Agenda item


            (Councillor Webb left the meeting whilst this item was under consideration.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.  Relevant Background Information


1.1  Lagan Canal Restoration Trust


      In November 2006 Members approved the establishment of the Lagan Canal Restoration Trust and in 2008 the core funding bodies appointed a manager whose remit was to set up the Trust. The Trust is a not for profit company limited by guarantee with charitable status.


1.2  The Trust currently represents core funding bodies and key interest groups including; Belfast City Council, Lisburn City Council, Castlereagh Borough Council, Craigavon Borough Council, Department of Culture Arts and Leisure (DCAL). Other Trust stakeholders include; Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA),  Department of Social Development (DSD), Inland Waterways Association of Ireland (IWAI), Countryside Access and Activities Network (CAAN), Ulster Waterways Group (UWG) , Lagan Valley Regional Park and a number of public stakeholders.


1.3  In August 2009 Development Committee funded the Trust until March 2011 and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Development Committee were appointed as Belfast City Council representatives on the Trust Board.


1.4  For the three year period 2009-2011 all of the key partners contributed funding to the Trust, and for the three year period from April 2011 until March 2014, the following key partners further committed funding. This included; Lisburn City Council £112,200, DCAL £56,100, Craigavon Borough Council £22,500, and Castlereagh £11,200.


1.5  In April 2011 Members agree one year funding of £16,800 for the Lagan Canal Restoration Trust until March 2012 with a review of future funding. The Trust is now seeking funding from Council for the next two year period.


1.6  For the period 2012-2013 the Council’s financial commitment would be £16,827 and in period 2013-2014 it would be £17,341. A total funding contribution of £34,178.


1.7  A number of key impact reports are currently being undertaken by the Trust, namely; a Business Case and Funding Strategy, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and a Technical Assessment of the canal and locks of the Lagan Corridor from Belfast to Lough Neagh. These reports are considered fundamental to the possible future capital development of the project and will be completed in summer 2012.


1.8  Belfast City Council in conjunction with Castlereagh Borough Council and Lisburn City Council has submitted an Expression of Interest for funding to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) AXIS 3, Rural Development Programme, for the Lagan Strategic Rural Project. This submission is based on partnership support and includes the Stranmillis Gateway project as a key element of the project.


1.9  Following a meeting on the future of the Lagan Gateway with DCAL Minister Ni Chuilin in November 2011, a business breakfast will be planned for key stakeholders during April in the City Hall. With the city’s draft Investment Programme 2012-2015 recently launched, the business breakfast is being used as an opportunity to feed into the consultation process.


2.   Key Issues


2.1  The Lagan Canal Restoration Trust


      Members will be aware that in 2006 an offer of £1million funding was made available to Council by Ulster Garden Villages Limited (UGV) towards the reopening of the Lagan gateway Lock 1 at Stranmillis, on the bases that match funding would be available.


2.2  UGV initially supported the Council by providing funding of £50,000 from the £1 million offer, to establish the Lagan Corridor Officer post within the Development Department.


2.3  As an emerging partnership project, the Lagan Canal corridor project is included in Belfast City Council’s Investment Programme 2012-2015.


2.4  In the Investment Programme, it is recognised that the Council cannot realise objectives on its own, and therefore needs to work in partnership other key partners from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors.


2.5  Funding commitments have been agreed by the following key core funders up to 2014; Lisburn City Council, Castlereagh Borough Council, Craigavon Borough Council and DCAL.


2.6  The Lagan Canal Restoration Trust is seeking funding of £34,178 from Council for the two year period from 2012-2014.


3.   Resource Implications


3.1  The Lagan Canal Restoration Trust is seeking funding of £34,178 from Council for the two year period from 2012-2014.  The cost to Council for year one is £16,827 and is included within the current 2012-2013 budget.


4.   Equality and Good Relations Considerations


4.1  No adverse impact on section 75 groupings. 


5.   Recommendations


5.1  Members are requested to agree a two year extension of funding for the Lagan Canal Restoration Trust until March 2014. Following this period a review of future funding for this organisation is undertaken in light of the economic climate, future prioritisation by Council, potential external funding and partner commitment. The cost to Council is £34,178.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation and authorised the expenditure as set out.

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