Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1   Relevant Background Information


1.1  Purpose


      The purpose of this report is to update Members on the current position with regard to the Draft Masterplan and process following the Committee request for the opportunity to have individual Party briefings and additional time to respond to the circulated documents.


1.2  A verbal update in respect of the ongoing Party briefings was provided at the 22 February 2012 meeting.  This report seeks to summarise the comments received to date and outline the next steps in the proposed process for continued engagement and work to progress the development of the Masterplan.


2    Key Issues


2.1  The process of individual Party briefings has now been completed, although some parties have requested the opportunity to submit further detailed specific comments. As previously reported to the February Committee there were some common issues raised through the consultations with the individual parties which are summarised below:


-        The need for further and sustained political engagement in the consultation and development of the Masterplan


-        The adoption of a phased approach to the process for the proposed consultation ensuring engagement with the Executive (Departments) prior to public consultation


-        Clear alignment between the Masterplan and the Investment Programme. This should be then be enhanced through subsequent alignment with Government priorities following consultation


-        The Masterplan should have a greater emphasis on the need for direct intervention in the more deprived areas or neighbourhoods to address unemployment and disadvantage


-        The connectivity challenges should be highlighted with additional areas prioritised to ensure the centre city is integrated with and accessible to the surrounding neighbourhoods


-        The neighbourhood hubs or clusters concept and their role or development alongside the focus on continued growth of the centre city area requires further clarification.


2.2  The Committee at the meeting on the 22 February 2012 sought clarification of a number of issues including the definition of poverty and the approach to the proposed engagement with the Executive. In relation to the reference to ‘poverty’, as referred to in the previously circulated Party Groups Feedback paper, it was confirmed that this would follow the definition already agreed by this Committee. The Committee also highlighted the need for the Chair and Deputy Chair along with Party Leaders to lead the engagement with the Executive in respect of the Masterplan element of any ongoing consultation with the Executive or Ministers.


2.3  The suggested approach to continued engagement with the Executive and broader consultation was outlined as a two stage process designed to address the first two points in the Party Groups Feedback paper. The wider process of engagement between the Council and Departments has been initiated and the first meeting has taken place with the DoE Minister and officials at which this issue was tabled along with other issues.


2.4  The more detailed list of responses and issues raised in the briefings are captured in an appended document under the Strategic, Specific and General headings. This document seeks to summarise the detailed feedback from the individual meetings and the subsequent Party submissions.


2.5  It is proposed that the Consultants are requested to address the comments raised through a revision to the current draft document that will also take account of any issues arising from the engagement with the Central Government Departments. This editorial work would be carried out under their existing contract to develop a draft Masterplan document. 


2.6  It should be noted that the proposed two stage process for continued engagement with the Executive and broader consultation is beyond the scope of the existing consultancy commission. It is proposed that a further report is brought before the Committee to consider the next phases of the engagement and the initial finding in respect of those Masterplan recommendations that may require further exploration and additional consultancy support.


3    Resource Implications


3.1  There are no resource implications arising from this report.





4    Recommendations


4.1  Members are requested to:


(i)            note the feedback received from the individual Party briefings and the intention to instruct the Consultants to incorporate the comments in a revised Draft of the Masterplan;


(ii)           endorse the clarification in relation to the reference to ‘poverty’, as mentioned in the Party Groups Feedback paper, which it is confirmed would follow the definition already agreed by this Committee.


(iii)          note the commencement of the engagement activity with the Executive as the initiation of a two stage process designed to address the first two points in the Party Feedback paper; and


(iv)          note the proposal to bring a further report to Committee for consideration of the proposed engagement and any requirement of additional consultancy support to address the initial Masterplan recommendations.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations. In addition, it was agreed that a request would be forwarded to the Minister for Social Development, Mr. Nelson McCausland, M.L.A., seeking his approval to discuss the matter of the Council’s Masterplan also at the forthcoming meeting between a Council’s deputation and the Minister in respect of the re-development of the Lagan Canal.


Supporting documents: