Agenda item


            (Mr. G. Copeland, Events Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1Purpose of the Report


      The purpose of this report is to:


-        Request approval for the Council’s programme of events in 2012/13 inclusive of Olympic and Paralympic Games activity and the World Irish Dancing Championships.


-        Update Members on the Titanic Belfast Festival 2012 (It should be noted that Council approval exists for Titanic Centenary activity in February 2011)




      Over that last decade and half Belfast City Council has developed an annual programme of events alongside one-off events.  The programme spans the calendar year from the annual St Patrick’s Day concert and parade in the spring, to the Christmas Lights Switch-on in the winter, and includes major sporting events.


1.3The annual budget for the events in the 2012/13 period is £1.7mand was approved by the Development Committee at its meeting on 10 January 2012 and is subject to ratification by Council on 1 February 2012.


2    Key Issues


2.1Titanic Belfast Festival 2012 and 2012/13 Events Programme


      Details of the events programme, which is primarily based around key public and celebratory holidays and incorporates major sporting events, including the Belfast Marathon, is indicated in Table 1 below, with further detail on the Titanic Belfast Festival 2012 shown in Appendix 1. This event is being co-funded and coordinated with the Northern Ireland Tourist Board.


2.2Table 1


Event & Date(s)                       Additional Details


World Irish Dancing                This will be the fourth time that

Championships:                      Belfast has hosted the ‘Olympics’

30 March-7 April 2012              of Irish Dancing, which will see

                                                thousands of competitors from around the world come to our city.


                                                It should be noted a third venue is now required (St George’s Market) and there is a request to increase the original staging budget from £200k to £225k.  The need for the third venue is due to increasing numbers of competitors than when the Belfast bid was submitted in 2010.


                                                The additional £25,000 would be allocated from within the Council’s existing 2012 programme budgets.


Titanic Belfast Festival:          This event programme will not

31 March – 22 April                 only mark the centenary of the

                                                sailing and sinking of the RMS

                                                Titanic, but also the opening of the Titanic Belfast attraction. The key elements of the programme are:


·        International Digital Lighting Show

·        MTV World Stage Concert

·        Titanic Memorial Garden and Commemorative event

·        Titanic ‘the Play’ with the MAC; Belfast Festival; Scottish National Theatre and Barbican

·        BBC Memorial Concert

·        BBC Proms concert


                                                These events will be complemented with a series of talks, tours, exhibitions, drama and music. In addition the planned programme will also have input from other Titanic locations in: Cobh, Co Cork, Cherbourg, Southampton and Liverpool.  There is also input from NITB; Titanic Belfast and Belfast Titanic Society.


Deep River Rock Belfast         This will be the 31st year of

City Marathon:                        Ireland’s biggest mass

7 May                                       participation event, which attracted over 20,000 competitors in 2011, a record for the event.  At the time of writing this report some 1,200 marathon entries have been received for the 2012 event.


Olympic Torch Evening           The Olympic flame will arrive into

Celebration:                            Belfast and traverse across the

6 June                                      city culminating with an evening celebration, outside the grounds of City Hall, involving sports personalities and musical performances. Finance for the Olympic Torch Celebration would be funded from Council agreed reserves set aside in 2012/2013 budgets in regard to staging major international events – total cost would be £50,000.


Land of Giants:                       This event will involve the Lord

30 June                                    Mayor and will replace the Lord Mayor’s Carnival in 2012. It is one of only four UK community celebrations that are part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad.  The event is being delivered via a limited not-for-profit company which consists of: Beat Initiative; Belfast Community Circus; Young at Art and BCC.


Olympic and Paralympic     This would be a series of events

Live Site programme:              with links to Olympic and

TBC                                         Paralympic programming along with live links to Royal Opera House in London.  The series of events would be funded from the Department of Culture, Arts & Leisure (DCAL) as part of its input to the BBC Live Site Screen programming at City Hall.


European Pipe Band                Committee approved the bidding

Championship:                        for this event in 2009 and Belfast

28 July                                     was successful in securing this prestigious event for a three year period (2010-2012). This one day event is anticipated to attract in the region of 12,000 spectators. The overall programming is operated in conjunction with the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association.


Paralympic Flame                    The proposed event from the

Festival:                                  London 2012 organisers will see

25 August                                the Paralympic flame lit on the steps of Stormont and then traverse across Belfast, arriving into the grounds of City Hall for an afternoon/evening of entertainment and sports.  Finance for the Paralympic Flame Festival would come from Council agreed reserves in regard to staging major international events – total cost would be £25,000.


Belfast Autumn Fair:               This proposed event would be

22 & 23 September                  run in cooperation with BCC

operated with BCC                  Parks & Leisure incorporating

Parks and Leisure                   their traditional Autumn Flower

                                                Show.  This event normally

                                                attracts an audience of 12,000 people.


Halloween Metro                     Annually this event has attracted

Monster Mash:  Date               an audience in excess of 25,000

TBC but either the                   and in the last few years has

31 Oct or the nearest               been staged in Belfast Harbour,

date to it                                  outside the Odyssey complex.  Titanic Slipways are also being assessed as a suitable site in 2012.


Christmas Switch-on              Anecdotally seen as the official

and programme:                      start of the City's festive season

Saturday 17 November            this programme would be

                                                launched with the annual switch-on, orientated towards a family audience.  Members are asked to note a more detailed report on this event will be taken to Committee in the next two months due to crowd management issues encountered at the 2011 event.


Christmas Switch-on              The 2012 programme includes

and programme:                      costs for a schools carol service

Saturday 17 November            at the Belfast Waterfront

                                                (organised with the Belfast School of Music), live music at City Hall and festive lighting on the building. The festive lighting would be based on the final lighting signage in 2011.


St Patrick’s Day:                     This planned event encompasses

17 March 2013                         a carnival parade and live concert

                                                to mark St Patrick’s Day.  Parade participants come from across the city with the event attracting out -of-city and out-of-state visitors.


Support for Sport                    This is an annual programme of

funding                                    funding that sports clubs and

                                                sports event organisers can access.  The programme is issued via a single tranche via public notices and is accessible via the Council’s webpage.


Sail Training Funding              As in previous years it is

                                                proposed that this funding will be used in connection with Ocean Youth Trust to continue the work of enhancing young people’s personal skills base via sailing activities.  This process played an important part in BCC securing the Tall Ships race in 2015.  In 2011, 424 young Belfast people availed of this opportunity.


                                                Members are asked to note that it is essential to continue the Council’s backing going forward to the 2015 Tall Ships event.

Event Economic Impact          This proposed finance comprises

Surveys & Event Bidding        the economic surveys undertaken for each event and additionally provides for a level of contingency for the annual events programme.


2.3Lord Mayor’s Carnival 2012 and New Year’s Eve 2012


      The above has neither a Lord Mayor’s Carnival event nor a New Year’s Eve event programmed in 2012.  The absence of the Lord Mayor’s event is due to the Council agreeing to the transfer of resources to the Land of Giants project.  However, there will be input from the 2012/13 Lord Mayor into the project delivery on 30th June.  A report on the Lord Mayor’s event will be taken to Committee next month.


2.4The lack of a New Year’s event is in line with 2008 Members’ decision to halt funding, to this event, due to costs.


3    Resource Implications




      The total overall budget for this programme, inclusive of the Titanic Belfast Festival, is £1.7 million.


3.2The additional £25,000 for the World Irish Dancing Championships would also be allocated from within the Council’s existing 2012/13 programme budgets.  The additional finance for the Olympic Torch Run Celebration and Paralympic Flame Festival would be funded from Council agreed reserves set aside in 2012/2013 in regard to staging major international events at a total cost of £75,000.


4    Recommendations


4.1The following decisions are required from Members:


(i)          to note the programme details for Titanic Belfast Festival 2012


(ii)        to endorse the 2012/13 programme, subject to full Council approval on the Department’s budgets


(iii)       to approve £25,000 additional finance for the World Irish   Dancing Championships in 2012


(iv)        to approve finance for the Olympic Torch Run Celebration and Paralympic Flame Festival funded from reserves set aside in 2012/2013 in regard to staging major international events at a total cost of £75,000.”


            Regarding plans outlined within the report to utilise St. George’s Market as a third venue for the hosting of the Irish World Dancing Championships, a Member referred to a request for information which he had submitted to the Director in respect of the legal position regarding the priority usage of St. George’s Market by local community groups. He indicated that he had received no clarification and sought further information in this regard.


            In response, the Director referred to the contents of the 1996 contract between the Council and the National Heritage Memorial Fund, which oversaw the agreement for the restoration of the building, which stated, within Clause 8, that there was no specific arrangement in place for community groups but merely an agreement that the Council would arrange for the general public to have full and appropriate access to the property and provide, on demand, details of such access to the National Heritage Memorial Fund. In addition, the Council would ensure that no person would be denied unreasonable access to the property.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.