Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 13th December, it had agreed to receive a deputation from the Northern Ireland Hotels’ Federation to discuss a range of issues relating to the development of a major convention centre in the City.  It was reported that Ms. J. Gault, Mr. J. McGinn and Mr. M. Walker, representing the Federation, were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


Ms. Gault provided an overview of the work of the Federation and information on the current levels of hotel occupancy throughout the City, which, she pointed out, had been affected adversely by the economic decline. Whilst the levels of leisure tourism had remained robust despite the recession, Ms. Gault pointed out that business tourism, which encompassed the period from Sunday to Thursday, had witnessed a marked decline. She added that the reduction in the levels of business tourism was a cause of major concern for hoteliers across the City and stated that the establishment of a major convention centre, which could cater for between 500 and 2,000 delegates, would help alleviate the downturn in trade.


Ms. Gault suggested, given the absence of suitable facilities, that Belfast was unable to compete with cities such as Cardiff, Dublin and Glasgow for the lucrative convention market. She pointed out that the establishment of such a facility would provide a measurable boost to the local economy and provide additional employment.  She referred to the Council’s plans to extend the Waterfront Hall to incorporate a convention centre and indicated that the Federation would strongly support such an initiative as an interim solution. However, on a longer basis, she stated that a custom-built major convention centre would provide Belfast with the ability to compete with other cities on an equal basis.   Mr. McGinn and Mr. Walker then provided a range of figures in relation to the costs and potential benefits which the establishment of a convention centre would bring to the City over a short and long-term period.


During discussion, a number of Members expressed support for the concept of the establishment of major convention facilities in the City.  Further Members stated that it would be prudent for the Council to make a significant investment to extend the facilities available at the Waterfront Hall in order to enhance the overall tourist package offered by the City. The point was made, given the potential benefits a dedicated convention centre would bring to the hotel and tourist industries, that there existed an onus on the private sector to allocate significant resources towards such a development.  


The Director then outlined the levels of funding which would be required for the development of a convention centre at the Waterfront Hall; the projected income which could be generated by such a development and an outline of the funding, from both the public and private sectors, which could be accessed to assist the Council in such a project.


After discussion, the Committee agreed to note the information which had been provided and noted further that a special meeting of the Committee, to receive a presentation from RSM McClure Waters on the potential development of a convention centre at the Waterfront Hall, would be held at 5.15 p.m. on Monday, 6th February.


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