Agenda item


            (Mr. G. Copeland, City Events Manager, attended in connection with this item).


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       At the end of July 2010 and 2011 Belfast City Council hosted, in conjunction with the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association, the European Pipe Band Championships. The venue for these events was NICSSA sports grounds in Stormont Estate. The staging of the championships is part of a three year programme, with final year scheduled for 2012. Other key partners in the planning and delivery of these events were: NICCSA; DFP Stormont Estates, and NITB. On average the events attracted 120 bands and 47 drum majors from across the United Kingdom, Ireland and North America.  The events also attracted audiences of approximately 10,000 each year.


1.2       Belfast has now been invited to bid for the World Pipe Band Championships to be held in July 2013, 2014 and 2015. This event annually involves about 230 bands, and attracts over 40,000 spectators. While the event is usually a one day event, the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association is keen to trial a two day project in 2013. Belfast has previously, unsuccessfully, bid for the World Championships, with Committee approval, back in 2008.


2          Key Issues


2.1       Location


The event would require a space capable of catering for an audience of in excess of 40,000 people.  Currently City of Belfast Playing Fields, OrmeauPark and NICSSA are the only city venues capable of holding the scale of the event.


2.2       Economic impact


This is estimated at £10 million based on data from GlasgowCity Council in 2010. 


2.3       Bed nights


Again these are difficult to quantify but it would be estimated that the event would fill all current bed spaces in the city.


3                    Resource Implications


3.1       Cost to stage the event


The bid for the event would have two cost elements.  The first is the RSPBA fee; this must be paid directly to the organisation.  It is estimated that in order to be successful that the RSPBA fee would be an estimated £120,000 per year.  The second element of the cost would be for logistical and site requirements that the event would require, which are now required over a two day event period.  This is estimated at £280,000 per year. Therefore in total, annual cost would be £400,000, or £1.2 m over a three year period.


3.2       BelfastCity Council Contribution


It is suggested that Belfast City Council contribution would be £200,000 per year.  Other sources of public funds would need to be sought to meet the remaining cost.  These organisations would include the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure, NITB and the Ulster-Scots Agency.


Members are asked to note that a cheque, payable to the RSPBA, of £1,500 must accompany the bid documentation, and that this a non-refundable administration charge.  This money would be used by the RSPBA to undertake a site visit.


3.3       Financial

Members are been asked to agree to a commitment of £200,000 per year from 2013 to 2015 (total over 3 years).


The Council would also be required to pay a non refundable £1,500 administration fee to the RSPBA on submission of the bid.


3.4       Human Resources

No additional resources.


3.5       Asset and Other Implications

Use of Council property at City of Belfast Playing Fields and or OrmeauPark.


4          Recommendations


            It is recommended that Members consider the following:


§         Members are requested to consider that Belfast City Council bids to stage the 2013-2015 World Scottish Pipe Band Championships

§         Give approval to pay the bid fee of £1,500

§         Give approval to pay the RSPBA fee of £120,000 (fully refundable if the bid is unsuccessful).  If the bid is successful, a total Council contribution of £200,000 annually to the hosting this event in 2013, 2014 and 2015.

§         Approval to seek funding from the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure, NITB and the Ulster-Scots Agency.


4          Decision Tracking


Further to the completion of the bid process in late 2011, an update will be brought to Committee regarding the outcome and further decisions required.”


            The City Events Manager outlined the principal aspects of the report and answered a number of questions which were put to him by the Members. 


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to adopt the recommendations as set out within the report.


Supporting documents: