Agenda item


(Ms. K. Sweeney, Tourism, Culture and Arts Manager attended in connection with this item.)


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1         Relevant Background Information


1.1       Members agreed at the last meeting to defer a decision on Titanic / Maritime Heritage Signage until maps were provided showing were the signs would be located.


1.2       Three maps have been circulated to Members showing the current signage across the city (blue), proposed new signage (yellow) / replacement signage (red/green) and how the signs will support trails/orientation across the city.


2    Key Issues


2.1The Titanic / Maritime Signage is divided into four main themes.


2.2       (1)     TQ Direct – coded red on the map - this links Titanic Quarter  to the City Hall. It also includes upgrading the level of welcome in the train and bus terminals. Whilst there will be some new signs introduced to reinforce to visitors where Titanic Belfast is, the opportunity of drawing down 50% match funding from NITB will allow the council to upgrade a number of hubs and blades (installed in 2006) to show not only Titanic Quarter but other new products e.g. the MAC in Cathedral Quarter.


2.3       (2)     Titanic Trail - coded orange - Belfast City Council has already invested in visitor signage in Titanic Quarter, shown by the blue dots on the maps. There is a need for some additional signage for new products such as PRONI building and orientation point at the new rail link, Titanic Halt. There will be some updates to existing signage to show Titanic Belfast, the new plaza area and fingerposts to drive pedestrians towards the Northern Ireland Science Park and the Titanic Dock.


2.4       (3)     City of Merchants / Lagan, Clarendon Dock and Sailortown – coded green - to support Belfast being positioned as a maritime destination and not just Titanic, the final proposal for signage is to link a series  of buildings and sites e.g.  The Entries, Rosemary Street Presbyterian Church, MV Confiance, Harbour


                     Commission, Clarendon Docks and Sailortown.  Part of the purpose of this trail was to encourage visitors to leave TQ and spend time (and money) in the city centre, Cathedral Quarter and North Belfast.  The majority of this investment is in relation to finger posts.


2.5       (4)     The final proposal is for white on brown tourism signage from the motorway for Titanic Belfast due to the volume of visitors anticipated in 2012. DRD Roads Service is still reviewing this and final sites have not yet been agreed. Once these are agreed, BCC will be discussing costs with both Titanic Belfast and NITB to explore funding options. 


2.6Members should note that the Titanic /Maritime Heritage project was developed as NITB had funding available to support a Titanic Trail in the city. It was a priority identified in the Belfast Maritime Heritage study on the 15 February 2011. The opportunity of 50% match funding has been used to develop a scheme that will enhance and update existing signage provision and link less well known assets relating to maritime heritage. It is targeted at pedestrian users with the exception of brown and white signage from motorways.


2.7NITB does not generally fund tourist signage. In recent years they have made provision for signing trails linked to their signature projects e.g. Causeway coastal Route, St Patrick’s Trail.


2.8BCC’s Tourism, Culture and Arts unit and Planning and Transport Unit work collectively to integrate tourism signage into the Renewing the Routes programme and other public realm schemes where possible. The Titanic / Maritime Heritage signage will be funded from 2011 / 2012 budgets; however there will be opportunity to extend signage in other areas every year.


2.9In relation to linking visitors at Titanic Belfast into other areas of the city, the Tourism, Culture and Arts Unit is liaising with Titanic Belfast to ensure there are connections within the storyline content of the attraction to other parts of the city as well as an information point in the main reception area on other places to see. A visitor pass has also been funded, developed by BVCB, to link all other visitor attractions together via public transport.  BVCB and NITB are also developing a suit of publications around the Belfast Titanic / Maritime Heritage theme. Sites such as City Cemetery will be included in such material as a key site to visit linking to the overall Titanic story. 


2.10     Members should further note that signs for An Cultúrlann are currently in storage awaiting the completion of the building works.  This includes a primary hub and blade. Project Management have been instructed to commence the erection of this as soon as possible.  


3    Resource Implications




3.2The total costs for this project is £385,394. NITB is currently undertaking an appraisal of the figures and this figure may reduce. 


3.3Development Department has ring fenced a maximum of £190,000 towards this project. Any shortfall of funding will be applied for from NITB Tourism Development Scheme and Titanic Belfast.


4    Recommendations


4.1Members are asked to note the contents of this report and:


            -     Commit no more than £190,000 towards this scheme subject to the match funding being secured.”


A Member expressed concern that the proposed location of the signs was too heavily focused on the City Centre and did not address the rich history which linked the Titanic to communities across the City. The point was made that the signage ignored the rich cultural and social history of Belfast and it was suggested that the Director should consult with the Northern Ireland Tourist Board to relay the Members’ concerns in this regard. In response, the Director noted the concerns raised and pointed out that the Tourism, Culture and Arts Manager’s proposals reflected guidance as provided by the Tourist Board as to the type of proposals which their funding scheme was likely to support. However, he indicated that the he would draw the Members’ concerns to the attention of Tourist Board and agreed to bring back a future paper on the matter, including how the proposals interrelated with other tourism development initiatives being taken forward by the Department.


After further discussion, the Committee deferred consideration of the matter and noted the comments of the Director.


Supporting documents: