the Pavilion to Parks & Leisure in order to align it with a similar business model namely sport, leisure and recreation.


1.4       The Directors of Development and Parks & Leisure tabled a joint report at their respective Committees on 20 April 2009 and 14 May 2010 recommending a pilot facility management lease of the Pavilion to the SUFC from August 2009 until August 2010.

Furthermore it was recommended that pending a successful pilot phase, the lease and building would transfer to Parks & Leisure. 

Council agreed to these proposals in May and June 2009.


1.5       During the pilot phase, Community Services was specifically tasked to set up the legal agreement, monitor and support the clubs governance structures and pay the agreed management fee of £13,354 per annum.


Community Services through its designated officers has worked with the SUFC on a range of issues during 2009/10 including formal monitoring as per grants procedures. We are satisfied on the evidence presented to us that the SUFC has in place a strong volunteer base including structures and expertise to provide open and accountable management of the facility and resources.  SUCF most recent AGM took place in June 2010 with the presentation of reports, including recent financial statements and the open election of a committee.  All supporting documentation is held on file.


1.6       The Club have developed a range of policies and procedures for the effective and safe management of the facility including health & safety, child protection, booking systems and out of hours contact.  SUFC has also strengthened local partnership working and network links such as Greater Shankill Sports Committee, West Kirk Community Project, Stadium Sports, North City Training, Greater Shankill Community Council, Malvern Primary School and Greater Shankill Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership.


1.7       In support of the pilot project, Parks & Leisure were tasked with supporting the Club to develop a Sports Development Plan, including pitch and facility management.  Furthermore it was agreed that Parks & Leisure would support the Club to access sports funding opportunities.  


2                    Key Issues


2.1       Further to the successful pilot phase and the evidence from SUFU the management of the building can now transfer to Parks & Leisure with a view to permit the establishment of a longer term lease with Shankill United Football Club.


2.2       Pending a decision on the future lease arrangements with SUFC, Community Services suggest the deletion of one Supervisors post from the CS structure. This post has been vacant following retirement of the previous post holder, since 2009.


3                    Resource Implications


3.1       The related revenue budget is within revenue estimates and should transfer from Community Services to Parks to support the management lease fee (£13,354).


4                    Recommendations


4.1       It is recommended that Committee approve the following:


(i)         Internal Transfer of the Pavilion from Development Department Community Services to Parks & Leisure Department

(ii)        Budget transfer from Community Services to Parks to support management lease fee. (£13,354)

(iii)             Deletion of one post of supervisor at the Hammer Complex.”


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to adopt the recommendations within the report and it was agreed also that a letter be forwarded on behalf of the Committee congratulating Shankill United Football Club on its achievements to date in developing the site and on its success in promoting football in the Shankill area.


Supporting documents: