Agenda item


(Alderman Stoker left the room whilst this item was under discussion.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1    Relevant Background Information


1.1Donegall Pass Community Centre was constructed in 2001 in direct response to community need in the area.  The centre has been accessed by the local community providing much needed services since that time.


1.2Council support for the community centre was approved by the Community and Leisure Sub-Committee at its meeting on 12th March 1996.  It was agreed that Council would part fund the construction of the centre together with associated running costs.  The total capital cost being £244,500:  75% of which was funded by ‘Making Belfast Work’.


1.3Under the original terms of the development the responsibility of managing the centre was undertaken by Council.  However this was viewed as a short term measure with the ultimate aim of transferring the management of the centre to the community.  Therefore at the meeting of the Community and Leisure Sub-Committee in August 2000, it was agreed that a provision be made within the revenue estimates to enable the centre to operate as a full time directly managed facility for a period of two years with a view to building local capacity to adopt the local community management model at the end of an agreed period.  This arrangement was further extended at the meeting of the Sub-Committee of 7th January 2003 and again in 2007 on the basis that both the local community and Council officers felt the capacity had not been adequately developed to support local independent management arrangements.


1.4Donegall Pass Community Forum (DPCF) developed an area master plan in 2009 for the Donegall Pass area. 

      The community centre is considered to be a vital part of the master plan which will enable the strengthening of community infrastructure and facilities.  Within this context officers met with representatives of the DPCF in order to assess the potential of the Forum to assume management responsibilities for the centre.  The outcome of this being that the DPCF, with support from Council, undertook a full economic business plan (2010).  This included stakeholder consultation, extensive desktop research and benchmarking analysis.  The study considered a range of options for the management of the centre and associated risk.


1.5The Development Committee at its meeting on 11th May 2011 agreed to the request from the DPCF to ‘seek to explore the possibility with Council of conducting a period of transition (1 year) which would allow it to fully examine the practicalities of assuming the management of the Centre successfully’.


1.6The Development Committee at its meeting on 14th September 2011 authorised a request from DPCF to extend the transition period for a further six months.


2    Key Issues


2.1The DPCF has now concluded the transition period which involved: members of the DPCF shadowing Council staff at Donegall Pass Community Centre; site visits by DPCF to other community managed facilities; and transfer of policy/procedures/centre budget and all relevant information to DPCF.


2.2DPCF has informed Council that ‘transfer of the Donegall Pass Community Centre to a locally based organisation is in the interests of the community it serves.’  However it is the Forums view that before entering into agreement with Council to undertake management of the facility a number of outstanding issues need to be addressed.  These issues relate to income and expenditure (current and potential), programming of local services, and the current design of the building and possible adaption to meet the needs of DPCF.  Officers are currently supporting the DPCF to address these issues


2.3In determining the organisation’s competence and capacity to undertake community management of Donegall Pass Community Centre, officers will also identify any support or capacity issues which will require the expertise of appropriate officers to facilitate a smooth and successful transition to community management. 


2.4On completion of the organisations information and support requirements being addressed, a further extension will be necessary to allow the DCPF time to consider fully all elements of this undertaking and to then provide a realistic, planned and robust approach to Council.


3    Recommendation


      The Committee is requested to authorise an extension which will allow DPCF to appraise its position and submit a proposal to Council.  A report on the outcome will be presented to Committee in the autumn 2012.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: